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Tobi-Wan Kenobi

Custom faces

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What do you mean exactly ?

More than one custom player face or custom faces for ai units ?

If you think of more player faces, yes that´s possible. You just have to put some face files in your user folder and rename them to "face.jpg" when you want to use them.

I can blurry remeber a "facechanger" tool, but don´t know where to get it or if it is still available.

If you want to have more custom faces for ai units you have to make an addon.


Here is the download link for OFP facechanger.


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You should create an add on and put there couple of faces.

Then you can use it for your own identity and for ai too.

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How could I make an addon for a face? I've got the program but i have several problems using it. Any other possibilities at all?

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Bugger mad_o.gif . Just to clear things out a bit, I want to be able to use more than one custom face at once.

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Quote[/b] ]Bugger

Like it has been already said. You have to make an addon.

There´s a whole section for this.

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I don't know about any one else but I think every one is being harsh on the new guys. I mean just telling them to go and find it some where else is not helping.

Here is a link to one of the .pbo files I wipped up with some custom faces.


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I don't know about any one else but I think every one is being harsh on the new guys. I mean just telling them to go and find it some where else is not helping.

Here is a link to one of the .pbo files I wipped up with some custom faces.


Who's been harsh inside this thread, apart from the

"bugger", which came from the original poster himself,

and i'm sure even that wasn't meant offensive but like he would have said: "ouch i would have appreciated to be able

to get more than one custom face by doing it the easy way".

As for "go and find it somewhere else" - if you meant that

because of my reply, then tell me a better place to send

somebody to learn doing stuff like making addons/missions

or getting solutions with a minimum chance of getting involved

into a flame war rock.gif

You see my post count? - i mean i am not proud about

the number of posts i made, but at least 90 % of the posts

i made here were to help ppl with problems they ran into during their mission editor carreer smile_o.gif

Unfortunately there are always the same questions popping

up every now and then (or better say every week), and there

are so many threads where their solutions will already be

posted in.

Ya know - every now and then i tend to repeat telling solutions, i've already told to others before, but you have

to understand that sometimes - especially when the same

kind of questions appear in 3 different threads at the same

day, i tend to try inovating ppl to start reading something,

so that i don't have to teach them every basic little step

from "how to start the game with -nosplash" until "how do

i create my own dialogues and use them correct in multiplayer


On a sidenote i also would like to tell you that i even didn't

post more than 10 questions during 3 years of ofp mission editing, until i came to that level where i am now - instead

i tried reading over reading through all the threads which

did offer something new + experimentising myself in the mission editor alot of hours (ask me Mrs., in case she still

knows who this guy in front of his computer is biggrin_o.gif ) + whenever ppl ran into problems and posted them here or over

at OFPEC, i tried to recreate the situation they wanted to

do, just to come back and offer them a working solution.

It's just that i also learned by experience that it's not so good,

posting whole complex solutions to questions like:

how can i use more than 1 custom face

Ya know - this can end up in a 1 week full time job, even tho

everything has already been written somewhere else before

and that more than only once.

And same way as i described above, many ppl of the comunity

did it.

~S~ CD

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hmm, don't wanna fuel the discussion

but if you start browsing back "can I have more than one custom face" is one of the most confusing topics in this forum history.

Most people take that to be the player's face in MP. If not, numerous topics will tell you (to no avail) to define the face in the mission's description.ext. It wasn't until Sgt. Stryker and Liquid Snake started spreading their "New faces" that the addon structure like the one posted above here became clear to me.

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Quote[/b] ]but if you start browsing back "can I have more than one custom face" is one of the most confusing topics in this forum history.

You've hit the nail right on his head by that;

does one mean by this questions:

i want to make a face addon


i want to use more than one custom face same as the

the one i'm already using

Now would you start posting upon such a 2 way'ed question

everything to do for creating a face addon?

Anywayz - TobiWanKenobi has got straight answers to all

of his questions here and when i posted the link to OFPEC,

it happened upon his question:

Quote[/b] ]Are there any specific tutorials for doing this?

My answer covered exactly what he was asking for:

Quote[/b] ]OFP editing center

'lot of addon sections in their forums + lots of tutorials

in thier editors depot

~S~ CD

Maybe you understand now why i've been a little bit upset

about Blains "i'll teach you a lession now about how to help ppl" post

And btw - Tobi's post came out at a time, where the custom faces thread by Liquid Snake was always on top of the addons

section, therefore it was visible even from the OFP forum main

page alot of times these days + i remember having read at least 3 or 4 different threads of the same kind like Tobi's one

during the same week, when he posted it.

~S~ CD

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I have quite different question.

How can I add a custom face to a specific unit in the config.cpp?

for example:

BlackOp would have "camoguy" face.

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Gordy, i'm not quite sure how to do it, as i haven't made

any unit addons yet (only sound and face addons) - but

i assume that you have to put somewhere something like:

face = "facename"

in the cfgVehicles section

I remember that in the nampack 2 there were some units, using their own configured faces, which couldn't have been

changed by the mission editor (because of this i would even

advice you not to do so because the face wouldn't be changeable in that case).

If you're still after it, try dpbo'ing the nampack and have a look, how they did - or send Ebud a private message and ask

himself for that.

:edit - btw i'm pretty sure you'll get way better info on that

when posting your question in the addons section here or

at OFPEC, as it's an addon only related question and not

a mission editing one (even tho this thread already covers

implementation of custom faces, but think about which addon

maker should make a new look into this old thread for what a


~S~ CD

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