CanisDEK 1 Posted November 23, 2001 Personally I would like OFP2 to focus on Multi Players as that is where OFP has a huge potential. With that said I'll just present my ideas. 1. The player number should be big enough to give the feeling of war, but not so big that most servers would be half full. Tribes2 must consider the same things as OFP (bullets and the like travelling, players and vehicles moving in all three dimensions, hit locations etc.) I have seen T2 servers with room for 150 players but these servers are seldom full. The servers with room for 64 players on the other hand does not have this problem. The number of players should be somewhere between 60 and 100. 2. The islands should feature two bases, and an environment that makes the game fair for the two teams. There should be forests, mountains, roads, villages etc. These features should be placed so it was fair for both teams. The size of the islands should be 3x3km to 5x5km depending on player numbers. There should be water around the islands and team bases should be near water to make the use of boats easy and to make costal assaults possible. 3. There should be an accelerate time option so you would experience both night and day during a mission. 4. The base should consist of buildings and perhaps a wall. There should be different buildings like watch towers, an generator for base power, a radio for calling reinforcements, an armory where you aquire your weapons and a landing pad where the vehicles you call as reinforcements would arrive. The teams should earn credits durring the game and should use these credits to buy vehicles and perhaps even ammo and new weapons. The amount of credits the teams recieve should relate to how well they have done durring the game. If it was a game type where you have to control five areas you would get more credits the more areas your team controls. You should be able to destrou the enemy buildings (armory, radio tower, power generator so base lights is turned off etc.). If a team gets its base destroyed players should be able to repair the buildings. No matter how many credits your team has there should be a limit on the number of each vehicles that can be active at once. Perhaps the teams should even have a bank-like building so the opposing team can send special ops to steal some credits. 5. The game should be based on specialists. A sniper could pick up and use a SAW but not nearly as effective as a machine gunner. If one player is an engineer perhaps he could even be able to build machine gun nests and repair damaged vehicles besides being able to repair the base. 6. Players should have a GPS system so they can see team mates on the map and see which areas are controlled by what team but if the base power generator is destroyed this function would be unavailable until the power is again restored by an engineer. 7. The game should be based on moderne warfare, perhaps not 1985 ... as long as it isn't futuristic. 8. You should be able to join in progress and when you join you should be presented with the choice of profession (machine gunner, sniper, medic, engineer, pilot, driver, allround soldier, AT soldier etc.) There should be a limit on the number of each profession in a game to make the specialists work. Perhaps you could include a feature where the player has a priority list for professions and then the computer sellects the profession for the player. Of course there should be automatic team balancing if the host configures it that way. Just a few ideas for OFP2 Multi Player... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kazama 0 Posted November 23, 2001 I would like it to be.................................bug free? Only joking. Na - no idea what I'd like it to be, but what ever it is, I'm sure it'll be good! Actually - it'd be good if they did one in a WW2 timeframe. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beagle 684 Posted November 23, 2001 I would like to see OPF 2 with modern equipment, and more sim than FPS like. There schould be proper Armour values, and some midcore Helicopter handling, like Novalogic's Comanche. There should be SAMs, and RWR's, and countermeasures at least to a simple level. Tanks should have fully stabilized Guns, and laser range finders, as well as Thermal sight. There schould be larger Maps, like 20˛km. With Pinpoints like bridges and passes, and rivers, to make advancing more difficult Campaingn schould be real time, like Enemy Engaged series, with resuply bases for each side, and therefor resource planning. It should really hurt, if you have large losses. that cant be replaced in time. Terrain schuold be desert or half-desert stile, to help creating realistic looking landscapes. And Water should be transparent Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unl33t 0 Posted November 23, 2001 Bug Free..... More Units... Realistic Air physics for air craft and better tank control. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Munkejens 0 Posted November 23, 2001 i would like OFP2 wait until we got everything out of OFP1 as we can. