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Wargames addpak 4.0 released

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it´s ok, i figured out myself... and it works perfectley without the dta folder ;) (atleast so far)

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Amazing MOD, congratulations guys! I had the chance to test it in an online game yesturday evening and I have to say you've done a great job on taking ofp to a higher level of fun and realism.

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I love the idea of this pack. My only gripe are the choice of addons. I understand that everyone is not going to agree on this subject, but i have some requests.


-HYK US Infantry



I understand that I can do the changes myself, but it would be nice to have universal coding for MP.

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If other addons are going to be used, making the requirements for WG 4.11 higher, could it be done like this if possible:

The addons are not modified for WGL, they are used as is, that way if Suchey or Earl update their stuff people using WG can update and everything stays compatible.

e.g If we add WG 4.11 to the server we do not have to remove our existing MARPAT units WG will simply use them as is.

This is so: Lots of missions do not need to be modified, so we can continue to use these great addons seperate to WG, and update them when updates area releassed.

On another note, as the players on my server experience what WGL can do more and more, they've thought of requests:

Make the Engineers useful, give them a repair ability.

Add an option for units to "report in" and automatically report their current position, AI can do it, and players do it upon respawning.

With the changes in sounds like footsteps, crawling, moving etc, make these sounds less for special forces and snipers who are trained to be more stealth-like.

Allow satchells to be attached to vehicles.

And finally, there is ECP.

The ECP team have worked very hard to enhance OFP's FX. There is a difference of "style" between WGL FX and ECP FX, personally I prefer WGL, I like the lighter approach, with MP lag reducing focus. A very good quality for WGL. Other players like ECP, so there is a bit of preference.

Currently we are only running WGL on weekends and ECP during the week. Members of the ECP team have expressed a desire to make ECP compatible with WGL. It would be really great if WGL were similarly motivated to allow both to be used together without conflict. ECP currently have a "settings" area allowing choice between different FX, if WGL was added as a choice for certain effects it would be fantastic. Those with higher end machines could enable the more resource hungry effects and those who enjoy WGL's effects can choose them.

Basically ECP and WGL need to work together, they both do amazing things and if both teams do not work towards compatability it will force server admins like me, to exclude one in favour of the other, that is something I do not want to do, I think both MODs have fantastic qualities and are made in unique ways that can successfully work together to greatly improve the Flashpoint experience. WGL for realism, ECP to compliment the visual and sound effects.

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We are adding WGL - probably back this week - had some inital 4.0 hiccups - and wanted to do a bit more testing...

We have lots of members but an UBER SERVER to handle the load and a boat load of bandwidth.... we average 8 - 12 players a night sometimes 20 on wed ( or training night )

The one thing I still need to figure out -

How do I get your ZIROfied BAS guys to use the mortar -I can pick up the mortar from a HUMMER but cant deploy it.

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Maybe they need to have the weapons added "WGL_Put" and "WGL_Carry" ?

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We really appreciate your feedback.

I especially like the idea of the engineer that can repair things. Good call on that one.

As for cooperation between any and all other addons/mods out there, we are always willing and interested to incorporate, infuse, invigorate, energize, acclimate, acclimatize, etc., etc., etc., any one willing to blend with WGL. The only thing that should be stated up front is that we want to stay true to the "realism" off the WGL MOD. New effects, textures, objects, sounds, etc. are always fascinating, but they must not cause a significant amount of lag, interfere with the realistic balance, of cause different users to see different things (especially in MP maps). Otherwise, please contact us ([email protected]) and we will see what we can do - this goes for ANYONE.

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BTW can u insert a remove timer on the laws when its been used..like 10 minutes..?

after a couple of hours of battle the ground is littered by used laws..

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i understand what u mean LT. Dammage...the greatness of WGL:) (DAMN I LOVE THIS "MODIFICATION") its just that after i moddified the HYK US infantry to use Earls weapons, every other addon seems to lack. Anyone out there, I recomend playing a mission with those two addons combined, and you will see what I mean. On that topic, WGL is sometimes overlooked by me for the fact i can go play SP with those two addons, just cuz their quality alone seems to overplay WGL somewhat.

