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How does Custom difficutly work on dedicated server?

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We are at the moment thinking about a new mission - we want to play Antistasi but this time with custom difficulty settings. I found out that I have to put the settings in the server.cfg file? Correct?

How do I do that exactly and what variables can I change? 


What we want to change is...

... Stamina should be on

... Weapon Sway should also be on - can I change the strength of the weapon sway?

... Enemy Units are not visible on the map

... automated calling of spotted enemy units should be off


How can I make sure that the mission does not overwrite the settings I made in the server.cfg?

Thanks in advance.

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So I found out that you have to change the settings in the "gameserver.Arma3profile" - my hoster gives us an option to change it directly in the Web UI. I managed to change the settings - but it seems that the Mission has overwritten at least some of them again.

We play Antistasi Ultimate at the moment. Is there a way to change the settings during a running mission? Or is it too late now? How can I prevent - for future missions - that the mission overrides the server settings? 


And a second problem I have - I wanted to deactivate the map markers for enemy units. I just dont want it and my teammates always say "Uh there is a tank - I have seen it on the map" - that is annoying :D 

I tried it with this wiki entry - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/disableMapIndicators - but it is not working as shown there. Either I have put it into the wrong file (gameserver.Arma3profile) or the wiki entry is old.

When I enter it like in the example shown the server does not start at all and the server gives the following error message in the log:


ErrorMessage: File C:\Gameserver\varserver\1309657\profile\Users\gameserver\gameserver.Arma3Profile, line 45: '/DifficultyPresets/CustomDifficulty/Options.disableMapIndicators': '[' encountered instead of '='

Help is appreciated - Thanks

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