Campura 0 Posted May 3 Hi, i have a server from zap-hosting. i am new to the server game, so i have no clue what could be wrong. My Target is just to have a Server with a mission, but i get config errors and the server goes offline. I would appreciate if someone would have a working config which i can change to my needs. Server log [6n[6n[m [H [H[?25lENGINE : Creating engine. [?25h[HE [?25lENGINE : FileSystem: Adding relative directory 'C:\cygwin\home\zap1204197\ g622766\reforger\saves\logs\logs_2024-05-03_11-09-35' to filesystem under name l ogs[77X[77C ENGINE : FileSystem: Adding relative directory 'C:\cygwin\home\zap1204197\ g622766\reforger\saves\profile' to filesystem under name profile[16X[16C ENGINE : Initializing engine.[45X[45C [?25h[?25lENGINE : CLI Params: -maxFPS 60 -profile C:\cygwin/home/zap1204197/g622766 /reforger/saves -config C:\cygwin/home/zap1204197/g622766/reforger/server.json ENGINE : Addon dirs:[54X[54C ENGINE : dir: './addons'[49X[49C ENGINE : dir: 'C:/cygwin/home/zap1204197/g622766/reforger/saves/addons' ENGINE : Available addons:[48X[48C ENGINE : gproj: './addons/core/core.gproj' guid: '5614BBCCBB55ED1C' (pack ed)[77X[77C ENGINE : gproj: './addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj' guid: '58D0FB3206B6F85 9' (packed)[69X[69C [?25h[?25lENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/data/' (pak count: 3) to fil esystem under name ArmaReforger[49X[49C [?25h[?25lENGINE : FileSystem: Adding package './addons/core/' (pak count: 1) to fil esystem under name core[57X[57C RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=0 name=ArmaReforger path=./addons/d ata/resourceDatabase.rdb)[55X[55C [?25h[?25lRESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=1 name=core path=./addons/core/reso [?25h[?25l urceDatabase.rdb)[63X[63C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lRESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=2 name=profile path=C:\cygwin\home\ [?25h[?25l zap1204197\g622766\reforger\saves\profile/resourceDatabase.rdb)[17X[17C [?25h[?25l RESOURCES : ResourceDB: loading cache (id=3 name=logs path=C:\cygwin\home\zap [?25h[?25l 1204197\g622766\reforger\saves\logs\logs_2024-05-03_11-09-35/resourceDatabase.rd [?25h[?25l b)[78X[78C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lENGINE : GameProject load [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25l ENGINE : Loaded addons: [?25h[?25l ENGINE : gproj: './addons/core/core.gproj' guid: '5614BBCCBB55ED1C' [?25h[?25l ENGINE : gproj: './addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj' guid: '58D0FB3206B6F8 [?25h[?25l 59'[77X[77C [?25h[?25l ENGINE : GameProject load[49X[49C [?25h[?25l INIT : GameProject load project data @"./addons/data/ArmaReforger.gproj [?25h[?25l "[79X[79C [?25h[?25l RESOURCES (E): Wrong GUID/name for resource @"{C014582791ECBF24}Language/local [?25h[?25l" in property "StringTableSource"[37X[37C [?25h[?25l ENGINE : Loading custom engine user config '$ [?25h[?25l erEngineSettings.conf'[58X[58C [?25h[?25l INIT : GameProject engine user settings load @"$ [?25h[?25l eforgerEngineSettings.conf"[53X[53C [?25h[?25l ENGINE : Engine user settings config loaded[30X[30C [?25h[?25l ENGINE (W): No module info used, trying to identify -> 0x95340000[12X[12C [?25h[?25l RENDER : Basic screen setup:[46X[46C [?25h[?25l RENDER : Back buffer width x height: 0x0[32X[32C [?25h[?25l RENDER : Back buffer format : TEXFMT_UNKNOWN (0)[13X[13C [?25h[?25l RENDER : MSAA : none[31X[31C [?25h[?25l RENDER : GPU_DUMMY (0xFFFF) (Enfusion dummy render) with 1 GPU detected, V [?25h[?25l RAM 128MB (fast 128MB), shared 128MB, driver version Unknown version, stereo not [?25h[?25l available[70X[70C [?25h[?25l RENDER : Detected output devices:[41X[41C [?25h[?25l RENDER : * 1 device/s connected to Dummy:[32X[32C [?25h[?25l RENDER : Dummy output (Dummy device for our dummy render.), 1920x1080 ( [?25h[?25l offset 0x0), 60Hz[63X[63C [?25h[?25l RENDER : Concurrent frames limit 2[38X[38C [?25h[?25l ENGINE : Job system settings: coreCount=32, shortJobContextCount=16, short [?25h[?25l JobThreadCount=15, longJobThreadCount=7[41X[41C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lAUDIO : Audio device created [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[H [24;1H[?25lENGINE : Initializing inputs. [?25h[?25l NETWORK : Initializing networking.