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MYSTERYMAN 0 Posted November 23, 2001 I hate it when game companies push another release on you when you basically just recieved there first one.I guess they call it the "Get Rich Quick" method.But #### it better not look like the current version of Flashpoint.Because that would really blow there cover.Im hopeing the Next release has (like Unl33t said)more physics and controling options.If they make it where its really an all round sim from air to ground.And maybe even some type of rank system.Where you move up in rank after so long,an soon as you get a good rank you can set how things are going to go down in the game Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WKK Gimbal 0 Posted November 23, 2001 I think the example in the first post more or less sound awful. Accellerated time, symmetrical island, etc : sounds like Quake or other crap shooter - i hate them. I love OFP for being closest to realism thus far. I like that you can get lost in vet mode and have to check streetsigns and landmarks to pin your position. I like the challenge that teams are not equal. I hope OFP 2 will be like OFP1, just with more details, like interiors of all buildings, better graphics, more troops, ambient life, etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maldita Vecindad 1 Posted November 23, 2001 OFP2.... First proper beta test to have a good almost bug free experience. Desert Storm kind of missions (1990-1998 era) (maybe an imaginary US vs. an Arab coalition) Improve AI even more ... Improve fisics and damage model (humans and vehicles) Work real hard and I mean hard in the multiplayer aspect Improve sounds.... Improve grafics..... Introduce bigger cities Introduce caves More vehicles (Yes I like them a lot) More Guns Improve clipping problems (colsion detection) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Scooby Posted November 23, 2001 First suggestion sounds arcade. Two bases on a island, bank to steal money, blaa blaa blaa blaa... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YoungBob 0 Posted November 23, 2001 I just hope its not a disgrace to strategic shooters that Ghost Recon is... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nordin dk 0 Posted November 23, 2001 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from WKK Gimbal on 1:58 pm on Nov. 23, 2001 I think the example in the first post more or less sound awful. Accellerated time, symmetrical island, etc : sounds like Quake or other crap shooter - i hate them. I love OFP for being closest to realism thus far. I like that you can get lost in vet mode and have to check streetsigns and landmarks to pin your position. I like the challenge that teams are not equal. I hope OFP 2 will be like OFP1, just with more details, like interiors of all buildings, better graphics, more troops, ambient life, etc. <span id='postcolor'> I have to second this strongly. What differ OFP from your run-of-the-mill  FPS is the realism, and this is the aspect of the game that BIS must focus on. It's seldom nowadays too see games that stand out and dare to be something else than Red Alert or Quake offspring. What makes OFP special is realism!! The accelerated pulse when running from cover to cover - the total sense of confusion and chaos on the battlefield if there isn't a leader around to tell you what to do - the gloom of oncoming rain -  lying wounded on the battlefield with a roaming bmp and no more laws - steeling ammo rounds from your dead buddies - etc.etc. If you want to play Counterstrike, play counterstrike and forget about OFP. I pray that BIS doesn't lean more towards that type of gameplay, it would ruin everything that makes OFP special. nordin_dk Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mithrandir 0 Posted November 23, 2001 I love this game. Here are my wishlist for a possible OFP2 relese: In SP mode: 1. Keep the realism as it is today, but... 2. Improved AI and fleXible AI as in no 3 3. When playing a campign, AI soldiers which manage to survive a mission should earn eXperience points. In the begining of a campign all soldiers are rookies but as the campaign progress AI soldiers become more and more skilled, as long as the manage to survie. 4. Ability to capture enemy soldiers alive (they surrender). 5. Some few misssions with (inhouse battle's) for instance get into i hangar and kill all enemyies inside, destroy an aircraft...etc etc. 6. A newer war scenario (desert strom, afganistan) 7. Abilty to move (with boat, plane etc) to the other islands within a mission. 8. Keep the islands/worlds as big as the are today. In MP. 1. Some MP friendly maps/islands i.e. smaller ones. 2. Join game in progress. 3. A standard respawn function. (The respawn functionality) Shall be in the game engine, not depending on what the mission author decieds. And BIS if you reads this. Keep up the good work with OFP. This game is already the greatest game ever...and the support is supperb!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Havelock 0 Posted November 23, 2001 OFP 2 would be the opportunity to improve / change the code. I agree with the 'buildings idea. Currently the clipping problems really do bug me. I also agree with the REALISM argument. Choose a date for a campaign (or more than one date for more than one campaign) and make sure the equipment is specific to that date. