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Maya is now for free

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This is no pathetic 3d studio max.

Um.3D max is way easier than Maya.Max can run on Win98 as well.I would even recomend 3D max before I would Maya.Its more for the hard core modelors an is better on doing movies and such but if your doing game modeling Max is the best route to go.

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Maya PLE has been for free.It was even bundled with "Unreal Tournement 2003".

Was just about to say this - old news. Maya PLE has been out for a while, I acutally downloaded it a year ago from the same site.

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Quote[/b] ]Ahh bummer, no Win98 version, poor me

And me. The best gaming/graphics OS ever made and it's not even supported! Oh well, maybe I'll find a Win2K Copy laying around somewhere. I'd go Linux before I used XP though...

PS: Can you import Maya into Oxygen by using 'Deep eExploration' to change the format to 3DS without errors?...

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Maya PLE has been for free.It was even bundled with "Unreal Tournement 2003".

Was just about to say this - old news. Maya PLE has been out for a while, I acutally downloaded it a year ago from the same site.

Erm....Wy does it says Download it for free at 15 october? Ay?

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Because that is the new version. The old one had lots of restrictions, a different format to which it exported, etc.

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Yeah, I remember trying to download this before but they said they were releasing it in December as I recall.

Can anyone tell me how to setup the maya2rtm for Maya?

Quote[/b] ] - Copy "rtm.mel" into one of your script directories (the one of your current

project, the one in your preferences or the one specified by your "MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH"

env. variable).


How does that work? Where do I set it up? How do i specify what MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH is?



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Gameer: "MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH" is an environment variable, created optionally during Maya setup. If you don't know what an env. var. is, you should read up on it. If you open the command prompt, with the "SET" command you can display, create or modify your current variables. By default, your preferences are located in "My Documents/maya/prefs". There's a "scripts" dir in there where you can copy the script. Also, you can read the Maya help to learn about setting up a project. If you put the script into one of those 3 places, it should work.

BoonieRat: "Deep Exploration" can export your Maya scenes to .3ds without problems. I tried. Just keep all the options checked, otherwise you might get a "Missing KFData" type of error from O2. I would tell you exactly which options, but i don't have it in front of me.

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I don't know what it is, but I can guess. How do I set the enviromental variable in the command prompt?

I try "set MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH" and it says it's not defined. Do I just put in the directory to the scripts folder after that, or what?



[EDIT] Never mind, i never knew there was help files tounge_o.gif

I'll no doubt have more problems, though wink_o.gif

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New problem sad_o.gif :

I get the GUI and try and open my .rtm (i've placed it in the scripts directory with the rtm.mel and rtmbin.exe files) but nothing happens. It was an anim made with ofpanim, but that shouldn't matter, should it?

Should I enter any numbers in the textboxes or just click "import it"?

Thanks a lot


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If you get the GUI, it means you put the script in the right place. That's one down.

"Nothing happens" is not an option. Worse scenario: you get errors, and execution of the script halts. Maya has a command line, located at the bottom of the interface. If it turns red, and gives you error messages, that means you've got problems.

I think i know what happened: you didn't read the readme carefully and copied rtmbin.exe in the same dir as the .mel. Which is wrong. Try copying it to your system dir ("Winnt"), or type "set PATH". It should print something like:



Any of the dirs listed after "Path=" is "worthy" to host rtmbin.exe.

There's no (essential) difference between .rtms created by BIS, Maya or OFPAnim. This is no IE vs. Netscape..

You don't need to enter any numbers. Just "Pick your .rtm" and "Import it".

Env. vars: i thik it's good to know what they are and what they're good for, my advice is the same: read up.

You could try something like this to set yor variable (if it's not already set):

set MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH=C:\myscriptdir

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Anyone have any good tutorials about modelling with it? smile_o.gif

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If you get the GUI, it means you put the script in the right place. That's one down.

"Nothing happens" is not an option. Worse scenario: you get errors, and execution of the script halts. Maya has a command line, located at the bottom of the interface. If it turns red, and gives you error messages, that means you've got problems.

I think i know what happened: you didn't read the readme carefully and copied rtmbin.exe in the same dir as the .mel. Which is wrong. Try copying it to your system dir ("Winnt"), or type "set PATH". It should print something like:



Any of the dirs listed after "Path=" is "worthy" to host rtmbin.exe.

Well, I get the error "Error: The "system" command is not supported by Maya PLE." when i try to "import it".

I have the rtm.mel file in the scripts directory in my documents/maya, the rtmbin.exe file in C:/windows and setup.ma and named components.ma in a folder on my desktop. The E.V. MAYA_SCRIPT_PATH is set to the scripts folder which has the animation and the rtm.mel file in it. If I try and open the file once i've run Maya through the named components.ma file, I get the error shown above.

Can you tell me how to set the "PATH" to C:/Windows>rtmbin.exe ? I don't have a clue about any of this malarky, as you can see crazy_o.giftounge_o.gif

And environmental variables, i've searched on google but people seem to be talking about them but I can't get any description on what they are.

