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Hunt the intruder - out-flank him

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There is the YF-12, A-12, and SR-71. The YF-12 was equipped with FLIR sensors at the leading edge of the chines, just behind the cockpit. The length of the nose cone is rounded. On the other variants, the chines extend forward to nearly the tip of the nose. The -71 model is the most recent.

The AF Base we're stationed at has an SR-71 on static display, I see it everyday. Seems so unbelievable to me that this once super-secret plane, my boyhood favorite, is just sitting out by the parade field. I can walk right up to it and piss on the tyres if I want. ( That might be a bit painful if I get caught though. ) Seriously, I often sit in the grass, under the shade of the wing, and have picnics with my daughter.

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I used the harrier scripts from Col Klink in the MV-22, AI got no clue how to use it so had to vertert to making it a feally fast chopper, but it being so large usualy the AI crash it. finished the cockpit at last, and now farting around in the cargo hold.. After getting access to a Marine one in realife to get photo referance.

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Bobcatt you really planning to release it? smile_o.gif

IF yes would you mind giving us a beta to play around with? biggrin_o.gif

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Whose Blackbird is that? Is there a release date?

its my blackbird wink_o.gif

no release date

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Bobcatt you really planning to release it? smile_o.gif

IF yes would you mind giving us a beta to play around with? biggrin_o.gif

Its got a long way to go before it ever sees release. I don't release betas anymore, Too much broken addons circulating about the community, as well as having too many theives take my betas alter them and release them claiming its their own. Mostly a testbed for scripting currently, the textures suck, so people are pissing and moaning about some of the other addons cause they ae not pretty enough so not worth releasing it at this stage cause I don't wanna deal with people who seem to lack intelligence to remember its a beta or even the read me file.

Ooooo I can see all the spam about the props not tilting now. or the texture are not 1024 x 720. Naw it can sit, get one of the better looking ones to be released.. Hell I gave the model over to a few other mods and they never released it See it in the background of screenshots of other addons.

Besides the topic of this thread was Footmunch's planes, ya goober.. ;)

Footmunch wanna finish it I'll chearfully turn it over to him at least poeple don't steal his addons.. ;) Then it might get done before OFP-2. =P Then I can go back to my high poly Mi24 project.


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I want a YF-12 - the fastest fighter aircraft in the world!!!1one



Being Pedantic it wasnt a "Fighter" at best it was an missile platform/interceptor.

Besides, as much as i like exotic aircraft whats the point of an M3.2 aircraft in OFP?

not to be the thunderstorm @ a parade here..

but i have to agree with this statment, not becuz of the speed, but becuz this isnt your typical aircraft... its "crusiing altidue" is outside the earths atmosphere.

and aside form the bb space pack, outside 15000 meters you explode in OFP....

dont get me wrong im all for the comonly ridaculed "usless addon" like a 'new pc' or 'better looking laptop' type addons but this one, althou looking very nice, falls way outside the rehelm of useful ness.

now perhaps a U2 might be more useful for spying.. thats a more down to earth type spy plane, plus if you get a slow enough sam missel you could play "dodge the sam" if your spoted

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...ok Footmunch,take all your time! perfection is a detail

thanks for answer.:)

and,take a look at this prevew of OFP2,F14 is a standard air units..


blues.gif  crazy_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

That is a horrible joke. You almost game me a heart attack. I did not see the small text at the bottom, and well... mad_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

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I want a YF-12 - the fastest fighter aircraft in the world!!!1one



Being Pedantic it wasnt a "Fighter" at best it was an missile platform/interceptor.

Besides, as much as i like exotic aircraft whats the point of an M3.2 aircraft in OFP?

not to be the thunderstorm @ a parade here..

but i have to agree with this statment, not becuz of the speed, but becuz this isnt your typical aircraft... its "crusiing altidue" is outside the earths atmosphere.

and aside form the bb space pack, outside 15000 meters you explode in OFP....

dont get me wrong im all for the comonly ridaculed "usless addon" like a 'new pc' or 'better looking laptop' type addons but this one, althou looking very nice, falls way outside the rehelm of useful ness.

now perhaps a U2 might be more useful for spying.. thats a more down to earth type spy plane, plus if you get a slow enough sam missel you could play "dodge the sam" if your spoted

Perhaps a crashed version... there are always possibilities..

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Guest RKSL-Rock
now perhaps a U2 might be more useful for spying.. thats a more down to earth type spy plane, plus if you get a slow enough sam missel you could play "dodge the sam" if your spoted

The U2 is already in the works. Crashed one may be part of the release if not the beta.

