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Operation enduring freedom

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Logo/HP - backround - test

My opinion:

1. The title is too faded.

2. The flag eagle motif should be smaller

3. The USCC emblem is pretty much lost in the sauce.

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And what units will you guys use has the Taliban? i dont think there are any good taliban/ME terrorist units out rock.gif

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remos taliban pack, choose that

the only and best one i reckon

i think u just have to edit them abit though give them jam hd weapons and make their sensitivity less

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Guest major gandhi

just read some pages of this thread and I'm really amazed of what I heard so far. I got a little bit frustrated of ofp because of the lack of good, original missions, but your project seems to fill this gap.

I know thsi question sucks, but since I can't wait for the campaign I have to ask it!

Do you already know when the campaign or the demo will approximately be released?

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- Thx for your opinion Mrs. Avon Lady; as i wrote ... a test;

- Mr. ruff / Mr. Heatseeker: Our enemy units are a mix of different PFLP and Taliban units ... also vehicles;

- major gandhi: Softegg wrote: its done when its done ... i also can't accept that  zahn.gif

- Unfortunally the really great Bradley animations for TOW etc. do not work in our MPMissions  sad_o.gif



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remos taliban pack, choose that

the only and best one i reckon...

Its the only one so it makes it best but... its a shame there isnt any more better ones out, with all the delta, spetznas and other redone units its a shame nobody did a high quality terrorist/guerrilla pack sad_o.gif .

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very nice, but u do seem to have an over fondness for the opacity slider in Photoshop tounge_o.gif

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very nice, but u do seem to have an over fondness for the opacity slider in Photoshop  tounge_o.gif

... not more than in your banner used biggrin_o.gif



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Very nice Screenshots and you might of said it somewhere in this post but after reading two pages of people moaning about why not for single player I couldn't make it anymore.

1. When will this be finished missions and addons?

2. Will you have to run this as a seperate mod server or can you just add it to a server that has acouple of mods already running.

3. Will you have to clean the MPMission folder out for the missions since they play back to back or will there be a script in each mission to pull the next mission.

The Dragon Knights are ready to play this right away.

Also thx for making this for MP because most mission pack are made for SP. The guys in here asking for a SP Campaign, go make one yourself that is what they made the UnPBO tool for. You guys don't know what you missing in the MP world.

Thx BR

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Thx BigRed,

well, i only can answer one question u told;

1. actually status demo missions: waypoints and dialog - end in sight

2. we have to ask Mr. Softegg in this case

3. - like #2 -

and yes, there is a very big different between SPMissions and MPMissions, called intensivity of work and time.

Thats still the reason why the OFP:R Campaign not can not be transformed in a MP-Campaign:

it has be *new* scripted ...



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Parvus if you need any help testing stuff let me know my 20+ members whould help out anyway.

Drop something in our forum if you would like to take me up on the offer. www.dragon-knights.info

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1. When will this be finished missions and addons?

2. Will you have to run this as a seperate mod server or can you just add it to a server that has acouple of mods already running.

3. Will you have to clean the MPMission folder out for the missions since they play back to back or will there be a script in each mission to pull the next mission.


i want to answer the questions:

1. we are still working on a first demo mission. allmost all required addons are from other groups/people. only a handfull new addons are made by us.

2. the demo mission will run with a mod-folder called @mpc and you need to start ecp too. the final campaign will have their own config, everything will be included in some install-files. overall, this is not intended to be a seperate mod to be used by people in the editor, only we collect neccesary things and level/enhance them for our needs.

3. our missions don't collide with other mission-files in the MPMissions folder. informations are transported via ofp-script-commands.

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Parvus if you need any help testing stuff let me know my 20+ members whould help out anyway.

Drop something in our forum if you would like to take me up on the offer.  www.dragon-knights.info

rgr BigRed

=> layout testing





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the demo mission is still in development, now we need some voice actors.

we are searching some english speaking people with "adult" voices. wink_o.gif

please pm me, i will give you more details then.

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Thx guyz^^ (still no answer) mad_o.gif

- a small, fine community, which is worth to be enriched by our mod -

... think about it!

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... is your name program or do you have an *adult* voice for some *.wav speech?  smile_o.gif



btw: thx

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English is not my native language but if you need someone with german accent - I'm in (Maybe for the evil enemy general or something)!

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