tracy_t 0 Posted December 3, 2003 Check this out!! A true vision of hell! Dr Tongue wants to eat you! HUNT, THAT ANIMATION ROCKS!!!! Oder: Hunt, ihre grafike sind sehr gut. Vielen dank. (I noticed comments in your config were German. Or was that OFPAnim, lol) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tracy_t 0 Posted December 3, 2003 Don't like replying to own messages, but this is necessary, lol Insert this code when using WALKVAR1: The 11.80 is the time in seconds it takes the animation to complete. Hunt, is there any way of making this animation compatible with the animate and animationphase statements? It's just that with many zombies on screen at once, I think the animation will start to judder a lot. Also, I think the zombies move a wee bit too slow; can you make them move just a little bit faster? Apart from that, great stuff! WALKVAR1 animation is fantastic. Honestly, far better than what I'd hoped for. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _zombie = _this select 0 _tm = 0 #lp _zombie switchmove "walkvar1" _zombie domove getpos Player ~11.80 goto "lp" No, the domove code does NOT affect the zombie animation!! Really good stuff. EDIT: Replace above with <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> #lp _zombie playmove "walkvar1" _zombie domove getpos Player ~2 goto "lp" And you will find the animation is MUCH smoother. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
D.murphy man 0 Posted December 3, 2003 Hey guys some Very nice stuff you have come up with over the last few days! I will update my site as soon as i can. But at the moment my new PC has arrived and i am out of action for a week or 2 (its come in bits and my brother has to build it) plus i have to reformat this pc and other stuff. So i cannot update my site at the moment,im on my mates PC and allso my pc's at home are all in pieces. seems that my brother had to use my old pc i was useing for spare parts to build the new one Any way some great stuff you guys have been making keep up the good work! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spartan 163 0 Posted December 4, 2003 Cool. I'll send them to you tonight (120303). Just need to fix and lod prob with the crawler. I also have a link here for you see a zombie walking. It has dif. view for you to get ideas from. link I'll send you some screens too if you want to post them. Also got permission to use the dog, so I can zombie it up. Any help or ideas email me at COOL LINK= Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HUNT666 0 Posted December 4, 2003 Yea Im German.. But i can understand nearly everything. Maybe you cant understand me I think its ok . My Grammatical skill is bad. I will make the anims faster .. But if you want you can do this .. Only extract the pbo and in the .cpp class walkvar1: StandBase { actions = StandTalkActions; file=\zombie_anims\walkvar1.rtm; speed = -6.0; looped=1; soundEnabled=false; duty = RestDuty; interpolationSpeed=1; connectFrom[]={Stand, 1, StandVar2, 1, StandVar3, 1}; connectTo[]={Stand, 1, StandVar2, 1, StandVar3, 1}; interpolateTo[]={StandDying,0.1,StandDyingVer2,0.1}; }; You can edit speed= like you want.-1.0 is faster than -6.0. But i will do this if you dont want. Have Fun Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spartan 163 0 Posted December 4, 2003 Just found some info on the Zombies I think you might like to know about. (ADMINS IF THIS POST IS TO LONG PLEASE DELETE)          LICHMASTERS It is unclear why some reanimate corpses come back with a little something extra, but they do, and these are called "Lichmasters." These super zombies are able to cause even more terror than standard walking dead. They can run, jump, open doors, and generally cause mayhem. Lichmasters seem to have some level of intelligence, and even have some control over their lesser brothers and sisters. Probably the worst thing about these creatures is that they just don't seem willing to die.         BASIC ZOMBIE No one knows just how it started. Some say it was atomic power; others say genetic tampering; or maybe these things just happen. One way or another, the dead now walk the earth, and their hungry for human flesh. They may be slow and not so bright, but there are a lot of them and they're touch can kill. Remember, if they kill you, you become one of them.         ZOMBIE POWERS Zombies never sleep, and they are incapable of fatigue. Zombies are impervious to pain and require no air to breathe. They are thus immune to drugs, poisons, gases, extremes of temperature and pressure, high voltage electricity, suffocation, and drowning.  While not invulnerable to physical injury, zombies can suffer great damage to their bodies (including dismemberment) without being adversely affected. Dismembering the legs will render the zombie immobile, but the creature will still continue to subsist. Likewise, decapitation will incapacitate the body, but the head will still "live". Zombies don’t possess any superhuman strength, nor do they have a night vision, a characteristic usually common to undead monsters.          