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Which addon has been done to death?

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What I really want is a Red Rider BB gun with a compass and a stock and............

BBgun? Cool idea!!!

Airsoft M4 in OFP biggrin_o.gif

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Another problem with multiple different versions of the same gun/tank/plane/chopper/soldier is mission uniformity.

It is difficult at the best of times trying to get people to play addon missions, especially in online MP. Honestly, who hasn't at one time or another tried to join a server only to get "missing addon: xyz_hummer" or something similar. Since the community has seeminly given a big thumbs down to trying to create a unified MP addons pack (and to which a lot of addon makers were opposed), this just makes it harder for people to incorporate addons into their missions, if they intend for them to be used online. (Of course many servers have their own addon packs, which is also a good thing).

Anyway, as I (and many others) have stated, we are not "demanding" what addonmakers should make, we are merely "suggesting". If people want to make another dozen Hummer or M4 packs, go right ahead. I hope it helps you hone your modelling skills - but I also hope you don't get dispondent when you discover that basically no-one is using them in their missions. sad_o.gif

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Anyway, as I (and many others) have stated, we are not "demanding" what addonmakers should make, we are merely "suggesting". If people want to make another dozen Hummer or M4 packs, go right ahead.

You know, if you and AceCombat and Gollum1 really mean this, then this thread should not exist. This thread, by its title, seems aimed at the people who duplicate addons, and who, as we've discussed, are happy to make a duplicate addon and you guys won't have much luck discouraging them.

As far as "not demanding" but merely "suggesting" I find that hard to believe if I read the first post:

Quote[/b] ]

but the M-4's MUST BE STOPPED [...] BAS made the standard now people just use them DONT make new ones

Uhh, yeah, a suggestion. Anyway, I'm not at all bothered by this attitude, in fact, I understand it completely, but I also disregard it since you'll be seeing new M4's from me rather soon. I'm not happy enough with the 'standards' and I want consistency with my M16s, and finally, I'm mostly concerned with my own MP experience, since these will certainly be the M4's on Suchey's server, and in all the in-house missions for Suchey's USMC units.

I mean, OFP sure set some standards. So why bother making OFP2? I mean, we're all pretty happy with OFP right? So... all it's going to do is cost us money and we'll have to install a whole other game and, you know, upgrade our PC's and everything. So it's really just a hassle... ?

If you REALLY just want new units that haven't been done, then this thread wouldn't exist, it would actually have been something like:

"Hey why doesn't somebody make a [insert addon here]"

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So if I open a thread titled "All forum members should send me $5.00", would everyone really send me $5.00? tounge_o.gif

You can't really demand people do something unless you have some sort of power to enforce your will. If someone at work says to me "Hey, can you stop doing such and such please?" it is a suggestion; if my boss comes over and says "You have to stop doing such and such" then it is a demand.

Quote[/b] ]but the M-4's MUST BE STOPPED [...] BAS made the standard now people just use them DONT make new ones

Yes, without the smilies before and after the statement, it does seem like a demand. I took it though, as a sardonic way of putting his point across.

And yes, I could (and have in the past) have made requests for specific addons. But that isn't what I'm doing here. I am suggesting that certain addons have been well and truly covered. Two different issues.

- Fubar says "Please guys, enough M4 and Hummer addons have been made already"

- Addon makers hear "If anyone else makes a Hummer or M4 addon, they will be perm-banned from these forums!

crazy_o.gif  tounge_o.gif  sad_o.gif

As for this thread not existing - are you telling me that in the Official OFP forums the OFP community shouldn't be allowed to pass a comment about addons unless it is a "positive" one.

Again, although I truly do appreciate the work that addonmakers do for the community, I feel that a lot are being far too thin-skinned lately. Not every piece of feedback can be "Gosh, gee - how great!". I am NOT advocating unconstructive criticism of addons - and if you want to check through these forums you will see I have often warned people not to make criticisms of an unconstructive nature. But some people need to learn to take the good with the bad.

I consider someone saying "In my opinion too many of addon type X has been done" to be constructive criticism. I would consider someone saying "Hey Jim-Bob, your X addon is shit - it's been done already a million times" to be unconstructive criticism.

This thread is for people to voice their opinions on the subject, both for and against. If addonmakers wish to disagree with the sentiment of this thread - please feel free.

