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The need for new manpads...

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Pappyboyinton your wrong dude ECP has got no control over AI , you must be hallucinating or something because i dont see ANYTHING in the ECPsettings that state anything about AI mentality....

Anyhow for the ECP'ers who enjoy the JAM/FLARE effects you can change/edit it from ecp_settings.sqs wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]; Jamming System

; ==============


; enable jamming system script? (bool)

; defined by server in MP

? [ECP_jam_enable] call ECP_is_null: ECP_jam_enable = true


; List of additional classes that jamming script is init-ed for.

; ("Helicopter" and "Plane" defined Automagicly ;) by ECP )

? [ECP_jam_classes] call ECP_is_scalar: ECP_jam_classes = []

; ECP_jam_exempt

; list of additional subclasses of those superclasses defined above that are

; prohibited from having jamming system effects

? [ECP_jam_exempt] call ECP_is_scalar : ECP_jam_exempt =[]

; ECP_jam_ammo

; List of ammo considered to be IR guided AA

? [ECP_jam_ammo] call ECP_is_scalar : ECP_jam_ammo = ["AA","9K32"]

; ECP_jam_chance

; % chance of jamming successfully

; defined by server in MP

? [ECP_jam_chance] call ECP_is_null: ECP_jam_chance = 0.33

; ECP_jam_nflares

; number of flares in a salvo

; defined by server in MP

? [ECP_jam_nflares] call ECP_is_null: ECP_jam_nflares = 4

; ECP_jam_nsalvos

; repeat number of salvos

; defined by server in MP

? [ECP_jam_nsalvos] call ECP_is_null: ECP_jam_nsalvos = 1

It'll work on all addons except for those who have their own EH's defined i think Red mentioned it in the ECP thread.

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Quote[/b] ]There are a lot of MANPAD systems out there, and they should be represented more.

I've always felt that the Stinger and Strela were good enough for me, but the FDF mod comes with some new MANPADs smile_o.gif .

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