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Us presidential election 2004

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Question, do you guys have Walmart? If so, then its already started. Line up for the nascar bedsheets and canned beer.

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  (Schoeler @ May 28 2004,06:33) said:
Question, do you guys have Walmart?  If so, then its already started.  Line up for the nascar bedsheets and canned beer.

I know Walmart bought out a bunch of different chain grocers around Europe- read about it in an Economist from a few weeks back. They don't actually have the big W itself though, just wholly owned corporate subsidiaries.

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  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]I think we should export joe and jane sixpack to Europe.  You Euros don't have enough hicks, rednecks or hillbillies.  We've given you everything else that represents the worst our culture has to offer, why not send over gene pool pollution and ignorance too?

Those people can win a election for a person. So, fear them!

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The Constitution should have dropped the property owning requirement for the right to vote in favor of a minimum education or competency requirement. Trust me, my greatest fear is of the ignorant masses.

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  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]The Constitution should have dropped the property owning requirement for the right to vote in favor of a minimum education or competency requirement. Trust me, my greatest fear is of the ignorant masses.

Disagree! That kind of crap was used against a segment of population years ago and was not right. The "ignorant masses" can be right at times. wink_o.gif

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I wasn't referring to singling out a "segment" of the population unless that segment is irresponsible voters. Voting as a right is as powerful as gun ownership is, we don't just let anyone buy a gun do we? Why should we let just anyone pick the guy with his finger on the world's biggest gun?

I mean come on, the majority of Bush voters say they would vote for him because he would be more fun to have over at a backyard barbecue. This is the mentality of the Republican voter? If that's all it takes, color me Republican and sign me up for the Senate.

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  (Schoeler @ May 28 2004,08:24) said:
I mean come on, the majority of Bush voters say they would vote for him because he would be more fun to have over at a backyard barbecue.  This is the mentality of the Republican voter?  If that's all it takes, color me Republican and sign me up for the Senate.

I hope you like ketchup.


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  (Schoeler @ May 28 2004,06:27) said:
I think we should export joe and jane sixpack to Europe. You Euros don't have enough hicks, rednecks or hillbillies. We've given you everything else that represents the worst our culture has to offer, why not send over gene pool pollution and ignorance too?

No way - you keep them. Used items only can be returned within the first two years after aquisition (and only if the subject was already defective at the time). We send them off to you decades ago. The guarantee time's over, sorry. tounge_o.gif


Actually if you look around over here, we still have our share of ignorants, and I really doubt there's a remedy against them.


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  (Tex [uSMC said:
@ May 28 2004,06:14)]The Daily Show summed it up the other night while making fun of one of Kerry's campaign ads. The ad says "After graduating from Yale, John Kerry volunteered for combat duty in Vietnam"- cut to John Stewart: "Uh, Mr. Kerry, I've got some bad news: Americans don't do nuance. You might think you're taking a veiled jab at President Bush, but all the average Joe-Sixpack is thinking is "Wait... that dick went to Yale?!"

Hi Tex

Err let us examine that

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]Americans don't do nuance.
One minute your saying a certain argument is low brow then there you are using it. Hmm, most would call that hypocracy
  [b said:
Quote[/b] ] You might think you're taking a veiled jab at President Bush, but all the average Joe-Sixpack is thinking is "Wait... that dick went to Yale?!"

Let us turn that around.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">You might think you're taking a veiled jab at J. F. Kerry, but all the average Joe-Sixpack is thinking is "Wait... that dick George Bush Jnr. went to Harvard?!"

For those who have not read it a quick tour of the Bush Family history is very revealing. I invite you all to do a search on your favourite engine on the phrase 'Bush Family History' some realy nasty skeletons in that closset.

Here is a taster of some of the things you might want to look at http://prorev.com/bush.htm the information is deseminated across the web sources provided as with any such information follow the links to check it veracity. Look for the primary source.

Kind Regards Walker

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Hi all

Many voters in the US were shocked to hear that Ashcroft did not share any of the details of his anouncement about an increased threat from Al Qaeda with any of the other homeland defence agencies such as the FBI, police or city mayors.

Even more shocking is the fact that all intelligence sources say they had no additional threat indcations to support Ascroft's assertion. He made it up.

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]When Attorney General John Ashcroft announced the latest terror warning, the rest of the government -- including the Department of Homeland Security -- heard the details on television.

So, too, did America's mayors.

"The announcement itself wasn't something that we were given a heads up to,'' says Baltimore mayor Martin O'Malley.

Sources tell CBS News Correspondent Bob Orr the Justice Department did nothing to put other agencies in the loop before broadcasting "be-on-the-lookout" pictures of seven suspected terrorists.

The information was not shared with state and local police forces, or even with the FBI's field offices. It wasn't supposed to be this way after 9/11, said one administration official, who noted "the whole warning process was usurped by the Attorney General."

Beyond that, senior counterterrorism officials question the legitimacy of the bulletin, saying there is no new, specific, credible evidence pointing to an imminent attack in the U.S.

Homeland Secretary Tom Ridge, who did not appear with Ashcroft at Wednesday's press conference, seemed to downplay the warning in a series of interviews.

"There's not a consensus within the administration that we need to raise the threat level," said Ridge


Many in The White House say Ashcroft is running around out of control shouting Wolf.

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]An administration official says the Justice Department has been "taken to task" for not coordinating with Homeland Security and other agencies

The fractious turf war is seen as yet another indication of an increasingly divided White House under TBA as twightlight months of the George Bush Jnr. un-Presidency begin to unravel.

The US needs A strong leader like J. F. Kerry as president.

Kind Regards Walker

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  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]The US needs A strong leader like J. F. Kerry as president.

Strong? I'm not sure of that. But America definitly needs a new one...

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  (Akira @ May 28 2004,06:53) said:
  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]The US needs A strong leader like J. F. Kerry as president.

Strong? I'm not sure of that. But America definitly needs a new one...

Akira, you really should go to hear him speak. I had some doubts and attended a speech. That cleared everything up. The media with its sound bites and slants has painted the portrait of Kerry that they want you to see. In person, he is a much different/better man. Don't buy what the media tells you about either candidate.

Kerry has a lot of good ideas and stands strong on a lot of issues, and the media refuses to show it because a tighter race insures better ratings and advertising revenue. It's really a shame how badly we are manipulated by our corporate controlled information sources.

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  (Schoeler @ May 28 2004,06:27) said:
I think we should export joe and jane sixpack to Europe.  You Euros don't have enough hicks, rednecks or hillbillies.  We've given you everything else that represents the worst our culture has to offer, why not send over gene pool pollution and ignorance too?

Trust me we have more than a fair share of idiots. It's just that each country has its own flavour and they can be more difficult to spot for an outsider. In Britain for instance you have the tabloid reading bunch who constitute a considerable portion of the population and they.. well, you be the judge: the Sun. The Germans have a flavour of their own. The French have the Le Pen followers. Holland has its fascisto-liberals ( crazy_o.gif yeah, you heard me - a very odd combination - basically their ideology is "let's kick out all the people that don't share our liberal values (read:muslims et al)". In Italy you have Berlusconi.. need I say more? In Denmark you have a fascist party in the parliament (Dansk folkeparti) with a lot of supporters. In Sweden people have been so brainwashed by socialism that an unbelievable amount of people aren't willing to form individual opinions. The political climate is that there is no political climate. You hadly notice when there is an election. People dutifully go an vote (90%+ turnout) but heaven forbid that anybody should actually discuss politics or express their opinion. With your hicks, rednecks and hillbillies you at least have some dynamics - we have zombies.