[edit]Look, whatever, I won't be posting in this thread again, unless it is in a moderator capacity to tell people to behave, if they are rude to each other[/edit] sad_o.gif

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Earl man smile_o.gif , that first comment was like taking a burden of my chest tounge_o.gif so yes it might sound a bit harsh to some people , but still i will apologoze if some people find it offensive my point is if you wanna make an addon try and see whats reallyin want , if you wanna make an addon to practise feel free do so.

Also as i said earlier its natural for people to dis-agree but its the end user of the addons here who suffer due to lack of co-op between addon makers who simply dis-regard each others work (wonder why) .. and make the addon wholly again ,its a burden for us now to tarry 2 GB addons and half of them are duplicates crazy_o.gif , i wish people would simply co-operate on this issue insteadof slagging each others work off.

And i am looking forward to your M-4's maybe they might set the standard biggrin_o.gif , or redefine it but as i said youre a reputable mod , not every other person has the skill to make the BEST thing.

JAM was such a good initiative towards standardizing MAG's at least thats something.

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It's a topic that won't be resolved, but it's not bad to discuss it. I'm not upset, and you don't need to exclude yourself from this thread... I want to make a better M4, and you're happy with what's there, and would prefer if i didn't complicate things with another M4 and instead spend my time on something new.

The main reason why I posted is because it started out by urging addonmakers not to duplicate addons in what I think is a rather harsh way. I wanted to explain that some addonmakers are doing it to get started, and others a trying to raise the bar, both of those groups will carry on despite your concerns, because they both have different goals than you want them to have. Your goals are to have one 'good-enough' addon of each kind.

I'm happy to see this thread here, it doesn't upset me at all, and it's an important discussion. It might influence some addonmakers to do something new before they start a new M4...

The reason I said this thread shouldn't be here is because if your goal is really to have more original addons, then don't complain about what we are doing (because those of us who are duplicating addons have heard it all and understand the issues).

I guess the issue is that you guys don't want us putting our effort into something that you don't need. But you don't see the reasons why we need it.

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my point is if you wanna make an addon try and see whats reallyin want , if you wanna make an addon to practise feel free do so.

Aha, acecombat posted while i was typing my last. Here Fubar, is my point exactly. Instead of attacking us (though I understand your frustration) you should *show people what is really in want*. That's why I said the complaint thread shouldn't exist and should actually be an "i want this" thread.

Don't hack on the people who won't listen, just encourage the guys who can help you.

And I'll admit that ego plays a large role here. My work probably wouldn't have been as good if I hadn't first looked at BAS's weapon pack to see just how I would have to improve... and STGN is always around to point out what's wrong with my M16's. tounge_o.gif I see it as healthy competition.

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OK Earl, thanks for the comments, I appreciate what you've said. smile_o.gif

But I also think as a Moderator here I should probably distance myself from this thread so that people don't get the idea I'm trying to throw my official "weight" as a Mod here behind one side of the debate. wink_o.gif

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Earl as i said people have shown what they WANT many times , thats NOT the POINT we WILL are not ordering to stop making addons just POINTING OUT that this has been done so no NEED , that was the basis of this thread until it got muddled in the debate of its 'not right to say this'.

This thread is to give new budding addon makers an insight on whats DONE and try not to remake IT if possible. smile_o.gif

I'm Done.Thats all i wanted to say if someone still cant understand this and has a problem then simply tell me what wrong with this idea?

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There are like over 3 HK packs out there, not to mention all those overlapping but incompactible WW2 projects. crazy_o.gif

Wish people would be more original.

Heh, well 3 HK pack and not a single HK53 in them (as far as im aware), so i was original in making THAT. (and its a feckin good addon as well, just not to be released till my mod is)

And im making myself a barret light 50, you said alot had been made (i agree) but non of them good....this is 2 hours work in, im gonna try and get it kickass good...trouble with the M82 is its very, err, featureless, so face counts are low, and it looks low detail.

BTW i know there are quite a few errors in my M82 so far, its only TWO HOURS into making


M4's are definately overdone, as are M16's, Ak47/74's, colt 1911's, M24's, most US army units, MiG's, and quite a few of the choppers

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And I'll admit that ego plays a large role here.  My work probably wouldn't have been as good if I hadn't first looked at BAS's weapon pack to see just how I would have to improve...  and STGN is always around to point out what's wrong with my M16's.   tounge_o.gif   I see it as healthy competition.

