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Wargames addpak 4.0 released

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All that just to use the mortar........lame.Anyways i did what you said and a error came up and said Resource Digimortar not found........

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lol... artillery isnt the "King of the Battlefield" for nothing...

compared to reallife Arty this system takes away most of the work for you guys... the UA even more...

if you put in the AI civillian and the mortars and the description.ext (copy&paste from the demomission that comes with wgl) there is nothing much left to do except good recon and correct inserting of values from the ballistic computer into the target fields...

so much for "just" an mortar? then you should use the sebnam mortars or the ones from swissmod.. these work without so "much" work to do ;) believe me... it didnt work for me at first... but when i got it.. WOHAA!! it works so good im now promoted/demoted(?) from recon to arty... LOL

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I think there's something to the AI AT still shooting a little high. I just realized the other day it was probably a bad idea to have the AI shooting from higher ground in testing.. mess with the maxSpeed in wgl_wep_config/cfgAmmo.hpp if you want a local fix. Lower maxSpeed makes them shoot higher, and vice versa. We can't fix it til 5.0, but it's on the list.

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? LOL ...


i scanned some pages from SH21-76 about FireSupport

i.e. how to plan, how to call etc.. its just a few pages..

i dont even know if its any official army stuff, but anyway might this be of interest for doing those arty missions...

Part1 (.rar)

Part2 (.rar)

If somebody want to host it somewhere else, feel free to do so... i dont know how long this will stay up... (bandwidth limit etc)

its just some scanned pages put up into a pdf for easier handling.. its a multipart .rar and about 750kb large after unpacking... (if something is too small to read.. just zoom in on it its scanned at 150 or 200 so should be ok when zooming in on it.. and some charts werent that readable in the original either so dont blame me ;) )

maybe i will do a rework of it, when i find some time..

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Quote[/b] ]All that just to use the mortar........lame

Cant believe thats the way you react to guys that put soo much time and efford in making a very cool mod (if not the coolest).

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Quote[/b] ]map with all vehicles to test




Quote[/b] ]test all veh and launchers weapons for its range - 2000m viewdistance with wreckageson 500/1000/1500/1800 range provided

u can also see m1 anti launcher sys or ah64 flare sys


Quote[/b] ]nice to test all anti-air-veh and launchers weapons
Quote[/b] ]veh/air single/coops






Quote[/b] ]inf single/coops









inf c&h


updated all maps and links



removed all sounds from the mission for reduced filesize.

there shouldnt be any problems, but if there r, plz msg me.



Quote ]cti


(credits to joel)


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I need some opinions:

So far ive changed:

Army to HYK US Infantry

Rangers to BAS Rangers

SF to BAS Deltas

LRSD to MAP Woodland Force Recon

thats pretty much every west infantry exept the FID. Should i add USMC Marines? They have backpacks on, but they look alright with the WGL backpacks showing through.

Opinions please.

And my config is edited, but its totally 100% compatible with original wgl 4.10 and adds units for a campaign i am developing.


Would you use it?


EDIT: Picture

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Right ive decided on adding the marines.

I'd still like feedback


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Yes I'll use it.  Are you making the default BIS units the WGL units (not the models obviously since you are using HYK etc.), but the effects, like when you are shot?  Since its a separate mod folder it doesn't hurt anything.  I did the same thing with ECP - But I modified a few things I don't think a lot of people would like (I made the iron sites zoom in a little more because my eyes aren't that good).  I play mostly SP or with my bro, so its not a cheat measure.

I like all of the ideas of wgl, I just want it to use the better models, optics, by default.

Edit: and if you wouldn't mind, release it in .cpp format, so I can make my own adjustments...please.

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Give the config and I will give you feedback

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ok, its not edited models.

it just addes aditional units to the editor, basically exactly the same as the wgl ones, but with different unit models.

Exept the Marines, i totally added them.


I'll have to post it all tommorow with a req. addons list.


BAS Ran Del


MAP + Force Recon thingy that adds woodland recon + winter recons etc.

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I really think that the WGL mod must create a config to be used in the game...(solo missions and campaigns)

if pappy and kurayami with ecp team and the wgl work together without forget the fdf and the goldmember , ofp 1 will be ofp 9

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A couple of things.