WALKINGDEAD “walk or die†has been replaced by “die and walkâ€. The most terrific aspect of the zombie is that it first appears as the casual shape of a typical civilian which mind has been sucked out and left empty. Zombies are terrific because instead of delicately sucking your blood  as the vampire, they come in disguise and brutally tear you into pieces. The deactivation of a zombie's nervous system, caused by the curse or chemical and genetic alterations, has often been used to explain their very low mobility and rate of metabolism. The chemicals in the human hypothalamus acts as a stimulant for their metabolism, prolonging their not-quite-dead condition.        Craving for human flesh Zombies created by voodoo tend to be harmless, and are often used as slaves by the witch doctors that have created them. In spite of its rather feeble intelligence, the hollywood zombie is a both intellectually and physically driven only by his all-consuming hunger for fresh human flesh. Why the dead are so hungry for living flesh is still unclear?. As a slightly potty researcher illustrates in Day of the Dead, the dead do not need to eat, they reach for live flesh even when they have no mouth or gullet, even when their stomachs have been removed. The impulse is part of their very fibre, a spiritual craving. They are dead, and death wants to consume life. It is an image of insatiable nihilism that is hard to resist. In Romero’s trilogy and sequels, the world has discovered that these zombies are particulary fond of human brains, requiring the chemicals in the hypothalamus for maintaining their existence. Some cases of vampiric zombies have also been recorded. Zombies are also known to locate easily their preys across walls and distance. Do they smell living flesh like our Ogre of the fairy folklore ?          Contamination Another deadly aspect of the zombie is their ability to rapidly spread their undead scourge, increasing their numbers to vast measures. The bite of a zombie will cause its victim to quickly grow sick and die (usually within 3 days), only to rise again as a zombie. There is no known cure for this virus. Excision and cauterization of the "bite-infected" area (e.g. - removing a hand or arm, etc.) has proven to be completely ineffective in halting a victim's metamorphosis into the Living Dead. The fact that the majority of the zombie movies arrived during the 80s during the height of the AIDS epidemic is difficult to overlook.           Weaknesses The zombie's strength level is at normal human-levels, but they are considerably slower than average humans, possessing poor agility and coordination. Most zombies have difficulty with simple mechanical objects and obstacles such as doorknobs, latches, stairs, and fences. When confronted individually, zombies appear rather weak, but the creature's true threat is revealed when they are encountered in huge numbers. These relentless legions of tireless, flesh-eating machines will assault you on every side and corner until you fall and there comes the lunch            Zombie Biology Most zombie movies have neglected to provide an explanation as to how or why the dead have become reanimated and attack the living. But the Living Dead trilogy has made some effort at explaining this event. This page contains a further discussion on this issue and, based on information from the series, I have outlined the known zombie traits and biological characteristics. I will also attempt to provide a realistic explanation for the reanimation, although coming up with a conclusive explanation may be impossible. Please note that these ideas involved a great deal of conjecture and hypothesis, and may not necessarily reflect the views of others.      Known Behavioural Characteristics Zombies primarily crave human flesh. They will consume living or freshly killed bodies. Zombies have also been known to consume other living organisms although this is irregular. Zombies appear to be able to discern the difference between another zombie and a living human based on sight only. Zombies will not attack each other although they have been known to fight over food. Zombies often frequent places they are familiar with from their normal life. Zombies may be quite weak in the initial stages of reanimation. In Night and Dawn, generally people could run in amongst them without much danger. They seem to increase in strength over time. By Day of the Dead, people are not so capable of breaking free from them once a zombie has hold of you. They are also capable of tearing apart a human being with apparent ease. In Day of the Dead, the zombies were strong enough to tear a man in half and tear a man's head off. Zombies retain some knowledge or memories from past lives. A dead body will rise within a few hours unless the brain is destroyed. Zombies appear largely incapable of normal speech. Some specimens have retained very rudimentary ability in this area. Some zombies appear to be capable of simple reasoning or have a limited intellectual capacity. Zombie Physiology The next step is to analyse in