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Should landmines be banned?

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Of course the should be banned. A ban wont rid the world of AP mines, but it might help to limit the problem some what.

Not issuing a ban on the basis of it not ridding the world of AP mines would be like not outlawing murder because people can still do it.

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We have to take a strong stand on landmines, I mean, we have to put our foot down on mines, tell the world that they must kick out mine usage in warfare forever.

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Quote[/b] ]I mean, we have to put our foot down on mines

This may be the most hilarious verbal slip I've ever seen on these forums tounge_o.gif .

I say that we ban AP mines, but allow people to use AT mines, which require a lot of pressure in order to be set off. Of course, Farmer Bob has to be very careful where he drives his tractor, but using only AT mines would make clearing minefields easier.

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I agree with M21 Man. AT mines are a bit less of a problem (except around roads and farmfields where tractors are used).

However AP mines are horrific little devils.

Also banning them has not so much to do with whether they are humane or not, but more to do with the horrific deaths they cause to civilian populations long after a war.

To the dude who said that banning them won't solve anything.

I disagree. If you look at the vast majority of the landmines being used around the world in 3rd world conflicts, the vast majority of them are manufactured by China, Italy, Russia, and some of the other formerly Eastern-bloc nations.

Homemade AP mines are generally reserved to tripwire mines and command detonated mines. Both of these types tend to be used in a limited fashion and the command detonated mines are normally retrieved if they are not used and are basically harmless if they are not retrieved.

Very rarely do people in developing countries take the time to develop their own pressure senstive AP mines. AT mines for high-value targets, but not AP mines.

So at any rate, a ban should at least be made on the export of landmines. That, at least would be a start.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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