I am glad that I have been helpfuld smile_o.gif (but I will have to take a look at them when they are released)icon8.gificon4.gificon2.gif

Quote[/b] ]Heh, well 3 HK pack and not a single HK53 in them (as far as im aware), so i was original in making THAT. (and its a feckin good addon as well, just not to be released till my mod is)

There has been made a HK53, download the HK bonus pack(tho by todays standard it is realy bad(pre 02)(the HK53)) I have also made a good HK53 addon it vill just be avile befor it is released.


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Addonmakers are not a labour force, to be organized efficiently.  It's a whole mix of people with different interests and goals.

What you might not understand, as a player and not an addon-makers is that you have to be comfortable with the subject you are going to model.  For beginners, that's typically something like an M4 as mentioned earlier.  I find it pretty challenging to start on a brand new model that I'm not familiar with.  I've made the M4 about 4 times now for different projects, and each time I get a LOT better because I've figured out more of the details.

When modeling the M249, I scrapped two starts, but I learned a lot each time.  I also spend a lot of time looking at different photos and sketching details before I start.

For a beginner addonmaker, it's not easy to say "well, I can't beat that M4, so maybe I'll do a PRM-17b from the Republic of Some Desert Country using this grainy black and white photo, because that hasn't been done before".

Some people are just happy to make their favourite gun.  And yeah, they show it on the forums or the news, and hope people like it.

So, just ignore those people who are duplicating addons.  They have no responsibility to make something original.   Chances are they'll never make missions with them, so you'll never even use it.  You can be sure that an independent mission maker will choose the best M4 addon, and there may only be 2-3 of those that are even released (BAS, Inq, etc), so this complaint about 1000 m4's on your harddrive is a little ridiculous.

I totally agree. You have to learn somehow.

Also then thing I like about OFP (from a "I play at LANs" point of view) is if someone does make a mission that need X-M4 instead of Y-M4...it's real easy to copy it over. I don't really care which addons people make and use, so long as they work and contribute something to a mission. smile_o.gif

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Earl as i said people have shown what they WANT many times , thats NOT the POINT we WILL are not ordering to stop making addons just POINTING OUT that this has been done so no NEED , that was the basis of this thread until it got muddled in the debate of its 'not right to say this'.

This thread is to give new budding addon makers an insight on whats DONE and try not to remake IT if possible. smile_o.gif

#1 We can make what we want as addon makers.

#2 It's supply adn demand, Say a sertain clan/team all wants differn't versions a a weapon, one wants just a plane one and another team meber wants a bunch of acessories on his, the other just wants a scope and a long barrel on his. Now I thought JAM was supposed to clear out all these mag errors? If it does than all you need is the config and the model, and It's more custom than just a plane old BIS M4.  rock.gif

SOCOMS from HK most of the better ones are STOLEN imports from CS. mad_o.gif As a mater of fact I have yet to see aside from BAS SOCOM a higher end one that was scratch made.

Also I thought BIS made "Standard" also what good is any standard if we don't measure anything to it? If it isn't used to measure somthing than how can it be a "Standard"?

#3 Most M4sI have dowloaded have saddened my heart becaus they are almost all (The higer quality ones.) imports.

I don't want to point fingers, so I won't, but why Import?

#4 M4s are simple to make and are often a "First time experince" so don't complane about it just ask severs to review/ remove addons that you feel thier are to many of.

#5 Most addons are made on personal prefernce and since almsot everyone likes to have that single feature that makes his/her M4 different it's more of customization than of practicality.  wink_o.gif

#6 Custom talored weapons on certain team severs give players much more freedom when playing, because of the fact that M4's have loads of attachments and certian teams need certain versions of the weapons for realisum.

You probably won't find that the USMC and the US NAVY SEALS use the same types of attachments in the same way, which is why you need to almost class each weapon as being a certain "theme". wink_o.gif


#7 BIS is "Standard" because it comes with the game.

BAS addons are considered the Addons "Standard."

So the point really is, can you have a standard with nothing to compare it to? To gauge your work in a sence? wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]#2 It's supply adn demand,

Yes but are all the clans around the OFP world asking everyone to make a M-4?  rock.gif  , ok they can be picky but i have yet to see a clan which makes addons for itself so it can play to its customized needs... and also make Good ones too.

Quote[/b] ]#4 M4s are simple to make and are often a "First time experince" so don't complane about it just ask severs to review/ remove addons that you feel thier are to many of.

Well so is the AK?  wink_o.gif  , but that isnt the point M-4 isnt the only thing that gets repeated/duplicated have you seen how many Tiger Tanks have been made so far? Dont tell me theyare first time tries too   crazy_o.gif  

Quote[/b] ]#5 Most addons are made on personal prefernce and since almsot everyone likes to have that single feature that makes his/her M4 different it's more of customization than of practicality.  

