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Island creation

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Hi there.

I did not created any island yet, but i got the idea of creating the area surroundig the place i live (i want to use the visitor) and i have some questions:

- Does OFP and visitor allows to create some ponds/lakes higher or lower than the sea level?

- What should be the size of plane in 3D Studio to crate a 10x10km^2 map (like in original flashpoint maps)? (In visitor tutorial they suggested 256x256 but it's to small i guess)

- Are there any other visitor tutorials, because i did not find in the breathe tutorial how to place the city names and the terrain height spots?

- Do you think that using maplike-photos taken from a plane to texture the land is good idea?

Thanks for any help  

Sorry for my bad english

Please don't yell at me for "not serching before posting" because i did a little search before sad_o.gif

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wellim not a island maker but you can't make a lake above sea level , well that is with the normal ofp water

this is the only attempt i know of that featerus different "water"


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Depending on where you live, it might be possible to get 3d satellite height maps of your area. It is posssible to convert these "dem" files for usage in visitor and flashpoint. They would need some work for usage in-game, but it'd give you a head start.

I have the terrain maps for my region and some islands nearby. Haven't done much with them though. Unless you live in Canada, my source would be useless.

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