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Havelock 0 Posted November 23, 2001 Oh .. and I disagree with a focus on Multiplayer. Two reasons for that. 1. Selfishness ... I only play single-player. 2. Realism ... the two bases, small maps, being anally retentive about unit balance, etc. By all means, support MP, but keep the SP strong. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AndyZ 0 Posted November 24, 2001 I couldn't agree more. First of all - keep single player strong! Preferably with some nice storyline AndyZ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Satchel 0 Posted November 24, 2001 Single Player "dreams/wishes" for OFP 2: <ul> [*] An torough career tracking system that would be invaluable for a role playing aspect, keeping full log of  - mission performance, - Medals earned, - Status (KIA/Wounded (in hospital)/healthy), - short Character Bio, - Unit patches - Possibility to improve certain skills, but not like in GR. Skills should be distributed automatically based on how accurate a single soldier was, how much kills, did he use certain weapons like AT/LAW with success- if so his skills in that specific weapon category should rise accordingly, how much was he shot at- if the enemy didn´t spot him some stealth points should be awarded, did he use a vehicle with success- if so his operating skills on a certain vehicle have to be rised. This career system could be implemented in a completly new GUI interface, that´s build up like a virtual base- anyone remember Longbow 2 or B17 II, those games show how it could look. [*] I would like to see modern ground warfare, but without fast movers, jets like interceptors/Fighters/Bombers that is. [*] More modfriendly filestructure, especially sounds and graphics. [*] Strategic objects like Power Plants, Harbours, Railways, industrial areas- as we already have islands with OFP how about some non island scenario? [*]Rivers, caves, Bridges, lakes, more variety to flora&fauna, extended  Buildings so that actual missions can take part in a building complex. [*]More variety to soundeffects [*]Each weapon should have it´s own specs, not sharing the paramters with a handful of other weapons [*]Higher Polycount and Texture Resolution 1024x1024 and up (It will take some time till OFP 2 would be released, Geforce 3 and 1Ghz+ should be pretty much standard by then) [*]More sim aspects to vehicles. Multiplayer dreams/wishes: [*]A stable Netcode [*]Ingame Browser for online gaming (scrap AG) [*]Nicer interface (GUI) [*]Special designed "small" Multiplayer maps, that are only a fraction the size of the mighty SP maps. It helps gameflow immensively and keeps action up, rather than waiting for an enemy that does never show up. Should be large enough to operate vehicles and Helis, without fearing immediate firefights after mission start. The size of desert island is quite good, but of course it should feature more variety to terrainfeatures. [*]Radar should be an option, so it´s not that easy to spot and combat a target with an Helicopter. [*]The player should have the ability to choose what weapon and equipment he takes for a specific scenario and map in the ready room, not what the mission designer intended! That´s all coming into my mind right now . (Edited by Satchel at 4:07 am on Nov. 24, 2001) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shataan 1 Posted November 24, 2001 here goes: a: motion captured soldier movements again. b: Geforce 3 T&L support bigitme. c: grass, like DF 2 had d: heli support, for insertions and extractions with a door gunner for support. No attack helis , focus on combat on foot. Helis strictly for insertion extraction. e: varied map terrains ie desert, green hills, cliffs, island,jungle,mountainous, snow, rain, fog, f: standard maps that everyone has so we can just get to the business=playing. About 12 good map types this time. g: modern combat utilizing the Land Warrior system. DFLW sucked at it IMHO, shame on your a** NovaLogic. Ya need someone like BIS to do it right. h: para drops again. i: allow knife kills if grass is an added feature ala DF 2. j: gilly suits for snipers. k: streams, and rivers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
84 Charlie MoPic 0 Posted November 24, 2001 I think the question should be 'when' would you like to see OFP2 released. BIS / the community modders could still support OFP with addon's, while taking advantage of the gradual increase in technology. Although the core gamecode would remain, the Hardware improvements would make it seem to appear smoother and crisper. Some of these idea's are great, but how much processor / graphic power would you need for DF type tall grass on the scale of OFP's maps. Personally i would rather wait around 4 / 5 years for OFP 2. Think about the computer hardware then + the improvements in the internet and speed of data transfer As for a wishlist of improvments to OFP2 : 1. Get rid of the airplanes - the size of maps can't do justice to them and it seems to be the source of most the headaches to the programmers when dealing with bugs - helicopters are the perfect flying option for OFP 2. Better SOUNDS (my only irritation with OFP) 3. No matter how hard BIS work at the AI, it will never match human ingenious or stupidity. As purely a single player i relish good AI but realise it's limitations and 'quirks' 4. Less clipping and sharper scenery - particularly for buildings and shrubbery 5. the biggie for me - why not take on the likes of Rogue Spear and incude the planning phase and an observer mode. I'd love to be able to plan a capture of a town using waypoint and 'go'commands' and then sitting back and watching the action unfold from various viewpoints - i suppose you could do this with the current editor but it would be 'cinematic' rather than dynamic. 