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Spawning in sp...

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Hi... the closest I have been to using spwning is just hearing about it so when it comes to spawning I'm a newbe... sad_o.gif

I have a air fight mission and when the player has shot down all the enemy airplain's i make it so he ejects and his plane ecsplodes... Now this could happen over a wide area so I want a group of natzies approact him where he lands. How do I do this?

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Hi... the closest I have been to using spwning is just hearing about it so when it comes to spawning I'm a newbe... sad_o.gif

I have a air fight mission and when the player has shot down all the enemy airplain's i make it so he ejects and his plane ecsplodes... Now this could happen over a wide area so I want a group of natzies approact him where he lands. How do I do this?

The easiest way, if you only want one group of german soldiers to approach him is to

1: create an group with x num of soldiers

2: when your pilot crash, setPos the whole group near the pilot. sounds fair?

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