Pics here> http://rksl.sol-legion.net

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Ok lets dont get this off-footmunch`s-Topic pls crazy_o.gif

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@ Footmunch himself:

Could you make a script for custom weapon equipment like Hawk made it on his KA50?

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Hawks weapon load outs are pretty cool my main gripe is the bird should have detaul load out, or beable to select the load out in the editor. I often get greased on the ground by enemy air trying to arm up my unit for combat, that and the dam anno truck screaming off wihtout warning and having to chase it around the area.

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its "crusiing altidue" is outside the earths atmosphere.

That doesn't make sense. Above earth's atmosphere means that there is no air to create lift on the wings let alone to keep the engines running. And the SR-71 is the fastest air-breathing aircraft in the world.

I'm sure you meant above Troposphere: the lowest layer of the earth's atmosphere, where all weather takes places.


SR-71's ceiling: 25km (well in the stratosphere)

Even the lowest satellites orbit at an altitude of about 150-1000km

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What would be really sweet in any recon plane (SR-71, U-2, ect...) is a menu option that automatically took screen shots.

That would be pretty cool I think if that is possible.

Maybe only if the recon camera is selected as a weapon. smile_o.gif

Footmunch is great at that stuff...maybe he can make a recon version of his F-4 phantom with such a script and share the script with rock for his U2.

Anyhoo...just a thought....

I know Footmunch has his plate full at the moment (as always) and anything he makes I'm always very happy about.

Rock on Footmunch!!!!


Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Mixing Hawk's 'interactive-loadout' with the pseudo-proxies is

hard: if you want to allow _any_ loadout, you have to have

hidden selections for _all_ weapons on _all_ pylons. That's

a _lot_ of polys. It would be easier if I could 'switch' between

pre-planned loadouts (as on the Falcon), and just let the

ammo-truck give you an option to jump between those.

Doo-dee doo, doo dum doo dee doo. Hmm, what's this:






Few bits and bobs to add (burner, pic/icon, shine, vanes

forward of the wings). Beta very soon.

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Mixing Hawk's 'interactive-loadout' with the pseudo-proxies is

hard: if you want to allow _any_ loadout, you have to have

hidden selections for _all_ weapons on _all_ pylons. That's

a _lot_ of polys. It would be easier if I could 'switch' between

pre-planned loadouts (as on the Falcon), and just let the

ammo-truck give you an option to jump between those.

Doo-dee doo, doo dum doo dee doo. Hmm, what's this:






Few bits and bobs to add (burner, pic/icon, shine, vanes

forward of the wings). Beta very soon.



Its looking awesome like allways!

Even better this time! wink_o.gif

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Sweet F14, will it be having moveable wings and will we be seeing different camo shemes like the F15?

Keep up the good work man smile_o.gif

EDIT: A close look on the pics answered my first question smile_o.gif

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Sweet F14, will it be having moveable wings and will we be seeing different camo shemes like the F15?

Keep up the good work man  smile_o.gif

EDIT: A close look on the pics answered my first question  smile_o.gif

Thought it might  wink_o.gif

Wings swing automatically, like the Flogger. Vanes deploy

proportionally at high speed.

Initial release will be standard grey, as shown.

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blues.gif  blues.gif  blues.gif

Hurray for 'Footmunch The Crowd-Pleaser' !!!!!

You should start accepting donations to the cause.. tounge_o.gif

(BTW- beautiful work as always)

biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

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Footmunch did it again wow_o.gif

exelent texetures!!

i realy loved it,

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Congrats Footmunch smile_o.gif

Looks awesome as always!

So the dream of an excellent F-14 will come true...

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OMFG Footmunch....

There are no words to describe how much you rule.

Need some cockpit pics from an F-14A? I have some smile_o.gif

Front: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v422/seal84/P1010010.jpg

Rear, looking aft: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v422/seal84/P1010009.jpg

Rear, instruments: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v422/seal84/P1010008.jpg

Here are a couple of pics that you might use for another mid-80s paint scheme: this is the same plane - an F-14A TARPS (#161605) from VF-32 "Swordsmen."

Both > 100kb



Also (hehehe can't you tell I love my Tomcats?), I have a book with pictures of almost every Tomcat produced, sorted by tail number....I can scan some pics that you could use as references if you like, though they're on the smallish side.

Sample page: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v422/seal84/page1.jpg

(Bottom Tomcat is the same bird as the pics above tounge_o.gif )

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