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Bin Laden escape to Iraq?

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Some part of me believes that my government is going to have Bin Laden escape to Iraq, and after we finish there, maybe he'll go to Mogodishu and after that, maybe Iran. It seems as if osama is our reason to 'settle all family business' in the words of Michael Corleone in the Godfather. Great movie, even better book.

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It is offtopic.

But, I honestly dont think that any person would be so naive or just plain stupid to think that the US would capture Bin Laden so easy. They really think they are gonna catch him allive?

If he kills himself before "surrendering", his followers would think of him "fighting to his own death", instead of a coward.

I cant see why any person could be as naive as *cough* US government* cough.

Although I dont know if its the media that have twisted the us governments words so people get the feeling that they want to capture bin laden?

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Not going to happen. Both the Iraqis and the Iranis hate Al'qaeda, mostly because it's staffed with Saudis and Egyptians. The only thing the two groups have in common is their hatred for Israel. I'm sure if they ever pooled their resources they would be a formidable force, but you must remember, that area is ruled more by ethnic group/clan alliegance than to political group.

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more likely that one of the coalition Spec Ops caught him at tora bora, interrogated him for three days then put a bullet in his head and burned his body to ashes (and promised never to tell a soul).  Then he would not be a martyr because no one would be sure if he was dead.. an islamic Elvis if you want to think about it.

(Edited by PV at 11:07 pm on Dec. 17, 2001)

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Last thing Saddam needs right now is bombs falling on his head. Russian and French pressure is finally making US reconsider the embargoes, so Saddam understands that he has to behave. Besides why people demonize Iraq so much? It is not very keen on terrorism. On other hand allied to US Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are the nests of world Terrorism. I somehow doubt US bombing Saudi Arabia... Pakistan is a terrorist regime for god sakes, yet no one really gives a f**k. So maybe Iraqis are not such "bad guys" after all? They are not perfect, but so isn't US (Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Somalia, Panama and etc.) Iraqis invaded Kuwait, so what? US invaded Panama... So it's not as simple as it might seem.

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We invaded? Thats news to me we went in and Inposed our Govt on them Forcefully? I dont think we did.

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Guest Scooby

I've been wondering the same about Iraq what Krechet said.

I'm more afraid of US than Iraq.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Scooby on 1:21 am on Dec. 18, 2001

I'm more afraid of US than Iraq.<span id='postcolor'>

why? are you a terrorist? If not, its your own paranoia.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from PV on 2:21 am on Dec. 18, 2001

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Scooby on 1:21 am on Dec. 18, 2001

I'm more afraid of US than Iraq.<span id='postcolor'>

why? are you a terrorist?  If not, its your own paranoia.<span id='postcolor'>

hmm explain US supporting terrorist regimes like Pakistan then... Or half of guerilla groups in South america.... or KLA (which are btw linked to new "Dr.Evil" osama bin laden and are in fact have Al Queda members in their senior "staff"). I guess cold war habits don't go away that easily, after all CIA and KGB conrolled about 90% of world's terrorist organizations before the end of the cold war. Now only about 20% are under control, but the fact of governments financing terrorism is shocking by itself.

So, don't fall for those "we will fight terrorism" speeches. They might sound inspiring, but there is no and will never be any "war on global terrorism". Such war is a contradictions and impossibility by defenition.

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