And don't get me started about the EUphobes in the European countries. They make American conspiracy theorists seem like sensible people. The British especially excell in this "OMG, The Germans are coming to eat all our fish and chips while all of eastern Europe is going to move here and live off social wellfare". The Swedish EUphobes are generally equally stupid, just have a different style. It's more like "OMG, now the EU is going to come with classified regulations about what types of socks you can wear." The EU will be the end of democracy, freedom and midsumemer celebrations plus we will be foreced to pay for it blah blah blah

Idiotism is universal. You just have a thin coating of cultural paint on it. Humans are by nature xenophobes, bigots and have a very fundamental tribal trait. This can be overcome by education and personal ambition. Unfortunately quite a few people can't be bothered to lift themselves above these primitive traits.

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  (Albert Schweizer @ May 29 2004,01:18) said:
Denoir, not you too. Our TV and radio is already full of advertisements...

Ours is not. Unless you look very hard, you won't even notice that there will be an election. I'll make a thread about the EP elections in a few days.

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  (denoir @ May 28 2004,19:13) said:
  (Schoeler @ May 28 2004,06:27) said:
I think we should export joe and jane sixpack to Europe. You Euros don't have enough hicks, rednecks or hillbillies. We've given you everything else that represents the worst our culture has to offer, why not send over gene pool pollution and ignorance too?

Trust me we have more than a fair share of idiots. It's just that each country has its own flavour and they can be more difficult to spot for an outsider. In Britain for instance you have the tabloid reading bunch who constitute a considerable portion of the population and they.. well, you be the judge: the Sun. The Germans have a flavour of their own. The French have the Le Pen followers. Holland has its fascisto-liberals ( crazy_o.gif yeah, you heard me - a very odd combination - basically their ideology is "let's kick out all the people that don't share our liberal values (read:muslims et al)". In Italy you have Berlusconi.. need I say more? In Denmark you have a fascist party in the parliament (Dansk folkeparti) with a lot of supporters. In Sweden people have been so brainwashed by socialism that an unbelievable amount of people aren't willing to form individual opinions. The political climate is that there is no political climate. You hadly notice when there is an election. People dutifully go an vote (90%+ turnout) but heaven forbid that anybody should actually discuss politics or express their opinion. With your hicks, rednecks and hillbillies you at least have some dynamics - we have zombies.

And don't get me started about the EUphobes in the European countries. They make American conspiracy theorists seem like sensible people. The British especially excell in this "OMG, The Germans are coming to eat all our fish and chips while all of eastern Europe is going to move here and live off social wellfare". The Swedish EUphobes are generally equally stupid, just have a different style. It's more like "OMG, now the EU is going to come with classified regulations about what types of socks you can wear." The EU will be the end of democracy, freedom and midsumemer celebrations plus we will be foreced to pay for it blah blah blah

Idiotism is universal. You just have a thin coating of cultural paint on it. Humans are by nature xenophobes, bigots and have a very fundamental tribal trait. This can be overcome by education and personal ambition. Unfortunately quite a few people can't be bothered to lift themselves above these primitive traits.

Good post. smile_o.gif However don't you want to be somewhere where more people got educated past that than less. tounge_o.gif hey I'm not pointing fingers

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  (Schoeler @ May 28 2004,23:51) said:
Akira, you really should go to hear him speak.  I had some doubts and attended a speech.  That cleared everything up.  The media with its sound bites and slants has painted the portrait of Kerry that they want you to see.  In person, he is a much different/better man.  Don't buy what the media tells you about either candidate.

Kerry has a lot of good ideas and stands strong on a lot of issues, and the media refuses to show it because a tighter race insures better ratings and advertising revenue.  It's really a shame how badly we are manipulated by our corporate controlled information sources.

I finally caught one of his speeches in toto on C-Span the other day. I have to say, I was impressed by not only his ability to recite a complex paragraph without stuttering, but also his national security platform. Still fairly unspecific, but he's saying all the things I need to hear: rebuilding alliances, exercising other options besides military, consolidating our intelligence apparatus (at least to a degree). His domestic platforms are a little nebulous, but all I'd really be interested in would be a Clinton-era status quo: centrism driven by both sides of the aisle, not one or the other (even if it means gridlock at times).

