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Nogovian government?

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Work on the factsheet is going slow since it isn't a very uplifting task at times. Especially when doing the same things at school... Might use this one as an extra assingment for scocial studies though tounge_o.gif

But I need some input on population. I am thinking that Nogova should have a population similar to that of San Marino, perhaps a bit larger considering we have three islands on our hands here. EDIT: San Marinos population is ca. 28,000 if I remember the facts from the museum correctly smile_o.gif

I am currently basing my values and statistics on countries similar to Nogova both in history, size and agricultural aspects.

I imagine that Nogova could very well be an exporter of wine and other liquor. Taking the relative hilly countryside and temperate climate into consideration.

I have also come up with a history for the factory outside of Petrovice:

Founded in the year 1900 by the Zsatska brothers the Nogovan oblečení faktorie started off business with making aprons, tents, tarps and various other textile products. Production not really kicking in until the year 1903 with the outbreak of the Maldenian colonial war, where the factory recived an order by the king of Nogova to manufacture tents and uniforms to furnish the oldfashioned army.

After the war production slowed down severly and the Zsatska brothers felt it was time to move the business further. In 1908 a new factory complex was constructed this time to cater to the populations need for small arms the factory was ready to produce weapons in 1909. The first weapon model to come out of the production line was quite simply called "Zsatska" and was made with a Flintlock mechanism, the gun became quite popular on all three islands but it was not very effective compared to other rifles of the time and soon it was forgotten.

The first model to not use a flintlock mechanism was however much more reliable, based on the Lee Enfield Mk.1 the "Zsatska vzorný 3" or ZV3 became very popular and adopted by the Nogovan army in 1912.

The factory siezed production in 1928, to be revived many years later. In 1989 Dominick Zsatska started the factory again, now transforming the gun manufacturing complex into a small workshop for motor vehicles. This part of the company went by the name of NZT (Nogovan závod terénní) and produced licensed versions of UAZ cars, Jawa motorbikes and Ural trucks. The only thing to tell the Russian/Czech and Nogovan versions apart (except the model names and company logos) was by the engines, the Nogovan ones being quite inferior to the original ones. No parts were completly manufactured on Nogova.

The Nogovan oblečení faktorie did however continue production until 1991 when it was bought up and tranferred to a location in downtown Lipany. Before that it had made alot of sample uniforms for the NDF to take in for review, in all new camouflage schemes. None were officially adopted.

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Thats nice man.  Making up a history for a island is hard and sometimes not that good, but you do it very well.  Good job


So a car company hey........you guys gonna create perhaps a nogova mini and sutff smile_o.gif

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The purpose of the car factory was a ploy from my side, to give the NDF some originality by being able to put a new brand on the re-skinned UAZ's and Ural trucks to give the mode a more "domestic feel" if the developers are actually reading this thread smile_o.gif

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One thing I saw at Mapfact.net awhile back was the "Nogova Mining Company" where they had a few pics of some reskinned urals, uaz's with ags buildings.

This looked great but was not released.

The idea is good though I think if you are looking for an extra industry and source of income.

There isnt a news archive so no pics. sad_o.gif

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Yes, I remember that. I belive it is this article. Sadly enough I think they cancelled this a while back along with their campaign. A real shame to be honest.


By the way, I would love some help with the making of a map showing where Nogova actually is on the map. Also some help with geographical coordinates and similar things, any geography buffs around?

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Yep, that's it.

A possible idea would be to "obtain" this and put it into the mod (if that sounds like something worth doing) since it's wasted otherwise.

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Well... Location wise I guess it's between the Black sea, the south of Barents sea and the White sea. These areas should have freezing to chilly winters and quite warm summers to cater to all the tourist needs.

The most likely one to me is the Black sea, near Azovska lake. Please insert your opinions here smile_o.gif

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But I need some input on population. I am thinking that Nogova should have a population similar to that of San Marino, perhaps a bit larger considering we have three islands on our hands here. EDIT: San Marinos population is ca. 28,000 if I remember the facts from the museum correctly smile_o.gif

A quick counting of the flats in Petrovic, learn that it has a total of 62 floors, each holding 2 appartements, which would come down to 124 families in the Petrovician flats alone.

I don't think we would come to something usable when counting the houses 1:1. A slightly "scaled up" guess would be good, otherwise the govenment wouldn't get have a dollar to spend.

According to my Geofrafica from 1999, San Marino (size 60km^2) has 25000 inhabitants, prognosed at 26000 for the year 2005. Lichtenstein, with 160km^2, has 32000 inhabitants. Monaco has 33000 people crammed on 1.9km^2.