Whos against customization , you wanna edit it to your needs go ahead do it but keepit to yourself since you personalized it to your needs. wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]#6 Custom talored weapons on certain team severs give players much more freedom when playing, because of the fact that M4's have loads of attachments and certian teams need certain versions of the weapons for realisum.

You probably won't find that the USMC and the US NAVY SEALS use the same types of attachments in the same way, which is why you need to almost class each weapon as being a certain "theme".

Hmm i wonder how it alleviates their gameplay in anyway , havent BAS also done nearly all the possible/popular loadouts for these guns , what new attachments are these clans joining i wanna see them now  wow_o.gif ...

And yes if the soldier changes so the weapon changes too.

Quote[/b] ]#7 BIS is "Standard" because it comes with the game.

BAS addons are considered the Addons "Standard."

So the point really is, can you have a standard with nothing to compare it to? To gauge your work in a sence?

Did BIS made a M-4 ?  rock.gif  , sorry i havent seen them make one , when i said standard i was referring to a M-4 only , as for measuring standard yes you have to obviously compare a standard and se if its still King , which i think we have now , and i dont think the community wants to keep on gauging a bloody gun till the launch of OFP2 , FFS lets settle down on a meduim and call it a day and use it if you wanna keep on improving things then you'll never reach a point of rest/satisfaction , you can always find some mistake or the other to go after but thats not the point , as isaid earlier enough is enough ,its just like BIS and OFP they could keep on releasing patches for OFP to keep it alive but obviously they wont its life will end and OFP2 therefore will surface , so ultimately we have to quiet down a bit on the M-4 issue and try not to duplicate it often until unless there are specific reasons like new soldiers etc etc.

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Yes but are all the clans around the OFP world asking everyone to make a M-4?  rock.gif  , ok they can be picky but i have yet to see a clan which makes addons for itself so it can play to its customized needs... and also make Good ones too.

Well so is the AK?  wink_o.gif  , but that isnt the point M-4 isnt the only thing that gets repeated/duplicated have you seen how many Tiger Tanks have been made so far? Dont tell me theyare first time tries too   crazy_o.gif  

Whos against customization , you wanna edit it to your needs go ahead do it but keepit to yourself since you personalized it to your needs. wink_o.gif

Hmm i wonder how it alleviates their gameplay in anyway , havent BAS also done nearly all the possible/popular loadouts for these guns , what new attachments are these clans joining i wanna see them now  wow_o.gif ...

And yes if the soldier changes so the weapon changes too.

Did BIS made a M-4 ?  rock.gif  , sorry i havent seen them make one , when i said standard i was referring to a M-4 only , as for measuring standard yes you have to obviously compare a standard and se if its still King , which i think we have now , and i dont think the community wants to keep on gauging a bloody gun till the launch of OFP2 , FFS lets settle down on a meduim and call it a day and use it if you wanna keep on improving things then you'll never reach a point of rest/satisfaction , you can always find some mistake or the other to go after but thats not the point , as isaid earlier enough is enough ,its just like BIS and OFP they could keep on releasing patches for OFP to keep it alive but obviously they wont its life will end and OFP2 therefore will surface , so ultimately we have to quiet down a bit on the M-4 issue and try not to duplicate it often until unless there are specific reasons like new soldiers etc etc.

1: no I don't think so but meany want a m4 that looks like they wan't it.

2: well maby no the tiger at first but maby as a second or thired cause it is a very pobular tank remember it was the best during WW2 and very cool too.

3: Why what if sombody els thort it was cool also?

4: no no and no what BAS made was what you might see a US Special Force soldier carrying but ateleasd a 1000 other loadouts can be made(whit diffrent equipment).

5: yes and no I think BIS made a M4 first but changed it to a XM177 because the M4 diden't excist in 1985. this is the reason why you can't make a gun called M4(class M4) cause then you just get the XM177.


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I dont see what the problem is, wider variety gives wider choice, as long as we have centres like OFPEC to review and help us find the best ones. Then the crap gets sorted from the good ones.

There will come a point where the addon cannot possibly be improved because its 100% true to life. However, until that point is reached, i'd say the addon is still open to any comers....dont moan because there are about 250 M4's out there, instead, enjoy the wide choice you get...if you are one those who says "BAS made the best M4, noone can ever better it!", then, please, go and use the BAS m4, but dont feel you can stop other people attempting to improve on it if they want to.

