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Unscripted war

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Hey Kittycat,

This is one incredible mission. Beware - it's more addictive than anything I've ever played! Allow an old and shaking hand to suggest a few tips/tactics.

1. Mortars. Whenever you set up a new LZ, it will come with a manned M2 (independent of your team) and two unmanned mortars. They will face in the same direction as your soldier is facing when you click on the map to position the LZ (I think). Within their limits (targeting constraints/elevation/limited ammo), these are very potent weapons and can wipe out whole enemy squads over 1/2km away.

One squad is just about enough to secure and crew 2 LZs, so position the LZs where both pairs of mortars will have a good field of fire, then set a couple of men to hold fire/prone and move them around the killzones as scouts (you as team leader will also be spotting from a good, secure vantage point). When  enemy  soldiers are spotted by your group, your mortars will attack them, either killing them outright or pinning them down long enough for you to call in heavy artillery to finish the job.

Once things get quiet around the area, reinforce one or both of the LZs and take command of one of the new squads, sweeping into new territory to repeat the process.

Here are a few good LZ spots I've found so far:

* Hi52 - facing West over the river. Any enemy moving on the opposite bank will be creamed by your mortars, just watch for sniper fire.

* Ja47/46 - facing North towards Plei Mei base. Your mortars will cover the woods south of the main base, where a lot of attacks will come from.

*Gc41/42 - facing West. I set up a new LZ here and scouted  West towards the long North-South road. I thought I'd gone out of range of my mortars when I ran into two squads of NVA at Fg41, but they did the job again.

*Hh40/41 - You'll really start racking up the points when you take this hill, and you'll take some heat off Plei Mei base. Expect heavy counter-attacks - try reinforcing with a couple of rifle teams and set them to patrol the woods around the hill and if possible the dangerous North-South road that separates Plei Mei from this hill. Great views out to the SW, NW and N but it's all thick jungle so you'll need to use the scout trick to get visual contact with the enemy.

* Jb33 - facing South over Plei Mei base. Good place to spot from, though your mortars generally won't be able to shoot down onto spotted enemies as you're too high. Mainly, it's just an incredible place to stand at night and watch it all happen ghostface.gif

2. Manned vehicles/choppers. Don't worry too much about getting these. You can get a long way with just infantry, and they're less of a headache to keep under control. I've got up to 366 reinforcement points with just 4 LZ's and 5 or 6 infantry squads. However, tanks are great for moving into new territory, keeping roads secure and clearing up enemy emplacements. Just don't let them run out of ammo (you might have to run an ammo truck out to them yourself then take control of the tanks to rearm).

3. GMR Explosion Mod/ECP. I've had problems with games saved while running GMR's great explosions mod. For some reason they don't save correctly and they can't be reloaded. To generate savegames at useful positions I play without the GMR mod and save whenever I've got a new LZ.

Then I Alt-Tab out of OFP and copy the Operation Flashpoint/Users/username/Saved/missions/unscriptedwar.seb_iatrang folder into, say, My Documents/Unscripted War Saves/31-12-03 5LZs. Anytime I want to try again from this point I can then copy this back into the OFP folder and load up with or without GMR.  biggrin_o.gif

It's well worth using GMR/ECP with this though...for one, you get a great dirty plume of smoke coming up from the jungle if your fire mission hits its target biggrin_o.gif

Not to mention a great smoke trail for the Phantom, screaming tank shells, and the really spooky feeling you get when you hear bullets sailing overhead from a distant firefight  ghostface.gif

Have fun - cheers,


Edit: Hey - I just finished it! I got one of the victory conditions - 1000 reinforcement points earned (About 600 enemy killed). I had 4 tanks patrolling West from LZ Albany and 2 APCs patrolling West from Plei Bei Yot, forming a kind of horseshoe around LZ XRay where I was hunkered down for a scary night with lots of VC. I also brought in 4 AH1Js for the last 20 minutes or so, when I got a message saying I'd moved to Level 2.

...about 5 minutes before mission end, my Armour started meeting NVA tanks, and metal did fly wow_o.gif

Thanks ThruYerSternum for this awesome piece of work. If v2 is any better than this, there'll be no stopping OFP...

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nice write up cornhelium, yourve got me all keen to replay it now. 1.94 has put an end to the dreaded nampack crashes smile_o.gif

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