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[SP] HIVE Battle Generator A3

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Fight in a quick skirmish, decisive battle or grand campaign.
Composition of formations varies from mission to mission.


Conquered areas are saved to next mission.
Map control affects formation morale and supply situation.


Play with vanilla, mod or DLC factions.
Command or be commanded by HIVE AI, with adjustable difficulty.


Scale is 1000m, 1500m or 2000m of area radius with 6 (+3), 10 (+5) or 14 (+7) groups per side.
Faction must have an cfgGroups configuration.


Steam workshop:


HIVE AI Script:


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hi Kosmo, can u provide details as to how to use the mod to create battles that the player can engage in?
is it now modules based as opposed to script?

ty and looking forward to using this 

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1 hour ago, Komodo-1 said:

hi Kosmo, can u provide details as to how to use the mod to create battles that the player can engage in?
is it now modules based as opposed to script?

ty and looking forward to using this 

Hello, this is a mission file. If you're wondering how to use the HIVE AI script re-post this question to the AI script thread. However, if question relates to the mission (this thread) here's how to play it:

1. Subscribe to it in steam workshop

2. Launch the game

3. From the top left, navigate "singleplayer" -> "scenarios"

3. Under "steam subscribed content" select "HIVE Battle Generator ALTIS", "ALTIS" being a map you have installed

4. Press PLAY

5. You are now in game, you will be prompted to use scroll menu

6. Select game settings with the action menu, controlled by your mouse wheel

7. Enjoy the mission!

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ok, i thought the mission was a showcase of the module (thought you changed the script to a module that can used in the editor) but instead you used the script and made it into a mission, got it

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Tested briefly. A simple way to hop into a dynamic fun, which indicates a good battle generator IMO. Initial settings do the job well in quite simplistic manner, which is perfectly fine. 

So I become a simple BLUFOR TL in the town center, the HQ tossed our team back a forth a bit with waypoints (could help to have some kind of indicator, the new waypoint pop-up, be it radio chatter sound or just on screen info). Soon the town defenders, we included, became flanked by two Marids from opposite directions with nothing serious against them in terms of vehicles (though my situational awareness was very limited, as should be in sake of immersion, so who knows, what was at our disposal). Anyway, luckilly for us I found a dead comrade - AT specialist, so I took his Titan and backpack, then I was able to destroy both Marids within one minute, because they politely presented themselves to me. So, seeing in my mind's eye the medals for heroism already flying towards me (BTW possibly cool idea for debriefing - to list gained awards/decorations/medals assuming, player's deeds was heroic enough, but that would require a heroism detector algorithm), I paused the game and went to vacuum the apartment. When I returned and unpaused the game I fell dead immediately. Apparently the bullet with my name inscribed on it was already in the air, when I paused the game... Oh, well, post mortem medals then. I could team switch, but decided, such a finale is too perfect to ignore it, so that was the end. 

Anyway, looks like it may be an interesting alternative for my HWS or any other battle generator, especially, if it does things in its own, distinct way. Having brand new HQ brain behind it makes it even more exciting. Also, it was like a decade ago, but I still rememeber the thrill of creating this sort of stuff, more rewarding than playing the game actually, I hope, it's similar adventure for you, so truly - congrats on the project and good luck! 

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18 minutes ago, Rydygier said:

Tested briefly. A simple way to hop into a dynamic fun, which indicates a good battle generator IMO. Initial settings do the job well in quite simplistic manner, which is perfectly fine. 

So I become a simple BLUFOR TL in the town center, the HQ tossed our team back a forth a bit with waypoints (could help to have some kind of indicator, the new waypoint pop-up, be it radio chatter sound or just on screen info). Soon the town defenders, we included, became flanked by two Marids from opposite directions with nothing serious against them in terms of vehicles (though my situational awareness was very limited, as should be in sake of immersion, so who knows, what was at our disposal). Anyway, luckilly for us I found a dead comrade - AT specialist, so I took his Titan and backpack, then I was able to destroy both Marids within one minute, because they politely presented themselves to me. So, seeing in my mind's eye the medals for heroism already flying towards me (BTW possibly cool idea for debriefing - to list gained awards/decorations/medals assuming, player's deeds was heroic enough, but that would require a heroism detector algorithm), I paused the game and went to vacuum the apartment. When I returned and unpaused the game I fell dead immediately. Apparently the bullet with my name inscribed on it was already in the air, when I paused the game... Oh, well, post mortem medals then. I could team switch, but decided, such a finale is too perfect to ignore it, so that was the end. 

Anyway, looks like it may be an interesting alternative for my HWS or any other battle generator, especially, if it does things in its own, distinct way. Having brand new HQ brain behind it makes it even more exciting. Also, it was like a decade ago, but I still rememeber the thrill of creating this sort of stuff, more rewarding than playing the game actually, I hope, it's similar adventure for you, so truly - congrats on the project and good luck! 

HWS is legendary, I am quite honored by your compliment. The game has an inbuilt score system at the end of mission displaying a score and kills/losses. These are not quite awards but rather statistics, however this score could be used to pass down to namespace variable. Maybe with higher overall score player would "move up" the ranks from grunt, to squad leader and finally commander. Interesting idea! Yes scripting HIVE has been quite an rewarding adventure, which wouldn't have been possible at all without community resources such as posts on this forum and BI wiki. There really isn't much of "brain" or HQ in the script but the resulting behavior is still quite dynamic and convincing which is pretty cool I think.

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Pretty cool to get a compliment from Rydygier -guys stuff was legend. Havent tried it yet -but can i just ask -do the AI generals take into account "Total known strength" ie amount of armor/troops/Air that the enemy has in total and plan accordingly? Part of the reason ive always been against just randomly spawning units is that takes away the cohesive planning stage of battle -how can one plan for magically appearing troops (rhetorical not real question)

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34 minutes ago, froggyluv said:

Pretty cool to get a compliment from Rydygier -guys stuff was legend. Havent tried it yet -but can i just ask -do the AI generals take into account "Total known strength" ie amount of armor/troops/Air that the enemy has in total and plan accordingly? Part of the reason ive always been against just randomly spawning units is that takes away the cohesive planning stage of battle -how can one plan for magically appearing troops (rhetorical not real question)

Now this is an interesting topic! Is it better to concentrate forces on single objective or to attack multiple objectives simultaneously? What kind of unit beats what unit? What about terrain, what if objective is far away? When to attack, when to defend and when to move? There is an strategic layer (HIVE_STRATEGIC.sqf), different unit types have various values. The overall strength of a side is determined from comparison of these values. A man is 1 point, vehicle is 5, tank is 10 etc. Now since sides take losses this ratio can change quite quickly due to combat.  The objectives, which are taken from map location data can be under one sides control, again comparing the strength of the units present there. Defending side which has less overall value won't get new waypoints to enemy held areas while attacking side exclusively seeks them. Some locations can be uncontested and comparing amount of these areas to held areas will trigger third strategy type, maneuver. Maneuvering side will receive waypoints to these areas. Even though it is quite simple some interesting dynamics can emerge, such as defending side retreating (letting artillery do its work) or flanking the advancing formation meanwhile attacking side concentrates forces to gain advantage. Also of note is that waypoints don't directly go to objective but rather to the middle of current position and objective, forming a somewhat sensible front line. As for the battle generator, the spawning script (HIVE_SPAWNING.sqf) has balancing in the form of reducing armored group sizes and giving infantry some supporting vehicles because the outcome of 10 tank groups of 4 tanks each against some dudes with handful of launchers should be pretty obvious.

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