ZiRo, I am sure that you agree with me, as you seem to be an experianced and devoted player. The config of these units means nothing to me, its mainly a visual thing... Being in C.A.P. for 4 years, I have played with many of the real life versions of these "TOYS" and as WGL is based around realism (and it damn well is) WGL would step beyond if these were included in the next update. Plus, its more big addons to download, so we can filter out those laggy 56k'ers who claim they got cables from that. smile_o.gif Us cable users think nothing of ~50Mb things.

Keep up the great work WGL, looking forward to some great MP games.

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We considered working with ECP, but it doesn't appeal to the MP arena well enough. It's very bulky; we like things slim (though I think our code is getting out of hand on some level). What does ECP have that we need anyway?

WGL definitely appeals more to gameplay than graphics, but I don't mind that at all. I'm here to play the game, not salivate over how cool my squadmates look :P

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I also prefer WGL's focus on gameplay and MP functionality over graphics. It's a preference thing. It is not about what one has that the other doesn't, I am interested only in having ECP and WGL work well together so that those that do want the effects and sound that ECP adds, can do so without compromising gameplay for others, e.g crashes, errors and other conflict issues with WGL.

Currently I cannot safely allow the server to run WGL with ECP aswell, I must seperate them. And since we have supported ECP from day one I would like to continue to do so and not have to choose whether I must drop one mod in favour of the other.

Would it take much to keep WGL true to it's self in the way of MP and resource-friendly FX, while also providing the choice to players of whether they want to run ECP over the top?

I have been told the ECP team are interested in working to make this happen.

I'm also sure with WGL Team's cooperation the ECP team could come up with a "ECP Lite" version for WGL, this would better suite WGL as a realism mod.

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I'm always game to cooperate with other teams. I'd welcome some discussion between the ECP core guys (who heads up ECP? is it SnYpir?) and wonder what they're interested in doing. I can be found on IRC all the time now so if someone wants to drop us a line that's cool. My ICQ is available as well.

As a side note, here's a little history of WG and cooperation...

When we started I had heard from many prominent mod makers that realism to the extent Tact and I were dreaming was entirely too much for OFP and especially MP. If I had a nickel for every time I heard someone tell me how we were going to get lynched for making players change their tank's oil every 2000m I'd be a rich man. Lots of our ideas are/were initially unpopular.

To this day I can tell you that there's still prominent people in mod groups I've talked with that have the same [in my opinion] shortsighted view that WG is about forcing people to apply CLP to their weapon and field strip it using the action menu and 20 steps before each game. I shit you not, someone as recently as a couple nights ago gave me the "change your oil" line. I wish more people would realize that realism actually ADDS depth to the game and makes for a smarter game that requires a bit of thought while not cutting down on the amount of unlucky bastards you can kill. I mean hell, OFP is 2+ years old it's time for a change, at least for us.

But anyways.... Like I was saying, we're into doing things very differently and we know that alienates us a bit. I love working with other people and have extended an olive branch to a few lately, so we'll see how it goes. I hope the fact that some things can't be compromised (armor, round strengths, etc) doesn't turn too many addon makers away if the configs differ greatly from what they're used to.


The HYK troops are really badass. I like them quite a bit and have been meaning to contact the boys at BoH to see if they'd be willing to let us roll their stuff into the pack and config up some units with their models.

Marine Assault Pack infantry units are a bit modern for WG as it stands currently. However if we were to decide at some point to "modernize" WG by about 10 years they would be high on the list of units. Also, if we were to include Marines we would also be obligated, in my mind, to include the full compliment of Marine vehicles: AAV7, AH-1W, Harrier (maybe), FA18, CH53, CH46, and an LAV. We would also need a USMC sniper and an M40 that matched in quality with the MARPAT stuff. The problem right now is that Marine equipment addons are pretty sparse. Either way, it's a large undertaking to include all that stuff and it's something we're looking at in more "long term" goals for WG. And obviously it would make Phaeden very happy.

I've been talking to the other WG guys about enforcing a bit more class structure lately. By this I mean stuff like machinegunners with louder walking sounds and slower walking speeds, etc. We're also cooking up some other features that would apply directly to soldier classes. Unfortunately there's some downsides, as in, a machinegunner carrying a sniper rifle still rattles like a machine gunner. But it seems you get less of that already with WG. Anyways, we're thinking about lots of stuff like that.