I think some 50000 people on all Nogovian islands together would be reasonable. (Make it something different than 50000, the figure is just "too round")

I don't know if there's anything decided on the state type, but with this size, it would probably not be a Kingdom. If it's not a republic, it would more likely be a duchy, earldom or barony.

BTW, what would the Nogovian currency be?

I think the Nogovian "Arčon" would be nice, from the French "Argent" (meaning both silver and money), written as I imagine a Czech would spell it phonetically. This would fit perfectly with the rest of the historic background of French traders visiting these islands.

[edit: damn these signs... I typed Arcon with that curve over the "c]

The only problem might be that this could be an existing Czech word. Anyone?

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Well... Location wise I guess it's between the Black sea, the south of Barents sea and the White sea. These areas should have freezing to chilly winters and quite warm summers to cater to all the tourist needs.

The most likely one to me is the Black sea, near Azovska lake. Please insert your opinions here smile_o.gif

Heh... cool. That's EXACTLY what I had in mind. smile_o.gif

Possibly the French hero Tin Tin visited these islands on his adventures. biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Possibly the French hero Tin Tin visited these islands on his adventures.

He did go to the "Black Island", but I thought that was near Scotland.

I'm an American who has seen the light of Tin Tin tounge_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif .

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Eeep, I forgot a really crucial thing in my fact sheet! Serves me right for going to the economical matters first.

What approximate size would Malden, Everon and Nogova be? Nogova I think is one hundred square kilometers.

Everon and Malden are not even half as large if I remember correctly....

Well, 225 square kilometers it is. This is the total sum for all three islands including 15 square kilometers of water between them. Nogova being a hundred square kilometers, Malden sixty, Everon fifty. The island republic of Nogova also has an exclusive economical zone consisting of about 100 nutical miles. The government has access to a fraction of Ukraines EEZ wich makes the Nogovan EEZ about 130 NM's.

Also, the landmasses are based on the game. If anyone finds more apropriate numbers I would love to see them smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Possibly the French hero Tin Tin visited these islands on his adventures.

He did go to the "Black Island", but I thought that was near Scotland.

I'm an American who has seen the light of Tin Tin tounge_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif .

If I remember correctly, the professor lived in Moldavia, near the Nort-West of the Black Sea. It's just separated from the Black Sea by a small strip of Ukraine, 40km at the narrowest point.

Erm... sorry about that. Anyway, Black Sea near the Azov sea would be perfect.

Quote[/b] ]What approximate size would Malden, Everon and Nogova be? Nogova I think is one hundred square kilometers.

Everon and Malden are not even half as large if I remember correctly....

Something like that, yes.

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No, only the landmass. I am assuming that the islands have gone trough alot of changes since 1980 and 1985. Thus increasing the population by a fair bit.

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Lets talk literacy first.Nogova is a country with a decent literacy rate and a well educated people ,heck they could beat very good invasion forces with guerilla tactic's ,it takes some intelect to pull that off.

It's an European country in the 80's.It is not a third world country because it's population is educated and have certain freedom's within a democracy with an ellected president ,this creates an atmosphere where capitalist entrepeneurs can invest in the potential of Nogova.

It's natural resources are still debatable.Should they be near the black sea area or nort Russia area then the possibilety of oil fields or gas fields are plausible.However being a country of many forests ,it's only natural that asside of a logging industry there is also a good furniture industry that produces the wood in mnf goods to make good profit on the world market.The country has a small construction industry mainly using wood for construction as it can be cheaply aquired.

As an island ,it is more than normal that a good part of the economy is dependant on the sea.Along the ports fishermen with decent fishing boats are working to bring in food for the population.The country has aside firshing ports also a medium sized port for industrial means.Being an island of many hardened fishermen many of them have joined the ranks of the Nogova merchant fleet ,counting a small amount of modern merchant ship's that compete in near trading centers for transport contracts.

Nogova's strategic position allows it to cheaply import certain resources that can be produced in high and medium value mnf goods.

If the country is situated in the mediteranian ,it can also expect a fair amount of tourism wich bring's in a lot of cash.

(in repect to that ,when the Turks invaded Cyprus they made a invasion landing with paratroopers on beaches filled with tourists)

Nogova's shortcomming is it's low manpower.Although as a well establisht democracy it's people are smart enough to increase the economy of the island fast enough in respect to income per worker ,it aquire's capital in far to low volume to invest much beyond of the capacity of its taxes.Since education is good ,it also have its costs and the Nogova people have demanded from it's democratic goverment very basic social right's like funded healthcare ,decent minimum wages , livable maximum workhours ,unemployement funds and ritirement funds.This has all it's costs and demand need a certain percentage of the BNP to support.As such they can never support anything in high numbers ,however what they can support is prefferably of good quality.Like any country with a low manpower it understands the value of protecting that manpower in times of war so the defense forces are equiped as such that their men receive as much protection as technologicly possible.