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Hi all

I just started hearing about how the ENRON people ripped off the Califonian's for their electricity. Wow I did not believe that kind of coruption was possable in the US this sounds like something in fictional film about a Banana Republic.

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]In one tape, an employee says, "You gotta think the economy is going to f------g get crushed, man. This is like a recession waiting to f-----g happen."

The tapes show Enron tried to bring California to its knees.

Elsewhere on the tapes, another employee says, "This is where California breaks."

"Yeah, it sure does man," says another.

And they proposed to do that by exporting energy out of the state so the company could drive up prices even more.

"What we need to do is to help in the cause of, ah, downfall of California," an employee is heard saying on the tapes. "You guys need to pull your megawatts out of California on a daily basis."


They actualy manufactured the chrisis in electricity supply in much same way as the oil speculators are with gas.

They had a secondary purpose of trying run Califonia in to massive debt to them. Guess that helped them pay for George Bush Jnr.'s last election.

I have a question was this not how Arnold got in to power?

No wonder George Bush Jnr. refused to regulate them.

What is betting the fake oil chrisis goes away in time for the elections? The profits will help George Bush Jnr.'s Oil pals to buy this election.

Kind Regards Walker

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  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]They actualy manufactured the chrisis in electricity supply in much same way as the oil speculators are with gas.

They had a secondary purpose of trying run Califonia in to massive debt to them. Guess that helped them pay for George Bush Jnr.'s last election.

I have a question was this not how Arnold got in to power?

No wonder George Bush Jnr. refused to regulate them.

What is betting the fake oil chrisis goes away in time for the elections? The profits will help George Bush Jnr.'s Oil pals to buy this election.

Walker, you can take off the tin-folded hat if you want.

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  (billybob2002 @ June 11 2004,22:24) said:
Walker, you can take off the tin-folded hat if you want.

Hi billybob2002

Please enlighten me explain what you mean.

I am just quoting real news if you would care to check out the link to the CBS news article it clearly reports the tapes of ENRON employees ploting to take out the state of Califonia and exactly describes how they did it.

The report not me makes the link to George Bush Jnr.'s policy on de regulation. ENRON was a big Gop suporter and expected George Bush Jnr. to make the changes to the Law they wanted. The very same changes he did make. Heck ENRON expected one of their former chiefs to be in charge of the Department of energy. Again in the report.

The fake electricity chrisis did happen and was created by ENRON employees again described and evedenced in the CBS report.

The fake electricity chrisis was a factor in the Califonia elections and why it is so saddeled with debt. Again this a mater of historical record check what was being said at the time in the press political sections.

The George Bush Jnr. Campaign is financialy supported by major oil industry people; the same ones who are making overblown profits from the Fake Oil Chrisis. It is a matter of public record.

The fake oil chrisis is fake; supply is adequate and there has been no empty gas pumps there was no reason for prices to increase other than speculators pushing up the price.

Read what people did and is evidenced, find out the truth yourself dont dismiss without reading the article first you will only look foolish.

Oh and stop wearing your tin foil hat billybob2002 I am not a member of your great fantasy liberal conspiracy to put down TBA with our telepathic mind ray. Wearing it will not stop our evil liberal thought waves infecting your mind biggrin_o.gif Woo woo! Soon you to billybob2002 will become a liberal drone. Woo woo! ghostface.gif  biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

Kind Regards Walker

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Hi all

Rather desturbing to hear that the same electoral fraud that happened in Florida in the 2000 elections is set to happen again.

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]Today, as the 2004 election nears:

* More than 43,000 Floridians are on the waiting list to have their rights restored, some of whom first learned in 2000, after voting for years, that they weren't legally entitled to vote. The restoration process can take years, and the list is growing, not shrinking.

* Hundreds of people wrongly removed from voter rolls in 2000, who never committed felonies or whose rights had been restored, may not yet have been put back on the rolls.

