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Server FPS too low

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Playing on Arland map, conflict game type, on official server.
With ~30 players server FPS drops to 20, with 50 ~players - server goes down 😥


A few impressions about the game:

I started playing since the OFP, back in distant 2001.

Finally, you started to remake this long-suffering, archaic Real Virtuality engine into something more modern and adequate, which is undoubtedly a plus!


What I liked:
Vehicle behavior - now when you get into Soviet vehicles, you immediately understand that Soviets always had weak and technologically backward engines, especially when trying to climb a hill in a BTR. 😁
Overall, these small details are very important as they help Russians get rid of their imperial mindset. 

The game feels more alive, with character movements being more lifelike. There is now the ability to jump and climb onto low objects.
The character's behavior indoors has improved, although echoes of the past can still be felt.


What I didn't like:
The engine seems to be optimized for consoles at 60 fps. To achieve stable 144 fps even on minimal settings, you probably need a graphics card at the level of a 4070.
There's no content, and overall, it's currently unplayable in mp.
Waiting for patches.


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