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2 things i'd like to see improved someday

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I don't know if any more patches will come for OFP R but if it will be so, there are two things i'd like to see improved:

1. Modified respawn type.

It would be wery nice when there would be new type of respawn or just the 'base' respawn would be modified so it wold include number of respawns. Something simple like <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">respawn="base"(x); where X would be nuber of respawns. I've played missions made by Icebone where it was done by some scripts and i think it is very good idea.

2. Exitting from vehicle with the weapon on shoulder :\.

When you start a mission with your weapon on shoulder, later in the game every time you exit vehicle (no matter if you had the weapon in your hands while getting in) you have to take the weapon of your shoulder again its irritating specially when fast action needs to be done. rock.gif

I love the game it is now, but you know... nothing stands on the way to excellence.

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About unshouldering a weapon, I think the game is ok with how it is now in my opinion. When you exit a vehicle you would have to ready your weapon anyways.

Here's a quick and simple hint for you. When you exit a vehicle, and you want to ready your weapon quickly, don't fool with the action menu. Just simply click your mouse fire-button once. Your character will ready his weapon but not fire it. Quick, simple, and effective.

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Quote[/b] ]'ey? When i exit vehicles i always have my gun in my hands.

Try to insert your unit in editor with a behaviour on sefe (or somethin like that - that makes the unit carrying the gun on the shoulders), then start mission grab gun in hands get in vehicle and exit... rock.gif

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