[41X[41C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lSCRIPT : SCRIPT : Initializing scripts [?25h[?25l SCRIPT : SCRIPT : ScriptProjectManager init[24X[24C [?25h[?25l PROFILING : ScriptProjectManager init took: 0.075800 ms[21X[21C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lPROFILING : Initializing scripts took: 22.169200 ms [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lENGINE : Enfusion engine successfully created. [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lGUI : Using default language (en_us) [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lGUI : Loading 'en_us' localization file. [?25h[?25l INIT : INIT : Loading StringTable[31X[31C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lPROFILING : Loading StringTable took: 20.126200 ms [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lSCRIPT : SCRIPT : Compiling GameLib scripts [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25l SCRIPT : Module: GameLib; loaded 271x files; 492x classes; used 462/2097 [?25h[?25l kB (22%) of static memory; defines: "PLATFORM_WINDOWS,ENF_ENABLE_VHC_OVERRIDE"; [?25h[?25l CRC32: 2d6792ab[65X[65C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lPROFILING : Compiling GameLib scripts took: 32.883700 ms [?25h[?25l SCRIPT : SCRIPT : Compiling Game scripts[28X[28C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lSCRIPT : Compiling Game scripts [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25l SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/Game/Components/SCR_XPHandlerComponent.c,34": 'OnPlaye [?25h[?25l rSpawned' is obsolete: Use OnPlayerSpawnFinalize_S instead[22X[22C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25l SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/Game/GameMode/Respawn/SCR_WaveRespawnTimerComponent.c, [?25h[?25l 103": 'OnPlayerSpawned' is obsolete: Use OnPlayerSpawnFinalize_S instead [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[HA[24;1H[?25l SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/Game/UI/Inventory/SCR_InventoryMenuUI.c,522": No need [?25h[?25l to use 'Cast' for up-casting[52X[52C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[HN[24;1H[?25l SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/Game/UI/ScreenEffects/SCR_DeathScreenEffect.c,55": No [?25h[?25l need to use 'Cast' for up-casting[47X[47C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[H [24;1H[?25l SCRIPT (W): @"scripts/Game/Workshop/SCR_WorkshopItem.c,715": 'GetSizeBytes' [?25h[?25l is obsolete: Use Revision.GetSizeBytes() instead.[31X[31C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[HP[24;1H[?25l SCRIPT : Module: Game; loaded 3864x files; 8184x classes; used 18026/4194 [?25h[?25l 3 kB (42%) of static memory; defines: "PLATFORM_WINDOWS,ENF_ENABLE_VHC_OVERRIDE, [?25h[?25l ENABLE_BASE_DESTRUCTION,DEBUG,RESPAWN_TIMER_COMPONENT_DEBUG,DEBUG_NEARBY_CONTEXT [?25h[?25l _DISPLAY,DEBUG_CONFIGURABLE_DIALOGS,DISABLE_WEAPON_SWITCHING,SCRIPTED_AIM_MODIFI [?25h[?25l ER_DEBUG"; CRC32: 5ddb87c7[54X[54C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[HP[24;1H[?25lPROFILING : Compiling Game scripts took: 2271.278800 ms [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lINIT : Creating game instance(ArmaReforgerScripted), version bu [?25h[?25l ilt 2024-03-20 2:55:42 UTC.[53X[53C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lBACKEND : Loading dedicated server config. [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25l BACKEND : Server config loaded. [?25h[?25l BACKEND : Loading dedicated server config.[33X[33C [?25h[?25l BACKEND (E): JSON parse error: Invalid value. (Line: 3 | Char: 25)[11X[11C [?25h[?25l BACKEND (E): There are errors in server config![30X[30C [?25h[?25l BACKEND (E): Unable to continue with a broken DS config! Shutdown![12X[12C [?25h[?25l ENGINE (E): Error while initializing game.[35X[35C [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lENGINE (E): Unable to initialize the game [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lENGINE (E): BackendDebug:: HttpClient Cleanup [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lENGINE : Game destroyed. [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[Ht[24;1H[?25lRPL : Pip::Destroy [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lRESOURCES (E): ==== Resource leaks ==== [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h[?25lRESOURCES (E): ui/fonts/robotomono_msdf_28.edds 1 [?25h[?25l [80X[80C [?25h Server config { "adminPassword": "XX", "dedicatedServerId": ar-gm-%profilename", "game": { "autoJoinable": false, "gameProperties": { "battlEye": true, "disableThirdPerson": true, "fastValidation": true, "missionHeader": { "m_eDefaultGameFlags": 6, "m_eEditableGameFlags": 6, "m_iPlayerCount": 40, "other": "values" }, "networkViewDistance": 1000, "serverMaxViewDistance": 2500, "serverMinGrassDistance": 50 }, "name": " Test Server", "password": "XX", "playerCountLimit": 32, "scenarioId": "{ECC61978EDCC2B5A}Missions/23_Campaign.conf", "supportedGameClientTypes": [ "PLATFORM_PC", "PLATFORM_XBL" ], "visible": true }, "gameHostBindAddress": "XX", "gameHostBindPort": 2221, "gameHostRegisterBindAddress": "XX", "gameHostRegisterPort": 2211, "mods": [ { "modId": "5965550F24A0C152", "name": "WHERE AM I", "version": "1.1.0 " }, { "modId": "59751AA829BB0968", "name": "MME - MODERN MILITARY EQUIPMEN", "version": "1.0.4" } ], "region": "EU-FFM" } Share this post Link to post Share on other sites