more detail the aspects of their physiology. This information was either stated in the movie or can be determined based on observation. A zombie must have the brain damaged by an exterior source in order to terminate its existance. The reanimation only seems to affect humans. The bodies remain animated for a period of up to 10 years before decay threatens the mobility of the limbs. The normal decay process is drastically slowed down or inhibited. Fluid levels within the organism appear to be maintained, otherwise the animated corpse would simply dry up and be unable to function. Yet we never see a zombie drinking water or liquid, except through the consumption of food. A zombie does not require food for sustenance. A zombie with all its internal organs removed will continue to function. It has not been indicated to what extent the removal/damage of the internal organs will affect the longevity of the reanimated person. A zombie can also function without the normal flow of blood, since it has been remarked that the heart stops beating. This critical fact means that cells are not supplied with nutrients and fluid in the normal manner. Yet the cell structure seems to remain intact over a period of years. I do not think there is any evidence to conclusively support the notion that a zombie bite alone will cause reanimation. A zombie bite may cause death in a human. But the body itself may become reanimated for the same reason that bodies became reanimated in the first place (disease/radiation/etc). Reanimation may not necessarily be caused directly by a zombie bite. Alternatively it may be observed that an uninfected human rarely survives a bite.      Explanation for Reanimation Before continuing, it may be important to discuss the source of the reanimation, since this may give us some insights into what causes the zombies to function. Note that in the original Night, speculation centered on the destruction by NASA of one of its probes to Venus. The probe was found to be carrying a strange radiation with it, and this may be the likely cause for reanimation. However we must not rule out other possibilities. The potential causes for reanimation are: An alien virus that came to this planet from outer space (via meteorite/comet/NASA). A man-made virus created in a laboratory that perhaps mutated and was accidentally released. An attempt at biological warfare that went drastically wrong. A large scale radioactive or chemical leakage. Judgement Day - punishment by God - theological reasons. The question then becomes: how do the zombies function? What allows them to defy the laws of nature by remaining animated and mobile for so long without decaying? What causes them to desire human flesh? For those who are inclined to take the religious explanation, this pretty much rules out trying to come up with an explanation for any of these, since applying a logical explanation to theological forces is a futile argument. The zombies were sent as a punishment for man. Or perhaps the concept that hell had reached is limits may prove to be correct. For those less inclined to take a theological reason, the most likely possibility for reanimation would be an alien virus. The effects were noticed on a global scale and in a short amount of time. This means the virus would have been spread through the atmosphere initially, rather than by a host organism, such as occurred with the black plague. The virus mostly likely altered cell structure in a manner that counteracted decay, as well as increasing longevity without the normal requirements of air, water and energy. The reanimated corpse would then have initiated some form of overall operation, at both the cellular level, and at the higher levels. The driving force is still clearly the brain, which continues to operate in a semi-normal manner. Signals for coordination and mobility were still being issued from the brain via the nerves, and implemented by the muscles.       Why Do Zombies Crave Human Flesh This is the most difficult question of all if we ignore a theological explanation. It is one thing to accept that an alien virus can adjust cell structure and affect a human being such that it causes reanimation with altered functionality. But why then does the zombie itself desire to eat human flesh? Something most humans would never consider in normal life? The infected brain clearly has some processing and reasoning capability. Perhaps each zombie reverts to a basic carnivorous nature and simply desires to consume any living creature. Although never indicated to any extent in the films, it is highly likely that a zombie would attack any living creature within the vicinity, including domestic and wild animals. It is not specifically targetting human prey. However in the initial stages of zombie infiltration, where zombies were reanimating in the midst of normal society and in populated areas, human prey just happened to be the most abundant. And the zombie itself, with its limited reasoning power, may simply associate another human as the highest candidate for prey, since they associated mostly with others humans during their life prior to reanimation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SNIPER_SKULL 0 Posted December 4, 2003 info on zombies Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpecOp9 0 Posted December 4, 2003 yea... is ther a full version yet? Could somebody PM me when it's out of Beta? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tracy_t 0 Posted December 4, 2003 Hello all. Prototype: Nice skeleton on that link; I'm not keen on the zombie though (bit too cartoonish for my tastes) but that skeleton would look nice as a "dead body" addon. Is a skeleton addon easy to make? In the intro to the Day of the Dead movie (oh no, here I go again) there are a few skeletons littering the streets. One is lying on the ground and the other is propped up against a wall. Could you make those? I am sure Murphy (I can't speak for Karillon though lol) could use them, not just me. Come to think of it, you could use skeletons in non-zombie games (e.g. evidence of mass executions and whatnot.. oh alright I'll shut up ) Hunt: I will update the animation ASAP. You don't mind if I include the .rtm and config.cpp in my own code? SpecOp9: I have absolutely no idea when the addon will be out of beta. I'm not working on it every day (my missus gets annoyed if I don't spend time with her, lol) - however I have absolutely NO PROBLEM with anyone taking my code and enhancing it themselves, as long as credit is given to me (and ultimately Bratty, who told me how to inherit from existing classes in OFP. It's not that diff from C++) To the rest of ya: One thing to bear in mind that I've never created an addon before, so I don't know how long this zombie addon is going to take. Scripting for it is really easy though. Modelling is a different matter entirely though!!! I am having problems updating facial textures on units where GetDamage >=0.80 - whenever such damage occurs, a stock BIS damaged face replaces the face of the zombie. Tried fecking around with wounds[] array in config.cpp, which I thought was pairs of {damaged, undamaged} textures used as a lookup by OFP, but it's not working for me.... pants. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sniperuk02 0 Posted December 4, 2003 what would be cool would be an edie skin the mascot frum iron maiden face would be cool Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HUNT666 0 Posted December 4, 2003 Dont know your code ... Im very bad in something like this. Only learning by doing . I dont know exactly what i do when i edit my cpp Show me your code maybe i can play a little bit around with it But now i have to look at Prototypes zombies he mailed me. THX for that CU Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tracy_t 0 Posted December 4, 2003 Hi Hunt Don't worry, I was asking if I can use your code - you don't have to do anything I will edit the CPP myself Can you email prototypes zombies to me please? Cheers, Scott Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HUNT666 0 Posted December 4, 2003 My English Feel free to edit everything about zombies from me. Because its for your addon. Email is out. CU Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HUNT666 0 Posted December 4, 2003 @Prototype001 Nice Zombies. Can you make some more ? If you can this would be nice : 1Character with one Arm 2Character with one Leg 3Charavter without head 4Only Legs Thx in Advance Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spartan 163 0 Posted December 4, 2003 Cool. I'm happy you like them. I'm almost done with the other zombies you asked for. I'll do some tweaking and send them to you tonight. Also working on some female ones but I'm still waiting on permission to use the p3d. As for the skeleton you asked for I can make the p3d but your gonna have to make the textures (wont be a full skeleton but an extreamly decayed body). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tracy_t 0 Posted December 4, 2003 Hi prototype. I liked the crawling zombie with no legs Very good. I just added an eventhandler to it's config.cpp class that made it SetUnitPos "DOWN" and it crawls at you! lol Hunt: Can you use textures from this picture for the skeleton addon (WARNING: GORE) ? I would of course be happy to texture for you if not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sniperuk02 0 Posted December 4, 2003 cool these will be awsome mmm...brains Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tracy_t 0 Posted December 4, 2003 Prototype check your email! I have updated your zombie addon as required. Do you want to post it to etc? I think you should - it's a great addon. S. EDIT: Who said Brains?!!!! .... GORE WARNING.