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Women in the military

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Quote[/b] ]Quote (InqWiper @ Jan. 07 2004,18:44)


When you join the military you are told to read the terms and one of them is do you feel comfortable with killing people

This question totally depends on who you would be killing and why. I dont think any soldier who accidentally shot a civilian would think "Hmmm...thats a wasted bullet".

depends under which circumstances (talking about the extremes there)

Yeah. You are right. I think people who react like that shouldnt be in the military, and I think the military agrees  smile_o.gif

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The SAS in fact are trained to shoot women first in a hostage situation as they are generally more fanatic than men and more commited.


Of course, men that join a terrorist group are fanatic but a part of that is also expectations from the environment that they grew up in ,while women have to be even crazier than men to get "accepted" in a terrorist group, since much higher expectations are placed on them.

(I hope you know what I mean)

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lol avonlady.

Quote[/b] ]I dont think most men who have been to war like it either. And I think its more about heart than brains.

In WW2 i'm sure it was about heart as it was defence of one's country.

In the Iraq war the British soldiers have got the attitude of just being called out to kill for political purpose, and they are not too partial to that.

Quote[/b] ]The military isnt about killing and getting killed. I hope thats one of the dumber things you have said.

Hmm, what else does the military specialise in? Do the two militaries in war all sit down in a huge circle, make patterns with tank tracks and then sing songs?

Now that was one of the dumber things i have said.

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Of all the active serving military personnel in the world, I'm sure only a small proportion have actually been in a  combat situation  wink_o.gif

Saying that people join the military to kill or get killed, is ludicrous and quite stupid  rock.gif


Latest Time is a very interesting read...

Take a look at the cover and spot the woman wink_o.giftounge_o.gif


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"Hmm, what else does the military specialise in? Do the two militaries in war all sit down in a huge circle, make patterns with tank tracks and then sing songs?"

He is partially right. It isnt about getting killed. It is however about killing.

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Well people don't signup to their national armed forces to kill and especially not to get killed. rock.gif I know that for sure wink_o.gif

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i do! biggrin_o.gif.

no not really im not doing, of the many reasons im joining the amry some of them are

1. Family history, both grandfathers and my great grandfather were in the army, one grandad (who was a desert rat in WWII)and my great grandad were in combat (one in WWI and one in WWII) and neither of them were killed, but im sure they killed people.

2. think about it, each person owes so much to its soldiers past and present, so i wanna give some back

3. it pays pretty good, (an the main reason for me is this) - so im gonna go in the army for 5 years or so upt o about 10 years, save up, move to the USA to the girl i love and live with her for the rest of my life biggrin_o.gif

so see........not everyone joins to kill or be killed, i could kill someone if the situation becomes neccesary, i dont want to kill someone (believe it or not i am NOT a homicidalmanic) but i will to defend myself and squad mates, and possibly in the long ruin, alongside my fellow squaddies, my country.

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Actually , i think it is war , not military, that is about killing or being killed.

Military is more about doing what someone will order you without the right to refuse to accomplish what is asked especially when the military rank of the guy ordering you is a lot higher than your rank (or you can gain the right to go in military court then jail and in some country you can even gain the right to be shot because of that especially when in war time smile_o.gif ).

Sometime military can do circle with their tanks and sing.

But only if ordered to do that smile_o.gif

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Well people don't signup to their national armed forces to kill and especially not to get killed. rock.gif I know that for sure wink_o.gif

that's not what they sign to do , that's what they sign for

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Well people don't signup to their national armed forces to kill and especially not to get killed. rock.gif I know that for sure  wink_o.gif

that's not what they sign to do , that's what they sign for

Well, when you apply, they don't ask you, "How'd you like to kill some bastard ragheads?" or tell you, "You're going to die in the army, it is inevitable". They ask you questions like "How would you feel about having to drop bombs on a target, which could be in the vicinity of innocent civilians?"... They don't tell you or make obvious the fact that you WILL kill other human beings, or you WILL get shot in the temple.

