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Major Fubar

Replacing units in the editor

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Just a quick one:

Is there any way to replace units in the mission editor, once they have been placed, with a unit from a different side?

For example, I have placed a Resistance sniper in a tower, but I want to change the unit to an East machinegunner. Is this at all possible? I know I can always fiddle with the mission.sqm and assign the sniper to East, but I want a physically different unit.

The reason I ask is I have dePBOd some missions in which I want to swap out some units for those from another side. These units have a shitload of waypoints, triggers etc. attached to them so I don't wanna have to delete them and then have to redo all the other stuff.

Any ideas? Can I can modify in a mission file or something?

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AFAIK, you can't change them in the editor.

What you could do, however, is check for their complete name in their pbo, then go into the mission sqm, find the appropriate unit and substitute side and unit model for it smile_o.gif

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Maybe this helps;

let's say you have a 12men western squad with alot of

waypoints (i said 12men squad just to show you the worst


delete one of these 12 guys

create an east unit

now add this east unit to the 11men western group by

dragin da line (ya know: F2 + drag)

Now you can delete the remaining 11 and voilla you have

replaced a west group by an east unit.

Off course you can add now 11 more commies to that


~S~ CD

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The mission.sqm would be the best way of doing it. Find the unit you want to change and change the side from, eg west to east. rock.gif

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Don't forget that there is a list of the unit codes in a sticky at the top of this forum (which you yourself created, Fubar wink_o.gif ). You can check that if you're not sure about the soldier's names.

[Gareth Gates must die]

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