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spartan 163 0 Posted December 4, 2003 Cool! You made it even better! As for posting it for down load I just want to make better textures for it before I do that. I'll send you the one with new textures as soon as I'm done. (for some reason I can't unpbo the one you sent me to make the changes). Â I'm also having problems with my texview, It won't let me convert to paa or pac. (just shuts down, don't know why) Hunt can I send you some textures I made so you can convert them? Email me if you can. I also found most of the civi blood textures in the game so you dont have to lower the health to make them look bloody. I just got the ok to use the female p3ds to make female zombies, so I'll start work on them too. Also need to complete the dead bodys and body parts addon too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tracy_t 0 Posted December 5, 2003 Hi prototype, can you make civilian models that use the same blood textures from resistance? (So they look dead already) That would save me a *LOT* of trouble! No armor enhancement hacks required lol!! Also, is it possible for you to configure "wound" textures for your unit so I can script custom "really dead" faces? (I don't ask for much do I, lol ) I currently have 2 Dr Tongue zombie faces. One face is for when the zombie is "healthy" (getdamage _unit ==0) Â and another face is for "Dr Tongue really dead this time" (getdamage ==1). I can use the setface statement to achieve the "healthy" pic, but I don't know how to implement the "really dead" pic - the texture reverts to bog standard BIS face when you kill the zombie. Also: Send me the textures and I will convert them for you to PAA if you like. PS: Out of interest, Can I ask you, are all your civilian models based on any particular 3rd party model (e.g. Mathijs International Soldier P3D model) - how easy is it to edit? I would like to create my own zombie models too. (And some extra props for the Day map I'm doing, e.g burger stands, museums etc etc.) HUNT: Your walkvar1 and eat1 anims are perfect, but there is one small problem. Try the code below to see what I mean: Syntax: [zombieunit id] exec "chaseplayer.sqs" Code for making zombies chase the player (lol) ChasePlayer.sqs: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _zombie = _this select 0 _tm = 0 _zombie disableai "AUTOTARGET" _zombie disableai "TARGET" group _zombie setspeedmode "FULL" _zombie dowatch player #lp _zombie playmove "walkvar1" _zombie domove getpos player ~3 goto "lp" You will notice that the zombie pauses and returns to "hands on hips" mode temporarily, before returning to "hands up" zombie motion. I can't think of any way to get round the problem apart from editing the animation. Murphy/Prototype - any ideas? Regards to all - this work is looking amazing folks, Scott Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Easytiger 0 Posted December 5, 2003 I am VERY keen to see the completed version, lads. I will keep my Steyr loaded and wait by the window until dark- then it's zombie huntin' time! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spartan 163 0 Posted December 5, 2003 I use the stock bis p3ds to make them all. I'll send them to you if you don't have them. As for the blood textures I have only been able to find all the soldier (east west and resistance) guba and his assistant, but only 3 civi male taextures. I'll send you the names and were to find them. ****** IF ANY ONE KNOWS WERE TO FIND THE FEMALE OR THE OTHER CIVI MALE TEXTURES PLEASE LET ME KNOW******* Â I have an idea how to use that custom wound texture thing you want to do. I have seen it done before. Just need to edit the config a bit.. I think. I think thats how you do it. I'll add a sample below for you to see. Add this line to the config wounds[] = {"\ZOMBIE\Toungeface.paa","\ZOMBIE\ToungeDEAD.paa"}; I think that might do it(ZOMBIE is the addon folder, Toungeface is the undamaged, ToungeDEAD is the the wound texture) I hope I got that right. Let me know. We could use this to make the zombies take more damge when they get shot (ie: more blood and guts lol). Just reskined the 2 that I sent you with civi skins. I'm gonna finish them up and the onearmed zombie and the one leg zombie and send them to you. I'm trying to do some zombie cops also but am waitng for go ahead to use the textures. (I'll try and see if i can make them in the resistance cop uniform but am still looking for those paa files). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tracy_t 0 Posted December 5, 2003 Hi prototype: the resistance civi & female textures are in res\addons\o.pbo, in the CHAR and MISC subdirectories respectively. I used UNPBO to decrypt that pbo file, with 100% success. I have sent you the dumped BIS Resistance config.cpp that tells you where all the wound textures are stored. Just do a search in the file for civilian4, civilian5... woman1, woman2 etc. The wounds[] arrays are declared there too. scott Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spartan 163 0 Posted December 5, 2003 I've tried to dpbo that o.pbo but It wont let me. Please send me those texture files. I can use them. Update: I'm almost done with the no head and no leg zombie. Will have them done soon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tracy_t 0 Posted December 5, 2003 Hi there Prototype, use the following utility to unpack o.pbo!! Regards, Scott Share this post Link to post Share on other sites