If you like missions with BAS m4 in, then download missions with BAS m4 in...if the mission maker decided he didnt want BAS' version, then thats his choice, he chose it for a reason, and if you want to play the mission, then respect that and download the appropriate one

Im gonna continue to model what I want to make or need to make for my mod, regardless of whats already out there, and i will do my best to make that addon equal or better to the existing ones, because i only make good when im making what i like, and for me thats what its all about.

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@STGN mind explaining as i said previously what are these inknown load outs which we dont know about and HOW are they makeing a WORLD OF DIFFERNECE in OFP gameplay ... its a gun its used to kill in the game thats it..... but thats me i guess i wouldnt care if it had a stupid tac-light infront of it or not cause its a bloody game you will not notice the difference because in OFP these things have limitations. smile_o.gif

Well if BIS made that 'M-4' as you say its Old now so its not the standard anymore how can you compare it with that>? Its like comparing Gastovski with BAS deltas crazy_o.gif

If everyone is so pissed at BAS M-4's then i dont know why every Server on the internet that i know of have them wink_o.gif , also even if they areusing BIS units i have seen they are using BAS weapons.... kinda points to something doesnt it.....What BAS has acheieved is through many months of patience and hard work , which any newbie from nowhere cant DO , lets face it as i said earlir not everyone can make a GOD of addon from nowhere but everyday we see a new MOD surfacing with the same dastardly gun...


"Hello i am from the urban cqb action Mod we are planning on making new M-4's and this and that and hope you enjoy..."

NOTE: That Mod name was used as a generic example my apologies if someone by that name really exists

Well i am waiting and will wait to see if anyone even comes near to the standards set by BAS and maybe Suchey's marines (they look too nice too so we know what we cane xpect wink_o.gif ).

The only thing that pisses me even more is that many of those MOD's have the same basic outline /storyline and they still go on making duplicating the damn gun.....dudes why not simply co-operate?

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Guest DKM-jaguar
Quote[/b] ]but the M-4's MUST BE STOPPED [...] BAS made the standard now people just use them DONT make new ones

Yes, without the smilies before and after the statement, it does seem like a demand. I took it though, as a sardonic way of putting his point across.

And yes, I could (and have in the past) have made requests for specific addons. But that isn't what I'm doing here. I am suggesting that certain addons have been well and truly covered. Two different issues.

- Fubar says "Please guys, enough M4 and Hummer addons have been made already"

- Addon makers hear "If anyone else makes a Hummer or M4 addon, they will be perm-banned from these forums!

crazy_o.gif  tounge_o.gif  sad_o.gif

Again, although I truly do appreciate the work that addonmakers do for the community, I feel that a lot are being far too thin-skinned lately. Not every piece of feedback can be "Gosh, gee - how great!". I am NOT advocating unconstructive criticism of addons - and if you want to check through these forums you will see I have often warned people not to make criticisms of an unconstructive nature. But some people need to learn to take the good with the bad.

I consider someone saying "In my opinion too many of addon type X has been done" to be constructive criticism. I would consider someone saying "Hey Jim-Bob, your X addon is shit - it's been done already a million times" to be unconstructive criticism.

This thread is for people to voice their opinions on the subject, both for and against. If addonmakers wish to disagree with the sentiment of this thread - please feel free.

Quote[/b] ]So if I open a thread titled "All forum members should send me $5.00", would everyone really send me $5.00? tounge_o.gif


Quote[/b] ]You can't really demand people do something unless you have some sort of power to enforce your will. If someone at work says to me "Hey, can you stop doing such and such please?" it is a suggestion; if my boss comes over and says "You have to stop doing such and such" then it is a demand.

The general attitude i see from the community is they CAN demand addons.

Quote[/b] ]And yes, I could (and have in the past) have made requests for specific addons. But that isn't what I'm doing here. I am suggesting that certain addons have been well and truly covered. Two different issues.

I make requests all the time, I dont have a problem with people making requests, I dont like people telling addon makers they WILL be doing this, they ARE going to make that. (no one in this thread, but you cant say it doesnt happen.)

BTW: my requests have a habit of getting made  crazy_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]As for this thread not existing - are you telling me that in the Official OFP forums the OFP community shouldn't be allowed to pass a comment about addons unless it is a "positive" one.

