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a few enhancements i would like to see

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add additional items that players can carry and place that can function as static objects
- ammo cans for 5.56mm and 7.62, (this can also work really well with mortar ammo cans)
- traffic cones
- lanterns and AM radio's

An option for
- apply pressure to slow or stop bleeding

change or rework the current ammo selection system, as i find trying to shoot 40mm flares is a bit of a hassle to select flare, for them to only load HE on the next reload (so maybe a text line that says "next round flare\next round HEDP/next round HE")
and turning the wall mounted first aid boxs that are in some buildings into a storage that holds medical items

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the ammo cans would be a great addition as we would be able to "prepare" MG positions by stocking them with ammo in ammo cans, which would be in storage that wont be ""garbaged cleaned

and preparing a mortar pit that would rely on players stocking it with mortar ammo cases would be a great touch


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