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Well people don't signup to their national armed forces to kill and especially not to get killed. rock.gif I know that for sure wink_o.gif

that's not what they sign to do , that's what they sign for

Well, when you apply, they don't ask you, "How'd you like to kill some bastard ragheads?" or tell you, "You're going to die in the army, it is inevitable". They ask you questions like "How would you feel about having to drop bombs on a target, which could be in the vicinity of innocent civilians?"... They don't tell you or make obvious the fact that you WILL kill other human beings, or you WILL get shot in the temple.

you're right , but when you sign up , the possibility of having to kill somebody is quite high , that's what armies are made for generally , not to enforce diplomacy but to crush enemy skulls

in your contract , you'll have to kill if ordered to , that's apart of military life too , that's why we're formed most of the time

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After all the attention Jessica Lynch got, I'm really disappointed Capt. Kim Campbell (An A-10 pilot who brought her serverely damaged Warthog back to base) got very little press.  unclesam.gif

If I remember right that got a lot of press because she was a female compared to the other shot up A-10s that made it back with male pilots. unclesam.gif

Anyway, I think females should be eligible for all the jobs men do in the military.  They should also be eligible for the draft, and they should also have to pay the same car insurance rates as everyone else.  Equality anybody? crazy_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]they should also have to pay the same car insurance rates as everyone else.

insurance rate is set on empirical data, and women tend to get into smaller accidents, while men tend to get into bigger ones. that's why there is a difference in rate.

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Quote[/b] ]

Försvarsmaktens fyra huvuduppgifter

Försvara Sverige mot väpnat angrepp

Försvarsmaktens uppgift är att i fred förbereda för att i krig försvara Sverige mot väpnade angrepp som hotar vĺr frihet och vĺrt oberoende. Försvarsmakten ska kunna möta väpnade angrepp, oavsett var de kommer ifrĺn och hela landet ska kunna försvaras.

Hävda vĺr territoriella integritet

Svensk militär närvaro vid vĺra gränser och omgivande havsomrĺde ska fungera konfliktdämpande. För att hävda den territoriella integriteten använder sig Försvarsmakten framförallt av marina stridskrafter och


Bidra till fred och säkerhet i omvärlden

Sverige ska i samverkan med andra länder aktivt delta i internationell fredsfrämjande och humanitär verksamhet. Eftersom militära konflikter alltid riskerar att utvidgas, ligger det i Sveriges intresse att bidra till att lösa konflikter i vĺr omvärld.

Stärka det svenska samhället vid svĺra pĺfrestningar i fred

Försvarsmaktens resurser ska kunna utnyttjas för att stödja det svenska samhället vid svĺra pĺfrestningar även i fredstid. Ett effektivt samutnyttjande av resurser med andra myndigheter är viktigt. Tillsammans med det civila försvaret ska Försvarsmakten ocksĺ kunna förebygga och hantera katastrofer och kriser av icke-militärt slag, till exempel svĺra naturkatastrofer, miljöolyckor, terrorhandlingar och stora flyktingströmmar.

This is what the military is about. Go fetch your swedish-english dictionary  tounge_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]they should also have to pay the same car insurance rates as everyone else.

insurance rate is set on empirical data, and women tend to get into smaller accidents, while men tend to get into bigger ones. that's why there is a difference in rate.

Not when you look at how my sister drives. crazy_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Not when you look at how my sister drives. crazy_o.gif

did she possibly get her drivers-ed through the military? :P

i heard that the military can be quite crazy at driving sometimes :P biggrin_o.gif lol

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She did learn to drive in New Jersey though biggrin_o.gif

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My view on this; there are many complicating factors with women at the front lines, that is male-femal relation/behaviour problems and physical issues. Behind the lines I think it is fine, same requirements...

It is a biological/scientific fact that women are not equal in physical capabilty to men. There are exceptions, for example when hormone levels are out of whack etc. But seroiusly, it has been in man kinds history that women are not the ones to do the fighting for physical limitations. Then you have even more worries if a woman is captured in battle, rape and sexual abuse.

So basically, I would try to keep the fighting to the ones who are more physically gifted, men. Unless it is an emergency of course. Believe it or not I am not some shovenist male etc. etc., I'm speaking strictly from known facts about our anatomy, like hip structure, muscle build up, bone texture, and most of the time even agression, although I think women may have a great place in peace keeping. wink_o.gif

EDIT: Gotta love the female cops though, at least if they give you a ticket you have something to look at. tounge_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]

Försvarsmaktens fyra huvuduppgifter

Försvara Sverige mot väpnat angrepp

Försvarsmaktens uppgift är att i fred förbereda för att i krig försvara Sverige mot väpnade angrepp som hotar vĺr frihet och vĺrt oberoende. Försvarsmakten ska kunna möta väpnade angrepp, oavsett var de kommer ifrĺn och hela landet ska kunna försvaras.