* A lawsuit charges that Florida's felon disenfranchisement is unconstitutional and affects up to 600,000 people.

Despite all this, state officials have just sent elections supervisors in Florida's 67 counties another list of 47,000 names of individuals who may have committed felonies in the past, telling the supervisors to purge their rolls again.


There is something rotten in Papa Doc Jeb's Banana Republic of Florida.

Shocked Walker

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Hi all


  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]Santa Monica, CA -- Internal Enron e-mails confirm that Arnold Schwarzenegger was among a small group of executives who met with Lay at the posh Peninsula Beverly Hills hotel in May of 2001, in the midst of California's energy crisis. View the e-mails. The Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights, which obtained the e-mails, is calling on Schwarzenegger to acknowledge the meetings and disclose the information that was presented and discussed. The meeting with Enron occurred ten days after rolling blackouts darkened California for two consecutive days; Schwarzenegger has previously said that he does not remember such a meeting.

"You don't meet with America's most well-known corporate crook in the middle of California's biggest financial disaster and not remember," said FTCR's senior consumer advocate Douglas Heller. "Mr. Schwarzenegger should come clean about what happened at that meeting and if he shares Ken Lay's views on energy regulation."

The documents provide a list of invitees to the hastily arranged meeting and a list of those who actually attended. Only eleven of the 45 invitees attended, including Schwarzenegger. The meeting was meant to be an opportunity to gain business community support for Enron's "comprehensive solution" to the energy crisis. In one e-mail, Enron's VP of Public Relations wrote: "We'd like to position this meeting as an insider's conversation of what's going on with the energy situation. This meeting should be for principals only." (emphasis in original)


Go to the article and you can see the emails.

Your Tin Foil hat can no longer protect you billybob2002 Woo woo! Soon you to billybob2002 will become a liberal drone. Woo woo! ghostface.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

Kind Regards Walker

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Say goodbye to the "Dream Ticket"

  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]AP: McCain Rejects Kerry's VP Overture

22 minutes ago

By RON FOURNIER, AP Political Writer

WASHINGTON - Republican Sen. John McCain has personally rejected John Kerry (news - web sites)'s overtures to join the Democratic presidential ticket and forge a bipartisan alliance against President Bush (news - web sites), The Associated Press has learned.

Kerry has asked McCain as recently as late last month to consider becoming his running mate, but the Arizona senator said he's not interested, said a Democratic official who spoke on condition of anonymity because Kerry has insisted that his deliberations be kept private. A second official familiar with the conversations confirmed the account, and said the Arizona senator made it clear he won't change his mind.

Both officials said Kerry stopped short of offering McCain the job, sparing himself an outright rejection that would make his eventual running mate look like a second choice.

"Senator McCain categorically states that he has not been offered the vice presidency by any one," said McCain's chief of staff, Mark Salter, who would not confirm the officials' account.

Kerry spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter declined to comment.

The development may lay to rest speculation that Kerry and McCain would reach across Washington's deep partisan divide and create an unprecedented political partnership.

The notion has been rife with obstacles from the start — McCain is a strong-willed conservative and Kerry a liberal from Massachusetts who would be loath to surrender presidential responsibilities that McCain might demand.

But the fellow senators and Vietnam veterans are friends, their bond sealed as they worked together to help President Clinton (news - web sites) normalize relations with Vietnam. Clinton, who avoided service in the war, needed the political cover from Kerry, a decorated Navy veteran, and McCain, a former prisoner of war.

McCain's cool relationship with Bush fostered Democrats' hopes, but the senator has repeatedly declared his allegiance to the GOP. McCain lost a bitter campaign against Bush for the 2000 Republican nomination, leaving wounds that may never heal.

McCain has said publicly he had no intention of serving as vice president, at times leaving the door open just enough to create a constant buzz. But in private, McCain has ruled out serving under Kerry, despite his respect for the Democrat, advisers said Friday.

In recent days, officials close to Kerry have repeatedly reached out to McCain's advisers in hopes of persuading the senator to join the ticket.