The country's democratic establishment can depend on some aid from the rest of the Western world.Being a strategicly important country of the West ,near the USSR it holds some value for the west in times of the cold war ,however any official ties with the Nogova goverment is dangerous for the Western world as the USSR has never recognized the independant Leadership on Nogova as they have territorial claims on the whole Island and would like to have it back in it's sphere of influence.This situation ,similar to the Taiwan/China situation has eventually led to unofficial sales of technoligy to Nogova ,wich constructs well equiped defense material under it's own brands ,however very similar to some Western design's.

All in all given it's economical ,geostratigical ,political and demographic situation Nogova's forces are in very few numbers however well equiped and oriented mainly towards protecting it's civilians and profesional soldiers.

It's just my idea ,but i think i made some good points.

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Sorry if i'm quoting just a little bit of your post

Quote[/b] ]

Quote from Apollo:Jan. 09 2004,01:29

All in all given it's economical ,geostratigical ,political and demographic situation Nogova's forces are in very few numbers however well equiped and oriented mainly towards protecting it's civilians and profesional soldiers.

But why have a army that is devoted to soley protecting its people only.  I mean, I doubt that Nogova after 1983 was attacked unless it was some small terrorist thing, but having an army sitting around for like almost two decades, waiting for something to do would be kind of sad.  So I was thinking why not have it so that Nogova responds to one of its neighbooring islands which is under attack say by Yugoslovia, Albania, Cezch republic, or perhaps some french renegades or some arab country from the south......so they go over there to fight, while they do that, the enemy rushes in and captures the main nogova island and sets up extremely complicated defenses so its almost impossible to land full force back at nogova.....

Or what about having Nogova more in the scene of its surrondings, Yugoslovia peace keeping or something, or aiding other UN actions

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Quote[/b] ]But why have a army that is devoted to soley protecting its people only.  I mean, I doubt that Nogova after 1983 was attacked unless it was some small terrorist thing, but having an army sitting around for like almost two decades, waiting for something to do would be kind of sad.

Every country maintains defensive forces ,even if they have virtually nothing to fear from.Look at Switserland ,century's of peace in the midst of European and world wars ,however they always have had a millitary ,and not a bad one neither ,but a defense force.

What would Nogova have to fear? The USSR afcourse ,and the posibilety of a staged comunist coup in the country or an invasion.

Quote[/b] ]So I was thinking why not have it so that Nogova responds to one of its neighbooring islands which is under attack say by Yugoslovia, Albania, Cezch republic, or perhaps some french renegades or some arab country from the south......so they go over there to fight, while they do that, the enemy rushes in and captures the main nogova island and sets up extremely complicated defenses so its almost impossible to land full force back at nogova....

I have thought of the Idea of having Nogova as a pro Western country in the Island chain and Everon as an independant communist country not far from it ,with Everon threatening nogova with the support of the USSR.Would be cool to have the island chain devided between An East supported country and a West supported country wich are in a sort of civil war with eachother over what goverment is the Whole Island chain should have.We should also give a name to the whole of the island chain to give it a distinct profile.Compare it to Korea or vietnam if you will ,2 seperate country's in what is essentially 1 country torn up by seperate political ideoligy.

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Quote[/b] ]I have thought of the Idea of having Nogova as a pro Western country in the Island chain and Everon as an independant communist country not far from it ,with Everon threatening nogova with the support of the USSR.

Well dude, I dont think that Everon is a Communist state. Its part of the Malden Chain, malden aka controlled by the US Military so ya.......

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Quote[/b] ]I have thought of the Idea of having Nogova as a pro Western country in the Island chain and Everon as an independant communist country not far from it ,with Everon threatening nogova with the support of the USSR.

Well dude, I dont think that Everon is a Communist state.  Its part of the Malden Chain, malden aka controlled by the US Military so ya.......

First of all very nice writeup Apollo actually it did capture what I think of Nogova fairly well.

Except one thing, logging. Making a profit from logging on island a hundred square kilometers in size would be quite hard. Unless of course Nogova has rare trees in its fauna, that would make a world of difference.

And also I would venture to say that Nogova wouldn't have alot of industries situated on the island itself. Many companies however might have their head offices on Nogova but probably not running any large scall manufactoring. Other countries in the vicinity would offer cheaper labour and laxer tax regulations, countries like Russia and Bulgaria would be ideal. Industry is also hampered by the many wars Nogova has been involved in over the years, but still it is quite a well being country with a highly educated population remaining from the countries days of communism.