Hävda vĺr territoriella integritet

Svensk militär närvaro vid vĺra gränser och omgivande havsomrĺde ska fungera konfliktdämpande. För att hävda den territoriella integriteten använder sig Försvarsmakten framförallt av marina stridskrafter och


Bidra till fred och säkerhet i omvärlden

Sverige ska i samverkan med andra länder aktivt delta i internationell fredsfrämjande och humanitär verksamhet. Eftersom militära konflikter alltid riskerar att utvidgas, ligger det i Sveriges intresse att bidra till att lösa konflikter i vĺr omvärld.

Stärka det svenska samhället vid svĺra pĺfrestningar i fred

Försvarsmaktens resurser ska kunna utnyttjas för att stödja det svenska samhället vid svĺra pĺfrestningar även i fredstid. Ett effektivt samutnyttjande av resurser med andra myndigheter är viktigt. Tillsammans med det civila försvaret ska Försvarsmakten ocksĺ kunna förebygga och hantera katastrofer och kriser av icke-militärt slag, till exempel svĺra naturkatastrofer, miljöolyckor, terrorhandlingar och stora flyktingströmmar.

This is what the military is about. Go fetch your swedish-english dictionary tounge_o.gif

When i said what the military is 'about', i was not explaining the willful intention and explanation of the individual joining the military, more of the result tried and tested by history.

Also this is roughly what i got from your thing -

"The four main purposes of the (Swedish) defence forces":

1) Defend Sweden against an armed attack

2) Uphold our territorital integrity

3) Contribute to peace and security in the world

4) Strengthen the swedish society during hardships in peacetime

I really like the policy of the Swedish Defence Forces, wish we could do the same.

Now the military works around death - you defend by killing.

Now let's say you are doing your national service and a neighbouring country attacks, ahh what the hell let's say Norway

tounge_o.gif , now your running towards a Norwegian soldier called matz who has been shot and you stab him with a bayonet thus he dies, this is how the Swedish military would defend itself, by killing. As you kill him his comrade shoots you and you slowly die, unfortunate but that is the name of the game.

How can you people be deluded by what the military is, especially you Conglisere, if you are going to fly Tornadoes around you have to accept that the result is death for someone who has agreed to kill you and accepts the risk of death like you should accept the risk of death when in the forces.

The forces are seen as just a footstep to better things but they are a big step as you are risking your life. A British soldier was killed in Iraq yesterday, did he think there was no risk and that the military is not about killing? Get real people.

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Quote[/b] ]they should also have to pay the same car insurance rates as everyone else.

insurance rate is set on empirical data, and women tend to get into smaller accidents, while men tend to get into bigger ones. that's why there is a difference in rate.

...which is extremely sexist.

Discriminating against one sex = sexist

The empirical data also shows than men drive a hell of a lot more than women.

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Quote[/b] ]they should also have to pay the same car insurance rates as everyone else.

insurance rate is set on empirical data, and women tend to get into smaller accidents, while men tend to get into bigger ones. that's why there is a difference in rate.

...which is extremely sexist.

Discriminating against one sex = sexist

The empirical data also shows than men drive a hell of a lot more than women.

Men drive more and are more prone to get into accidents.  If insurance rates are raised on this data, how is that sexist, or discriminating? It has a reasonable base.

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Because it's discriminating against one sex?


They aren't more prone to get into accidents per mile driven than women.

Is it suddenly not racist to only employ white people because they are more educated in general than black people?*

*which is not a good thing

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Ah, well I do see where you are coming from.  I just have a little different view on the situation.

Quote[/b] ]They aren't more prone to get into accidents per mile driven than women.

But AFAIK there are more men drivers (here in the states anyway). And charging men more on the basis that they have a larger potential to get into accidents, and there is a larger amount compared to the amount of women, allows them to make more money. Where you see sexism, I see capitalism tounge_o.gif

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Plus, the amount of idiotic teenage male drivers is much higher than the amount of idiotic teenage female drivers. That pushes up the rate a lot mad_o.gif .

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