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Modern/current pilot  (hgu55/mbu12)

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All fixed-wing fighter/bomber/strike aircraft that do missions over very unplesant regions of combat should add a quick assembly m4a1 in their ejection seat hold so that gives them a higher rate of survival and evac when the enemy does not take prisoners. (Taliban in Afganistan, and in some instances North Korea)

In addition, a Beretta m9 or a SIG P228 won't do you much good in areas where you might be spotted and attacked at ranges greater than 50 meters.

You can only hide for so long against the enemy, especially if you eject during a sunny regular day. (Parachute is dead giveaway)  Avoiding fights is vital but practically impossible in a high threat environment with the pilot's current location too dangerous for helo evac.

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All fixed-wing fighter/bomber/strike aircraft that do missions over very unplesant regions of combat should add a quick assembly m4a1 in their ejection seat hold so that gives them a higher rate of survival and evac when the enemy does not take prisoners. (Taliban in Afganistan, and in some instances North Korea)


So what about helos? Some communities carry a rifle or two on board, but now you get into the admin side of things. Is the aircrew qualified to carry the weapon. If so, can they actually hit anything. And if so, can you legally use it. From the Navy perspective, you can only carry a pistol if you've qualified with it. What's that mean? You've put 30 rounds down range w/ in the year at one time. I've seen people that are "qualified" but can't hit squat. So now, can you use it? As it turns out, I'm both qualified to carry one, and designated a "sharpshooter," but I can't actually use the weapon for something like a roving watch. I don't have the qual for deadly force, only as self defense (like in an evasion scenario).

If I'm evading, and have not been captured, I can use it against the enemy, but would do so as a last resort, since it draws immediate attention to your position. Scott O'Grady lasted 6 days w/out firing a shot. So if you're caught, after having shot someone, you're still "legally" okay, because you're a combatant, but now let's say you've escaped. You no longer, legally speaking, are a combantant, and you now are liable for murder. And all of that is if everyone plays by the rules. Obviously some milage may vary.

That doesn't even get into the issue of does the community have the money to even give you something to carry.

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well from my experience i would say that avoiding any kind of confrontation is a good way because in other way your death would be pointless killing a few grunts won't help win a war.Pilots are very precious in war cause it takes a long time to train them and it's also very expensive.

as for the handgun or a submachinegun just think about it sooting with a submachinegun sure would give you a wider range but also give your position to the enemy wich you don't

really whant but with a handgun you would have to be very close to the ennemy to be effective adding the stress and all

so you would have to think twice before using it

but i'm kind of drunk so if you find what i said kind of stupid

just don't worry about it:D biggrin_o.gif

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Any significant progress on the designing of the model for this better looking pilot addon idea/effort?

Getting to the pilot survival mentality,

That's all fine and good in THEORY, except we live in the real world and most current and future conflicts will mostly certainly involve a major national force against a desperate enemy that does not play by the rules of war.  You are the enemy, you die whether a pilot or joe private.  Maybe they'll kill you while you are running and save you from the ritual of being executed.  I am NOT saying pilots should play rambo, people trying to be a war hero end up dead, period.

The point is that nations need to take pilot survival and training a LOT more serious than they currently do.  Train them in primarily self-defense but equip them to deal with handling incidents that require the use of a medium range weapon.

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(bad joke coming)..... nah i'll shut my mouth dont wana piss of any of you fly boys. wink_o.gif   But really i pilot with at least some better textures would be cool. I like DMX's no parachute and no helmet model for Behind Enenmy Lines missions. We also need marine, army, and i guess airfoce pilots  wink_o.gif   all right i'm done. Oh yeah I also believe all Marine pilots are trained in self defense, and every marine is a rifleman, so theres your medium range.

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I don't mean this to be offensive in any way, but I am sure that no pilot stranded behind enemy lines would "go hunting" as someone mentioned. AFAIK pilots are trained to eat whatever is in the ground when their emergency rations are depleted. [/off-topic]

I don't particularly like the idea of M4A1's being carried by the aircraft pilots. But it would indeed make the addon more playable if the pilot had means to defend himself (other than his sidearm) I also agree on the points mentioned by others. All that would be needed is an overhaul of the current pilots. Perhaps adding something like the faceshield the BAS pilots have to simulate an oxygen mask but without the hose.

Would it be possible to have the mask equipped as soon as the pilot enters a vehicle?

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just a quick headsup about an initial pilot model, made by iva from the bkm mod.


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Not bad, I hope they add the spare chute pack in front and the equipment holds on the front of the pilot.  That would really make the pilot look realistic.

You could also make an object like the CoC rebreather that looks like the equipment on the front of a pilot's harness.  It would force ejecting the pilot addon to have that on if he wants his chute to work after he ejects.  (If possible.)

Anyways, keep up the good work guys, we need BAS quality or better pilots.  Don't give up!!!   biggrin_o.gif

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