I would like the oppurtunity to say that I am basing my fact-sheet on the Nogova of today or the Nogova of the late 1990's. Wich constitutes the fall of the Soviet union, so the USSR is not a threat any more. But Nogova still maintains a well functiong defense force, furnished with items from other countries stocks. NATO support on Malden and Everon ended in the year 1991 with the fall of the USSR. But support with small arms and otherm military supplies still continues.

Nogova also has extensive health plans for it's citizens, incorporating free healthcare for all citizens under the age of eightteen.

P.S Let me make this clear aswell, The indpendent island republic of Nogova is a country consisting of the three islands Nogova, Everon and Malden. The government is officially seated in Lipany.

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First of all very nice writeup Apollo actually it did capture what I think of Nogova fairly well.

Except one thing, logging. Making a profit from logging on island a hundred square kilometers in size would be quite hard. Unless of course Nogova has rare trees in its fauna, that would make a world of difference.

And also I would venture to say that Nogova wouldn't have alot of industries situated on the island itself. Many companies however might have their head offices on Nogova but probably not running any large scall manufactoring. Other countries in the vicinity would offer cheaper labour and laxer tax regulations, countries like Russia and Bulgaria would be ideal. Industry is also hampered by the many wars Nogova has been involved in over the years, but still it is quite a well being country with a highly educated population remaining from the countries days of communism.

I would like the oppurtunity to say that I am basing my fact-sheet on the Nogova of today or the Nogova of the late 1990's. Wich constitutes the fall of the Soviet union, so the USSR is not a threat any more. But Nogova still maintains a well functiong defense force, furnished with items from other countries stocks. NATO support on Malden and Everon ended in the year 1991 with the fall of the USSR. But support with small arms and otherm military supplies still continues.

Nogova also has extensive health plans for it's citizens, incorporating free healthcare for all citizens under the age of eightteen.

P.S Let me make this clear aswell, The indpendent island republic of Nogova is a country consisting of the three islands Nogova, Everon and Malden. The government is officially seated in Lipany.

I am quite liking what i am hearing go0B.

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I only have one thing to comment on. Is this from the BIS storyboard, aka, everon, Malden, Nogova, being the 3 main islands under the Nogova government??? I never recalled that before and as far as keeping to the story why don't you because in the BIS campaigns the three islands you're talking about are called the Malden Chain anyhow.

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Youre remarks are ok Goob ,i can concent with youre plan.some extra idea's though:

Im pretty sure every island has a working powerplant somewhere ,as it is not easy to import energy while youre on an island.Preferably this powerplant is near a harbor to be close to imported resources.

The transport industry of the island: We all know that Nogova has a quite good bus company wich is adequate enough to transport the people withought cars from town to town ,trains are not nessecary as they are not efficiant on such a small area with few people.However somewhere around the must be a few truck company's who bring inported consumer goods from the harbor to the town shops.There is also a lot of Ferry traffic between the island and general commerce shipping in the waters around the islands.The island also has a small civilian airport only a few kilometers away from one of Nogova's biggest city's .(the airport in the southwest)

There are two hospitals on Nogova ,one in the capital and one near the airport able of using cesna's and heli's to pick up people all on or around the island.(flying doctors)

I would opt to have the Island in the Mediteranian so that it would also attract a decent number of tourists.


If we are going for the mediteranian/black sea region then agriculture would look a bit like this: A good number of olives farms and vinyards as they are products who easily grow in the region on the only moderatly fertile and hilly nogovan soil.However their are not much farmers on Nogova ,most of them have a big amount of ground but use seizonal labour in the harvesting time cheaply brought over from the nearby poorer country's with ferry's to work on the island 3 months.While this influx of chaep labour happens there are also a lot of tourists comming for the summer vaction ,so in the summer the total polution of Nogova is the fivefold of that in low season.In the ponds of the islands a number of Steur's are set out as they are able to survive in the area ,theyre product caviaar from good quality sells well all over the world.Te product of it's vineyards ,wine of average quality ,are sold for a cheap price though relativly high volume.

The waters around Nogova are full of marine wildlife ,though not always to most inviteable.Baracuda's and little shark's are plentyfold around the island ,they are usually to small and refrain from attacking humans however they taste good and are wildly chased against.The volume of fish captured from a wide vary of species makes it Nogova's main export product.