Not at all, just there seems to be the tought that it's a free-shot at the addon maker, irrespective of the time and effort they put into the addon in most casses. If all criticism was constructive, i am sure 99% of all addon makers would love it. Hell, they might even put up with the odd "this is shit" but people slagging off addons constantly with no constructive aims just pisses people off.

Quote[/b] ][edit]Look, whatever, I won't be posting in this thread again, unless it is in a moderator capacity to tell people to behave, if they are rude to each other[/edit]  sad_o.gif
What?? I dont think anyone will think you are using your moderation power to sway the argument. Infact your presence in this thread keeps a lot of the flamers from thinking they can get away with it without a mod noticing IMHO.  
Quote[/b] ]I feel that a lot are being far too thin-skinned lately.

I'm not an addon maker..but if you count me as a mod person then i agree, but then i have a reputation for being thin-skinned.

Quote[/b] ]Since the community has seeminly given a big thumbs down to trying to create a unified MP addons pack (and to which a lot of addon makers were opposed), this just makes it harder for people to incorporate addons into their missions

Aye, and if i remember correctly i was also one who spoke out against that.. which indicates that i do this kind of thing often, and maybe you shouldn't pay too much attention to my thoughts  wink_o.gif

How does earl say exactly what i am thinking..but so much better than i do rock.gif

Well done earl biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]but the M-4's MUST BE STOPPED [...] BAS made the standard now people just use them DONT make new ones

BAS did set the standard, yes, but the standard can always be improved. A mod team who has nothing to strive for has nothing to live for, and will quickly die. (Speaking figuratively.)

Okay, so BAS made a good M-4A1 rifle. Hell, I think it kicks ass. So, Earl and Suchey are making amazing M-16A4 rifles. In a few months, they make make another version of the rifle, which will be much improved. The standard is not fixed. It can be raised. Not lowered, at least not without pissing off a few people in the process.

Shitloads of addons are released. IMHO, all the WW2 Mods need a system like JAM for them, where they all combine talents and make the best possible weapon, the best possible animations and textures, and leave it at that, with additional improvements and new things being added to that. There are too many addons of the same thing. Its tiresome trying to find the best one.

Hell, I'm just glad that there are only two mods making the Diemaco series of weapon. (ONS and KMARNs I believe, and they both kick ass. Maybe just 'cause I'm Canadian.)

There are a lot of American special-Forces out there, or that's how I percieve it. I constantly redefine my personal standard, and eagerly await NATOMOD to release some good Regular-Forces Army and Airborne units. I also wait for Caucasus Crisis to release their units, so I have some good Russians to battle against, or with, against some quality NATO units.

I think we're too focused on NATO vs. WarSaw Pact, but that's just me I guess.


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The standard is not fixed. It can be raised. Not lowered, at least not without pissing off a few people in the process.



yes, that's a good point. nearly every month someone "found" new "features" in flashpoint (which can be included in addons). that's what i call progress. but i dont want the 100th version of m4 which is in no point better than BAS one.

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but that isnt the point M-4 isnt the only thing that gets repeated/duplicated have you seen how many Tiger Tanks have been made so far? Dont tell me theyare first time tries too   crazy_o.gif


How many?

I know only three, and all three need work..

Old Marcel`s one we can forget, he will agree on that one.

T ROC`s Tiger nice camo, lack of details etc.

i44`s Tiger, need new collour and camo versions.

Other(s) in the make, looking very promising but probably will not see the daylights in OFP.

Wow that were alot of Tigers...now tell me where are the other ones???

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Guest DKM-jaguar

I think that the point is the tiger was one type of many german tanks, it was alos one of the lowest production-runs done in the war. Also, the stugIII is relatively over done... and all so far have been of a slightly disapointing quality.

I would like to see a Pzkw-4, 3, panther ausf A, F, G and wespe, elefant etc...

I go offtopic.

I think that it is good that these are being made, but tanks and weapons differe in that a single person can make a weapon with relative ease, they are litterally one-man jobs. A tank done properly is more likely to be done WELL by a mod team. A mod should have more of a choice of what to make than single weapons becuase they will have more interests and hopefully more projects (the entire point of being in a mod is to complete a vareity of projects in a smaller amount of time) so there is no point in mods doing the same addons as each other than if they think they can do better, which is all the better for you people when they do, as you get the pic of the best. Although standardisation is for some people, a large factor, it isnt for most so wether you have this/that/other addon, doesnt matter.

in other words: repeating another mods addon better will produce results of a higher standard, putting pressure on the other mod to re-work their existing addon, and so on. Who looses in that? There is only gain.

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