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The engine & the models

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I call for a better engine bassically, a really good engine, with better lighting and not some crappy old modified one, a completely new engine for this game.

Getting some stuff from the recent E3 Presentation I found some new and incredible stuff. Half-life 2 looks ok, but it still looks a little behind along with the new Quake. But then I glanced at the best engine that I have ever seen in my life. Unreal Engine 0.3 is the best i've ever seen for a computer. It looks ultimatley...real as can be for a computer game. Think that movie final fantasy graphics in a computer game.

They also have created an awesome new way of building human models. Using about 1 million something polygons at first and then putting a lower polly over that thenn adjusting it or something so that its down to 85,000 polygons and then it human looks like........OH MY GOD!! INCREDIBLE!!! Every single detail is there!!!

Now I wish for Bohemia to use better skill at making animations and making models. Use a human body using the motion capture technology and make several different types of models. Women, Childern, and others but make it so that it can be more polygons, better details, more faces but edit the engine so that even though it has more detail it can still make it so the computer hardler even slows down.

Also, i'd like the soldier to look into my eyes but not have like big pixels as his eye lids. You think Unreal 2 had big pixels as eye lids? No. They had perfect eyes that would swivel and look at you and the detail was amazing. I expect the same from OFP 2. I hope I don't ask too much for the Bohemia team but its the future, not the past anymore, time to live it!



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