Ziro.... getting other units to work with mortars is a function of adding the Eventhandlers for our soldiers, and the User Actions. We define our user actions in the main wgl_men_config config.cpp file and it can be referenced fairly easily. You can do the same with armor values. We setup 3 tiers of armor (or was it 4?) for soldiers and again, it's simple to add. The only trick might be getting the user actions to lower goggles to work after converting to WG. May want to just copy and paste the user actions at that point or make your own defines.

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I've contacted Zayfod from the ECP team, hopefully you guys work something out.


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please , make a new version(new config) for the player who wanna to play in solo mod...(missions,campaigns)...

please--- sad_o.gif

because i've just a 56 ko modem... sad_o.gif and i can't play multiplayer

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you can use it for SP already. im making a campaign. (Battle of Morton) with the WGL 4.11 units. i use them in SP all the time 2. lol


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Quote[/b] ]I've been talking to the other WG guys about enforcing a bit more class structure lately. By this I mean stuff like machinegunners with louder walking sounds and slower walking speeds, etc. We're also cooking up some other features that would apply directly to soldier classes. Unfortunately there's some downsides, as in, a machinegunner carrying a sniper rifle still rattles like a machine gunner. But it seems you get less of that already with WG. Anyways, we're thinking about lots of stuff like that.

please please be very carefull NOT to get buried in ultra fine realism details. From experiance of comp games for far too long ive seen many a good idea/project get burried/forgoten even broken by the makers working there bunz off on ultra detail which when applied to the pc game enviroment is 8/10 time a complete waste of effort.

examples would be inf for unreal tournament. all credit to beppo and his team but it took them years to finaly achieve a result. The most recent one ive seen is with Red orchestra for unreal 2004 (Think day of defeat russian version) they've made a great strides on there mod and details are there corner stone, however they too have fallen into the trap of too much detail by adding an animation to their models of a soldier leaning his head over the iron sights and squinting for aiming. That sounds cool looks good too but in the game you will never ever see it when under fire.

There is a fine balance which is difficult to achieve in comp games/mods trying achive realism and its sooo easy to over do it with out even knowing it.

My advice (read as imho) "Less is more"

to use youre example above nobody is going to be paying any attention to weather a machine gunner is carrying a sniper riffle and weather he sounds any louder or not. (there gunna be very interested in shooting him though!! smile_o.gif )

youre mod rocks on many levels already because you have:

adjusted all weapons values accross the board for accuracy

adjusted all armour values accross the board for accuracy

added a weapon systems which works the same for either side (but with possible differences in performance?)

added some niffy effects and improved on the default effects for all player eg NV goggles

as you can see from the above list you've made broad changes and changes that affect overall improvents (and we love you for it kissy kissy rock.gif )

now (not wishing to sound rude) how does making a machine gunner sound quieter with a sniper riffle improve things? its on such a small local (individual) scale that only the the mg player is going to notice any difference.

You could also say that slowing down mg's is real too but youre basicaly affecting the game play of one person again ie the mg pilot. Yes i can see there would be the possiblity of greater team work having a team wait for there mg to catch up but......... personaly i not convinced.....i would remove the sprint fucntion but keep the same running speed

change of pace now.... smile_o.gif

as for new veh/inf mods to be added i like every other monkey hear want to see lots of lovely models in wgl and even more importantly

id love to see ALL MOD MAKERS JOIN IN or JUST GIVE CONSENT to use there models for WGL. It benafits the mod makers by putting there mods into the hands of more players. It gets the Mod maker name reconised by MORE people and can/should be the standard by which other mods are judged. Only the Best Mods make it into WGL.

This is also (currently) the no.1 opertunity for the OFP community (including other big mod name CSLA, OPERATION N STAR, ECP if there not busy or proud :;))  to make/be part of a conversion of OFP that could be the STANDARD UPGRADE after 1.96

My "PERSONAL" (and maybe some others too smile_o.gif) vision/wish list of WGL would be

A total conversion of OFP that SETS the STANDARD that ALL OFP CONVERSION MODS will judged by!

a mod that would be server friendly so we could get many servers admins choosing it.

make as accurate as possible, broad aspect realism improvments for combat. (which is what it does now smile_o.gif bonus!)

A Modular design Standard that would allow WGL to detect addons and automaticaly use them over default bis.