Nogova has a small financial sector.Due to it's small size Nogova was in the beginning of it's economical evolution very dependant on foureign country's to invest in the country ,wich mainly invested in tourism and other service based company's.As such most of Nogova's economy is mostly owned by foreign company's.The tax rates in Nogova are relativly low in comparison to other country's in the region ,so it pais of to invest in the region as good profits can easily be made.Much of the agriculture and fishing has been traditional in the hands of some wealthy Nogovan family's ,wich has used it's capital to invest in transport company's and merchant ship's ,wich in turn made the economical progress of Nogova much faster.However these rich few people on Nogova have never been able to compete against the big tourism company's from abroad that hold most of the tourism.Nogova is litterally filled with banks and exchange shop's for tourists to change or get money.Small tourist shop's are plentiflull in the little streets of the towns.

Most of the social service are based in the capital ,the administrative center of the island.The city is full of administrative seat's ,has a parliament ,a senate and a supreme court of justice.

In recent years a state telivision company has been build on the radio hill near the Lipany.The low number of people on nogova makes it virtually impssible for any newspaper to achieve solid volumes of sales to make the newspaper profitable ,so the Nogovan people have mostly been dependant on Radio broadcasts and t.v to get their information.Though the telivision is state tv ,reported are granted wide freedom of speech ,and most radiocompany's on the island are private owned.

The majority of people on Nogova are either catcholic (majority) or Orthodox.The contry is officialy non-secular

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Black sea would be the most logical, as the language is close to Czech. The river Danube flows through Prague, and ends up in the black sea. In ancient times, it would have provided a good way of transportation between Prague and Nogova. This gives a feasable explanation on how the Czech language ends up being used on an island.

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If it's an Island in the black sea ,then you can be sure that their will have been Greek settlements on that island.Greeks builded all over the Black sea are ,but they particulary loved islands as it we safe places protected by water and theyre ship's.Trough the history of Southeast Europe the islands have always developed differently from the Balkan mainlaind.Many of these islands were important trade hubs for country's like Venice and Genoa in medievil times.Some islands were in hands of Crusader orders ,like the Knight's of St John.Any island in the black sea would trough medieval history been used as a trade hub ,as the Black sea was a vital trade route for goods ,especialy when the silk route was active.Even the Ottoman turks were not able to conquer all these island.

Nogova then should be mostly Orthodox. (byzantine influence)

The castle's in the mountains would be old strongholds of Crusader orders using the island to disrupt muslim trade in the area and do raids on neighbouring Muslim country's like the Ottoman empire later on and the Khanates in the inthe crimea area.Most of it's churches look a mix of Christian and Orthodox.Later however ,with the decline of the Ottoman empire and the Growth of Austria-Hungary of wich Tjechia is part the island comes in the Austrian sphere of influence ,and with the decline of the Silk trade and the rise of imperialism and world wide trade Nogova becomes a small trade port near the Danube for century's under Austrian protection.A small number of Tjech immigrants move to the Island of Nogova ,they however tottaly dwarf the small indiginous population in size though.However the 2 population groups are able to live in peace with eachother as their is plenty of room to live on the low populated Nogova.tjech becomes the national languaghe ,although the local dialect is stil spoken by a number of people ,Mostly Greek/Italian of origin.The etnicity's mix with eachother over time and makes the very disticnt Nogovan of today ,mostly slavic looking ,but with an extra southern touch.Many of the original greek/italian traditions remain mixed with Tjech traditions.

The situation changes however when more and more Rusia is expanding in the Region.More and more the Russians form a greater threat for the Nogovan people ,and with the start of WWI Nogova is invaded by Russia as the need arises for a naval base there.These mark 3 bad years of Nogovan history of food shortage's and starvation.However with communist revolution in Russia the war ends ,and in the instability with the russian navy left the Nogoves manage to become independant again easily.However ,to protect itself for the weakend giant to the north that might return ,Nogova joinst Roemenia to be protected under it's wing's.In the peace between two world war's Nogova is mostly left alone and is able to live in peace ,however with an economy severly hurt that needs rebuilding.With the advent of WWII however ,the Nogovan people want revenge for the russian actions on their island in WWI ,and when Roemania joins the axis block Nogova provides for a amount of troops to aid the Germans in fighting Russia.But in time Germany is losing the war ,and when much of Russian territory is regained in addition to much of East Eruope ,Nogova become's part off the USSR.

Now to find a scenario to have nogova become under West Influence again.The rest of the history seems logical however ,An island in the Black sea would surely been used by Greeks and Italians for trade trough history.And would later on in the times of industrialization be under control of one of the 3 great powers in the area ,being the Austrians ,the Russians and the Turks.

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