I think we all need to remember is that the original design for this mod is multiplayer. Ammo bearers and gunners were suppose to be live people. That is why in SP they are next to useless other than carrying ammo. You can tell them to come to you drop their pack, you pick up the pack take the ammo and load the 50 cal.

Earlier it was stated to look at the config for the rpg's and adjust their velocity. This should get them to hit targets. Im going to look at this tonight to see if it fixes the AI's inability to hit anything with a rocket.

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That's a good thing to keep in mind: WGL mod was designed for MP, particularly for WarGames League, hence the name. wink_o.gif

Therefore expect the mod team's priorities to be in supporting its original intent. Save your time complaining about AI, SP, and Campaigns...as its not the primamry goal of this addon. The team graciously works the AI/SP issues when they have time, so be patient, and don't make impolite demands.

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Ammo bearers, and indeed any AI with a rucksack, can be commanded to drop ammunition via the command radio menu. At that point you can either pick up the ammo yourself and use it, or tell your other AI to pick it up. Fairly simple I would say. A little on the micromanagement side but that's what I expect from OFP when features that are entirely outside the realm of the original game are added. When I play coop I don't mind a bit of micromanagement so ultimately I think it's a pretty good solution, that while not perfect, is still good enough to highlight the feature as being very useful if you put the few seconds in to command AI around.

The statement that AI can't hit anything with a rocket is misleading and not what I've experienced during controlled testing. On flat ground in 4.10 AI can be counted on to hit about half the targets they fire at. Having played with humans and WG for quite some time I can tell you that's about all you'll get out of a skilled player much less an AI. AT missiles, particularly the hand-held variety, are an imprecise science in most cases. The effective ranges on things like a LAW are only 200m, and 300m for an RPG7 for a reason. I would say that the AI, while not perfect obviously and subject to change in the future because we always tinker with our stuff, are far better now (in 4.10) than they were in any previous release. Plus we're the only MOD that can say we lowered the velocity of AT missiles realistically AND our AI can come close to being accurate.

What I think people may have to get used to is the very "tiered" nature of WGL. In BIS OFP and much of everyone else's OFP, just about everything is good to 1000m, be it a rocket or a rifle or whatever. Now what you will find is that there's definite ranges where things stop being useful and other things become a real value to you. I'm not a great coop designer, nay I'm actually a horrible one simply because I haven't really tried, so I can't say for sure what WGL means to coop or SP, but in general I can tell you that the unique qualities in WGL vastly changed and improved MP for so many people and I think that after a bit of growing pains it might very well do that for SP and coop as well.

EDIT: One thing I should mention is that the one of the biggest changes anyone who play WG in MP can tell you is that it drastically slowed the pace of missions. Things are more deliberate, more thought out. The fire fights are longer and more nasty. The amount of tactics and strategy has increased 10-fold.

EDIT2: Oh and even in 4.0 the TOW was far from useless on the Cobra. The T80U has Shtora countermeasures so keep that in mind when using the TOW (or hellfire for that matter) from low angles. I think many an unlucky BMP driver/gunner can attest to the Cobra's TOW accuracy on a mission like Iron Horse.

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GJ on getting a patch done so quickly smile_o.gif

Also I really like this MOD! Makes OFP a proper Simulation now.

Possible bug?...

I tried out this mission: http://intrain.compositiv.com/downloa....tro.pbo

When I get killed I get a black screen and it never comes back to let me restart the mission. I have to exit the game via CTL+ALT+DEL.

Would that be a bug with the mission?

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Good work on patching so quickly. But I am still having trouble with the A10. Every time I try to use it I get "cannot open object data3d\snake.p3d" This is the only thing I have inserted in the mission editor, nothing in the init line either. HW T&L is enabled. This happened in 4.0 too. Not sure what to do.

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About the blackout on death.

In SP missions, usually the death dialog comes up even with the blackout on death (Abort, Retry, etc.). I'm wondering if you're using a modified scripts.pbo or, in the mission, a modified onPlayerKilled.sqs?

In missions in which respawning is not allowed, you can set WGLRespawn=false to disable blackout-on-death. You can do this in init.sqs or ant any point in the mission. If you really don't like it, you can open up wglevents.pbo\wglinit.sqs and change the default to false.

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