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Wargames addpak 4.0 released

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Yes, we plan on giving WGL a face lift in the future. Both in terms of visual and audio aspects.

As you may ascertain by now, our push was on realism and speed within the game. We stayed away from high-poly objects, and tried to get realistic sounds. However, with only a small team, we couldn't do it all at once.

It is on the drawing board.

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Here are just a few pics showing some of the FX in WGL.

81mm Mortar Impacting a Convoy


Securing LZ - note the rotor wash from the UH60.


AT Team getting ready to kill Shilka


Dead Shilka


81mm Mortar fire base


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now, i HAVE read the manual, but i still dont get how to use the mortars..

i want be able to call fire from 61mm mortars to support my rangers in their assault on their target, i have done what it sais in the tech manual, but it doesnt work, have i missed something?

cane someone make a step by step guide how to get the mortars working?

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Do the AI use the WGL Grenades?

Where can i find a place with lots of WGL missions?

The USMC server is basically a ghost town and damn you for only accepting Ex US Mil. Personel! I want to play with WGL as a team, who isnt all rambo and shit.


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Shadow, did you read the technical manual? There are two manuals, one is much more complete than the other. If you have and still have questions, I would recommend d/ling one of the premade mortar missions and looking at it for a short term fix - for a long term, I will look into make a "mortar tutorial" hadout.

ZiRo, the Warriors are interested in keeping the squad a place for real military members a place to play. While this is exlusionary, it is so hard to find an online squad that says it is military and actually is military. So, yes, we are looking for military types - no offense. As for the ghost town, the main reason why is that it is primarily a squad server, all are welcome, but many that come do not have the required addons (we are currently running a prerelease version of Titan Island). So, you are welcome to come and play anytime.

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I went on the public and it had like 5 missions in total, paintball, 2 mortar tests (one of which was actually tacticians AI anti tank test mission - i think) and 1 capture and hold - whats going on there?

Phaeden, i'd love it if you could add me to your msn:

[email protected]

I have somthing rather important to talk to you about if thats ok?


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Shadow, did you read the technical manual?  There are two manuals, one is much more complete than the other.  If you have and still have questions, I would recommend d/ling one of the premade mortar missions and looking at it for a short term fix - for a long term, I will look into make a "mortar tutorial" hadout.

i have done all that is in my power to find a way to get them working, read all manuals, looked at other missions and now i have asked here, i still dont get them to work sad_o.gif

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The lack of missions was a result of cleaning out the server to make sure we have the latest missions - those using WGL 4.1. There are more there now.

And I did add you to MSN.

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WHere would one find this titan map to download? There seems to be a link on the squadengine site (forum) for USMC but it doesn't seem to work.

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Would it be possible to make the map icons for players match the color of their team? Say I choose to be on Fire Team Blue, could all those on my team show on the map as blue icons, yellow as yellow, etc.?

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Titan is in closed testing right now. We have a group of people we work with who are generous enough to give up some time to help refine the product. It's not in beta yet because beta implies it would be more finished than it really is. It's not ready for public consumption but when it is in a few weeks (hopefully) it will be released. Like the rest of WG we will get it out to the public and continue to work on it as feedback comes in. It's just not ready for that step yet.

The link that's posted no longer functions. We've taken it down for a variety of reasons. Sorry guys!

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Ok I have tried adding the wglrespawn= "false" to the init.sqs, to get rid of the blackscreen of death. It didn't do it I am afraid. All it did was disable the respawn.

I can understand why the blackscreen is there. But you really need to fix it so it can be turned on or off in mission building. You must also fix it so players can always access the game menues. Otherwise this mod will be useless outside of competition play with your WarGames league. Which would be a bad thing. sad_o.gif

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We will continue looking into the short and long term solution for this... hang in there. I know it is a pain in the neck, but we are working on it.

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This is the kind of bug that needs immediate patching.

e.g process should be:

Bug Reported that makes game unplayable.

Bug isolated to certain part of code.

Code changed in wglevents.pbo

wglevents.pbo available for download.

Game playable.

And no, adding a trigger or a respawn is not a solution, it's more work than that since it effects EVERY mission while the WGL mod is running. WGL should be compatible with standard missions for 1.96 not the other way around.


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We are working on it as fast as possible, I can assure you.

Look at it from our perspective - we spend a year making this so that no one will play it?!? Seriously, we know that for people to play it must be enjoyable, and not force a shutdown of the game.

Please, give us a moment to get it up and running.

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I have updated the wglevents.pbo for my players so that WGLRespawn = False by default. This is what I meant by immediate fix, I am guessing what you are trying to do is fix it so that when WGLRespawn is enabled, the player blacks in correctly. That is fine except while you are doing that, 100's of missions are unplayable while using WGL.

You guys do a terrific job of fixing stuff, the last patch was testimony to that, however when something as show stopping as this bug pops up you have to provide the quickest fix first then solve the issue in your own time.

Cheers guys, I'll await the proper patch.

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I agree with Lt_Damage but i disgree with the way he handeled it.

The WGLRespawn should be false by default in my opinion, because the majority of missions wont be using it and many have been made without hte intention of using it.

Its like creating an array of weapons that can be heard, you dont, you create an array of weapons that cant be heard - simply because theres less to list.


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Heh well wait till you are a server admin with 30 players banging into things in the dark before you make any calls about my decision.

As the admin of the server if the MOD introduces a mode of gameplay which I do not wish to be present it will be turned off. Sorry. wink_o.gif

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You could be even sneakier and make the server wglevents publicVariable WGLRespawn = false after the game starts ;)

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Tactician, could you post an example of a init.sqs with the correct use of WGLRespawn that stops the blackscreen. I have been trying it in a mission and have yet to get it to work. With or without the " ".

And I have yet to dload any other missions that have solved this problem.

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BTW the laws is really really slow...reallistic settings?.. just wondering..

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;; init.sqs snippet

WGLRespawn = false

;; end snippet

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