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Parity between ai and player viewdistances.

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Well in case you're not totally sure what I mean. Have you ever been shot at from beyond your field of view by a tank or some other vehicle?

I'll wager more than a few of you have. I would like the option to limit the AI's visibility to that of the render distance that I've set for the sake of fairness since I'm assuming unless the next computer I get is some uber machine. I won't have my drawdistance jacked so incredibly high due to framerate considerations.

900m suits me ok as my default ofp drawdistance as it stands. It works with my current configuration and allows a nice balance between frame rate and viewable distance and the overall amount of entities I can see onscreen without degradation of performance. I like 2k myself, still. It's servicable.

However It is, despite the fact that it's not realistic to limit. It's horribly annoying that I get shot or blown up from far away by a vehicle or various unit of some type that -can- see farther than I can. I think it would be a sensible feature for anyone who like myself. Doesn't like getting blown up out of seemingly nowhere.

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I agree.

I use to play with 1800 at viewdistance, and I think that the enemy are far to accurate on long distances.

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Well in case you're not totally sure what I mean. Have you ever been shot at from beyond your field of view by a tank or some other vehicle?

Yes, and i also have shot beyond my field of view with a tank.

Quote[/b] ]I'll wager more than a few of you have. I would like the option to limit the AI's visibility to that of the render distance that I've set for the sake of fairness since I'm assuming unless the next computer I get is some uber machine. I won't have my drawdistance jacked so incredibly high due to framerate considerations.

Afaik the view limit for ai is exactly as the players. You can notice this very easily in mp on rts3 missions. Build an aa unit and let one other player build one too. Set your view distance to 2000m and let the other player set his to 900m. Put both aa units next to each other. Check when each unit reports incoming planes...

Quote[/b] ]900m suits me ok as my default ofp drawdistance as it stands. It works with my current configuration and allows a nice balance between frame rate and viewable distance and the overall amount of entities I can see onscreen without degradation of performance. I like 2k myself, still. It's servicable.

I always set it to at least 2k and wouldn't go down.

Quote[/b] ]However It is, despite the fact that it's not realistic to limit. It's horribly annoying that I get shot or blown up from far away by a vehicle or various unit of some type that -can- see farther than I can. I think it would be a sensible feature for anyone who like myself. Doesn't like getting blown up out of seemingly nowhere.

They can't see farther than you can. But they can shoot you if you get reported to them by other ai. But you can do that too, if players/ai on your side report enemy vehicles. We just did a kind of training doing this last week.

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I get raped by Shilkas and Vulcans all the time from way beyond my view distance and it pisses me off. I don't see it. I'm talking about the ai shooting when they've got visual contact. Yeah if you're lucky with an auto tracking munition like a strela you could get lucky and get a lock on something before you see it, but the ai does it all the goddamned time. I hate it.

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I think the opposite. My comrades dont seem to be able to spot an enemy patrol cresting a hill only 400 metres away. I was on a weekend ex the other day and its amazing just how far away you can see someone if they are moving in daylight without camming themselves

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I get raped by Shilkas and Vulcans all the time from way beyond my view distance and it pisses me off. I don't see it. I'm talking about the ai shooting when they've got visual contact. Yeah if you're lucky with an auto tracking munition like a strela you could get lucky and get a lock on something before you see it, but the ai does it all the goddamned time. I hate it.

I thought Shilkas and Vulcans have radars and no need to be lucky? Try playing as Shilka gunner and place a chopper beyond your field of view. Not too hard to get it down.

Viewdistances I don't know but AI's accuracy seems supernatural, especially with machineguns.

And then the reaction speed. From far away its just fine, but from 1-5 meters AIs are soo stupid and slow. Say enemy is 2 meters away, AI gets into prone position facing slightly wrong direction, slowly turns his weapon towards the target, takes a little thinking brake and then maybe fires. Not good.

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Yuzzi. Against soldiers as well? I've seen a Shilka just beneath my visual range and popped a LAW at it and hid back down over an incline and then popped back up and I got sniped.

That's ridiculous. I mean. Even tanks. I shot at a t-80 from 300m and I hit it and then I was trying to get out of the way and it just swept it's turret 180 degrees and sprayed me. No hail of bullets or anything. Again another sniping.

It's just a bit annoying. You'd think at least in a tank your senses would be inhibited a bit so that if you were hit with an RPG or nearby, you'd spend a second or two trying to ascertain the orientation of the attack. I know I always have to when it happens to me.

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True. Soldiers dont show up in shilkas radar, and therefore its unrealistic if they get killed without visual contact. This never happened to me though.

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