6. A totally new gamecode to incorporate even more topography and other features already mentioned by other posters. 7. MUST KEEP THE SPIRIT / ATMOSPHERE OF OFP Anyway, like i said before, i would rather wait for the technology to reach the necessary level, before BIS embarks on OFP2. Then we will play an UBER realistic game. *Raise a glass and toast to BIS this Chistmas* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrManiac 0 Posted November 24, 2001 I would be completely satisfied, if Codemaster and/or BIS release a REAL patch which solve at least 90% of the bugs. I really love OFP, but I hate the complete game engine and the official support from Codemasters. For example look at their FAQ on their homepage. Really sad, what they did with such that great game... (Edited by MrManiac at 11:47 am on Nov. 24, 2001) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
murphywnjuk 0 Posted November 24, 2001 There are a number of people talking about how they would like to see an OPF2 (if there will be one) focusing on Multiplayer and improving the Netcode. Now thats great for some of you but the rest of us that sit around on our 56K analogue connections it means nothing to us. I would rather see an excellent Single Player game with a good LAN potential than see a practically multiplayer-only game as i would simply....not buy it. Oh yeah, next time BIS.......PUT THE BRITISH ARMY IN THE GAME :-) and keep up the good work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maldita Vecindad 1 Posted November 24, 2001 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from 84 Charlie MoPic on 7:01 am on Nov. 24, 2001 Personally i would rather wait around 4 / 5 years for OFP 2. <span id='postcolor'> Most of the time the developement cycle of a sequel is less than the first. I guess thats for: * They are going to modify not create a new engine. * More programing experience that would allow them to reduce the bug repairing, programming, etc. * More resources to work $$$$. So they can bring more programmers, better machines, etc. (The 1st. was a hit). I guess that in no more than two years. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OmniMax 0 Posted January 30, 2003 Some notes: Forget SP. SP is just a campaign (bunch of missions) thrown together with intros and outros. Basicly, the engine sets the basics of how the game plays, the campaign or mission sets where, when, and why you're playing. Campaigns can be added whenever. SP isn't that big of a deal, they could do that later. Fix the engine problems, improve on the engine. Make the terrain a bit destrucable (craters for cover, trees to blow up, and what not) clipping problems, etc. I hope you understand what I mean by the engine and SP relation. Sort of what I mean is, Operation Flashpoint could have been Operation Desert Storm, the engine is the rules, the campaign (which they are fully buildable, customizable) isn't really limited. a bit confusing, eh? basicly, SP is unimportant. the engine is what counts. fix them bugs and add new features and... BAM! Forgot realism. Targeting computers, thermal vision, and what not... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HellToupee 0 Posted January 30, 2003 about the realistic aspect, people are attack his ideas as unrealistic like 2 bases, time acc etc, these are just map features to make a fun game they are no more or less realistic than what we currently play other than coops, the realism is in the one shot kill cant hit stuff when running etc that is the realism part. In ofp 2 or upgrade to 1 i would like to see some intergration of a rts like multiplayer for large amounts of people with JIP and a chain of command with commanders getting the approate interface for controling groups. If you have played allergence now free used to be a microsoft pay to play game that is the sort of style i am talking about. Maybee take away the factory building concept and replace it with a factory controlling one where u have to capture them airfields etc or something similar. Online shouldnt be about captureing a silly flag and holding it it should be a side vs side battle to elimate the other. My fav game type is rts and cti, no one every seems to play these locally and they show ofps need for jip if it is to reach the larger scale. As for SP well thats ofps strong point probly 99% of people who bought ofp play sp not mp so dont go neglecting it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ralphwiggum 6 Posted January 30, 2003 please use this thread closing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites