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Httv released

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Would be nice with a woodland with a MK19 and a desert with M2

Is it me, or does that static MK19 look like lego? With all those "white" lines... The contrast between black and white is too big IMO


sorry, just my opinion

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Actually the MK-19 looks quite accurate to me. He also did an excellent job at getting a good sound as well on the Mk-19. Although in real life the explosions are VERY bass heavy.

I'm also glad he put a more-or-less accurate weapons sight on the MK-19 as well.

The only thing I could see improved is the bug fixes (about the floating tires) and slightly dirtied up textures as others mentioned.

I also would like to see a Mk-19 and M2 version in both desert and woodland paint jobs.

So far in combat testing on the Tonal island against Tonali militia forces, I found this vehicle to be very good at avoiding RPG's at least when I was driving it. The AI tend to slow down sometimes but even they usually avoid hits. Likewise the Mk-19 really blows the hell out of the militias as well.

The real danger is from machine gun fire I think. If the Mk-19 gunner doesn't act fast or if the driver doesn't haul ass out of a fire zone, then the crew get torn up pretty good by enemy fire.

Oh also...I agree with what someone else said about using a default WEST crew. Same with the Mk-19. I really want to use the Mk-19 in many missions as its the best I've seen so far. But I don't want people to have to download the entire Marine Assault pack just to use the Mk-19 in missions that don't involve US Marines.

So if you can please change this!!!

Aside from those minor knitpicks, AWESOME job on the textures, weapons, and sounds!!!!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Why did you "wargh..." rock.gif Dont like the marine addon or dont like addons to be dependant on other addons?


MfG Lee wink_o.gif

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Really nice addon.

Besides the things that were allready mentioned, I would like to have a slightly different animation for the co-driver. Right now his weapon sticks out from the vehicle, which looks somewhat strange on such a nice HTTV smile_o.gif

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glad to finally see my httv rereleased with the bugs fixed and the extra stuff added, and some of the new textures

havent downloaded it yet, dunno if im mentioned in the readme or not, as long as im mentioned for all the original stuff ill be happy

didnt know if it would ever see the light of day again, i first released it 6months ago

thanks again for fixin it up and adding the new features

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@Rifleman, worry not, you're credited:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Credits:


- Rifleman for the basic model

(...) I guess I owe you "thank you" as I like them very much! Thx to Inquisitor too! wink_o.gif

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Erm, i would like to know the name of paa/pac file of the picture of HTTV, the pic what comes to down of your screen when you are Group leader and there is HTTV vehicle in your group rock.gif

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Hummm...I need that picture for my upcoming CTI...

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You need to PM Inquisitor, he's the one that encrypted this addon for some unknown reason. crazy_o.gif

My most obvious guess is these two:



I'm not sure, though, because I can't check it, because this damn addon (as nice as it is) has been encrypted. mad_o.gif

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Yeah, I PM'd him a long time ago..No response, but thanks Pappy,smith. smile_o.gif

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Eheh... I know why he wants it... hehe.... this is gonna be awesome sledu...

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