Example: if you got the inq weapons pack then a script or utility would detect and and utilize that mod (perhaps via a bin/conf file swap thingy....i dunno i not programmer! crazy_o.gif )

that would reduce the default download size of the WGL pack (good for admins and monkeys alike) and allow fellow moders to add/change their packs without having to redownload WGL again or wait for an WGL update.

think plugin  MODELS/SKINS to replace allunits. ballistics/sounds values etc would be handled by WGL mod

Has wgl made any tweaks to the flight models of choppers jets? if you chaps havent already seen it ill draw youre attention to Here. this shows IMO significant potential for wgl mod weapon systems both armour and airbone. having spent too much time just bumbling around that island in a chopper or a jet the potential for proper use of CAS is a given. i can see myself now lineing up on an enemy runway deploying durundals for runway denial wow_o.gif)

that lil lot shoud keep u busy for a bit...:D

onwards and upwards.......  unclesam.gif

oh yeah how TITAN comin anymore more screenies, is it a big un, is there website devlog/page thing anywhere for it?

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hehehe... "... change oil every 2000m..." or make the guns shoot a bit differently each time you start a game, so before you go into action you have to go to the shooting range to get accustomed to the "new" gun... ;)

but nevertheless.. why do the planes dont have the startupsequence? are they ment to be AI controlled?

does the downwash blow only humanplayers to the ground? or did you remove it? (before i could play with it? ;) )

as it doesnt affect any AI and with humanplayers theres only the sidechat message...

is it possible to make the RTO "more useful" ? like without RTO in near you you cannot use the chat to communicate to other members of the game... or only with those in shoutingrange?

disabling the chat would make the RTO quite necessary...

if this is possible then there is going to be a need for "relay" stations, where the backpacks radios get more range...

these stations/units would make nice targets for the enemy...

we use ECP for those fungames.. i.e. lots of guns, lots of cars lots of armour lots of ... well everything... and these games have unlimited respawn, too...

WGL is my favourite for more military oriented games...

we like to play the fungames inbetween some rather lengthy WGL games to "loosen" up and for a "warmup" before a WGL game... but we are just a few guys on a LAN with a client for server.. easy to decide for us, what is going to be played...

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Man this thread is starting to drive me nuts. People.... dont ask the team to "dumb down" WGL... If you dont like the way it plays.... play something else. There are a million mods out there that work better for single player. Let this team make this pack as real as possible and for once out of the millions of packs out there, there will be one for the realism guy. If you want to conform to WGL, fine but dont ask them to change their configs to meet your mod. Ziro did a nice job of config the hyk, BAS and Marine pack to Wgl standards. Easy. now you can play with WGL weapons and parameters with pretty soldiers. Angus and Pheaden keep to the course and your vision. ECP is pretty but WGL explosions are much more real looking. Go on the web and look at the films of real mortar and HE explosions. Just like WGL. Keep up the good work and give me more realism!!!!

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i agree theres no way to please everyone ,,dont even try it.

its better to follow your mod idea to the end.

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hey, i guess i´m that realism guy, i always tend to komplain that thing´s arent realistic enough biggrin_o.gif

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Plans for 5.0 include writing comprehensive documents to allow people to create "addon bridges." An addon bridge is much like ZiRo's infantry addon (if I understand his concept correctly) except in a separate PBO. It will reconfigure another addon to use WGL numbers and equipment. Example:

Johnny wants to use the MAP troops in WGL. So he copies the MAP addons to his WGL addons folder and creates a WGL_MAPbridge.pbo. He creates a new config (maybe based on a provided template) and creates a WGL_MAP_SoldierWB inheriting from WGL_SoldierWB, except set to the marine's model, wounds, hiddenselections, anims, etc. If Johnny wants to port Earl's M16, he can inherit the config of the WGL M16 (or just use the magazine). EventHandlers, in the case of the MAP, should be left alone (wglevents replaces tactevents). Then Johnny can post his addon bridge for others to use, with author's permission I hope. Addon authors can opt to make their own bridge addons.

We'll see.

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in 5.0 will you have new sights on the weapons?

right now there is standard bis sights sad_o.gif

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pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase FOR love for god !!!

make a version only for sp !!!!!!!! a new config just for sp please

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i know it would be tricky to pull off, but any chance of tracer ricochets?? especially on the MG's, it would look cool in a firefight.

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