Big thanks,


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"Error: The "system" command is not supported by Maya PLE."

To quote from The Big Lebowski: - Bummer..

"system" is not supported. I just hope the rest of the scripting commands are.. Otherwise it might be the end of animating with PLE using my script (not that there was any beginning.. smile_o.gif ).

There's no quick fix to this problem. My advice is to put it to rest for now, untill i download PLE and find a workaround (if there is one).

The new version of the little anim kit is due to be released in a few days anyway, i'll see what i can do..

In the meantime, you can figure out them dastardly ee-vee-s. smile_o.gif

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Ooh gosh no! crazy_o.gifsad_o.gif

Not good, hope there's a way to do it but the time'll give me a chance to mess around with it. And research these E.Vs of yours. biggrin_o.gif


[EDIT] There's a system command in the MEL com ref, and when you type "system" in the MEL command box, it says "Error: Invalid call to "system"". Maybe it's just me again, as someone said it worked for them.

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I can't even start downloading it. crazy_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]NOTE: For security purposes, download will only work with browsers that support referrer reporting.Please try another browser if you are having difficulties downloading.
. rock.gif

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This is no pathetic 3d studio max.

Um.3D max is way easier than Maya.Max can run on Win98 as well.I would even recomend 3D max before I would Maya.Its more for the hard core modelors an is better on doing movies and such but if your doing game modeling Max is the best route to go.

lol, and I was going to ask if it was more intuitive that Max. Lightwave at least names functions and tools so a casual, unschooled modeler can just jump in a sort of figure things out on their own.

<edit> That is IF they already have a grounding in such programs as Illustrator, Photoshop, etc. Max....? Forget it. Nothing is named like a normal/non modeler would name it :|

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Quote[/b] ]Maya is now for free
So what are you saying, only those in a "free" society can have Maya now? crazy_o.gif

Hehhe, could not resist, it should be

Quote[/b] ]Maya is now free

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What do I need to do to download maya?Something about "download will only work with browsers that support referrer reporting".I guess some settings in my web browser?I use Internet explorer to.

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It's certainly enticing :-) But as a person with not much experience with 3D modelling, which (free) software would you recommend to get started on? Is there a tutorial for Maya? Should I even attempt to, keeping my (lack of) experience in consideration?

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Command Line looks like so.


In my opinon Maya is Harder to learn,Try using Max,Either order there demo cd.or Try Gmax.or something,but I wouldnt mess with Maya.But thats just me.Someone else might say different.

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It's certainly enticing :-) But as a person with not much experience with 3D modelling, which (free) software would you recommend to get started on? Is there a tutorial for Maya? Should I even attempt to, keeping my (lack of) experience in consideration?

wings3d, at wings3d.org ....

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The only bad thing i found with learning Maya before any other 3d package, is that when it was time to switch to something else (3DSM, GMAX, Rhino, O2, you name it..), i often felt like pulling my hair out..  crazy_o.gif

But maybe that's just me.

Modelling and poly texturing in Maya is not hard to learn. The tools are named suggestively in my opinion (though prior knowledge of Maya-English helps  biggrin_o.gif ). It also has a superb workflow. But don't take my word for it. I'm obviously biased smile_o.gif.

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Sorry to bring it back to my problem again ( sad_o.gif ) but it's pissin' me off a lot tounge_o.gif

When i look at the PATH E.V. it returns this, I think:

Quote[/b] ]C:\Documents and Settings\Stuart>set path

Path=C:\Program Files\AliasWavefront\Maya 5.0 Personal Learning Edition\bin;C:\W



I tried putting the rtmbin.exe in the "bin" directory yet it still did not work (Am I supposed to run this file btw?).

This is what the script editor said when I opened a .rtm file:

Quote[/b] ]file -f -o "C:/Documents and Settings/Stuart/Desktop/Maya2rtm/named components.ma";

// File read in 0 seconds.

// Warning: This file is from an older version of Maya. If saved, it will not be readable by previous versions. //

// Result: C:/Documents and Settings/Stuart/Desktop/Maya2rtm/named components.ma //

docServer -start;

// Warning: Unable to Start the docServer. //


// Error: The "system" command is not supported by Maya PLE. //

// Warning: file: C:/Documents and Settings/Stuart/My Documents/maya/scripts/rtm.mel line 20: fopen: unable to open file "C:/Documents and Settings/Stuart/My Documents/maya/scripts/bentDown.rtm.tmp" f

// Warning: file: C:/Documents and Settings/Stuart/My Documents/maya/scripts/rtm.mel line 24: Converting string "" to an int value of 0. //

// Error: The "system" command is not supported by Maya PLE. //

currentTime 0.625 ;

It does indeed look like the "system" command doesn't work, but how can this be true if others have got it to work? crazy_o.gif

God help me! ghostface.gif



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Maybe Maya Personal Learning Edition doesnt let you do every thing.Try putting all of the scripts and rtmbin.exe in the "others" folder.

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