A GOP maverick, McCain jumped to Kerry's defense when the White House accused the Democrat of being weak on defense. "This kind of rhetoric, I think, is not helpful," he said in March, admonishing the White House.

His shoot-from-the-hip style has made McCain one of the nation's most popular politicians, a champion of campaign finance reform and critic of pork-barrel spending — two issues that antagonized his fellow lawmakers. They accuse him of being a showboat, but a politically potent one.

A recent CBS News poll found that a hypothetical Kerry-McCain ticket had a 14-point advantage over Bush-Cheney among registered voters, 53 percent to 39 percent. That's much better than any potential Democratic running mates fared in the latest Associated Press poll.

Kerry is giving serious consideration to Sen. John Edwards (news - web sites) of North Carolina, Rep. Dick Gephardt (news - web sites) of Missouri and retired Army Gen. Wesley Clark (news - web sites) of Arkansas — all former primary rivals — as well as Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, among others. Even with Edwards or Gephardt as Kerry's pick, the Democratic ticket is tied with Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney (news - web sites) among registered voters in the AP poll.

In a head-to-head matchup with Bush alone, Kerry is tied, according to the poll conducted for the AP by Ipsos-Public Affairs.

When Cheney's political status was shaky early this year, McCain's name emerged as a potential replacement and officials close to the senator never ruled out the remote prospect of joining the GOP ticket. Bush has since said Cheney will remain on the ticket.

The AP-Ipsos poll found that 51 percent of registered voters believe Bush should keep Cheney on his ticket, with 43 percent wanting him to pick somebody else.

McCain, a Navy bomber pilot, spent more than five years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. Kerry, who also served in the Navy during Vietnam, came home with three Purple Hearts and Bronze and Silver Stars and became a leader of Vietnam Veterans Against the War. At one protest in 1971, he threw away war medals belonging to other veterans and cast his own military ribbons over a fence. McCain heard about it while he was still being held captive in the Hanoi Hilton.

After McCain was elected to the U.S. House, he campaigned against Kerry in his first Senate race, faulting him for tossing away those medals and ribbons. But the two came to terms in the Senate and began working together.

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  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]Hi billybob2002

Please enlighten me explain what you mean.

I am just quoting real news if you would care to check out the link to the CBS news article it clearly reports the tapes of ENRON employees ploting to take out the state of Califonia and exactly describes how they did it.

The report not me makes the link to George Bush Jnr.'s policy on de regulation. ENRON was a big Gop suporter and expected George Bush Jnr. to make the changes to the Law they wanted. The very same changes he did make. Heck ENRON expected one of their former chiefs to be in charge of the Department of energy. Again in the report.

The fake electricity chrisis did happen and was created by ENRON employees again described and evedenced in the CBS report.

The fake electricity chrisis was a factor in the Califonia elections and why it is so saddeled with debt. Again this a mater of historical record check what was being said at the time in the press political sections.

The George Bush Jnr. Campaign is financialy supported by major oil industry people; the same ones who are making overblown profits from the Fake Oil Chrisis. It is a matter of public record.

The fake oil chrisis is fake; supply is adequate and there has been no empty gas pumps there was no reason for prices to increase other than speculators pushing up the price.

Read what people did and is evidenced, find out the truth yourself dont dismiss without reading the article first you will only look foolish.

Oh and stop wearing your tin foil hat billybob2002 I am not a member of your great fantasy liberal conspiracy to put down TBA with our telepathic mind ray. Wearing it will not stop our evil liberal thought waves infecting your mind Woo woo! Soon you to billybob2002 will become a liberal drone. Woo woo!

Kind Regards Walker

Enron has supported democrats in the past not just republicans. Furthermore, you are trying to connect invisible dots with real ones in this Enron crap.

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  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]Say goodbye to the "Dream Ticket"

No big surprise because he said it billion times. What if McCain in 2000 said yes to Bush for the vp nomination..... wow_o.gif  ghostface.gif

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