Syfer92 0 Posted April 24 When I was writing my script, I wanted to create my own script for closing and opening the technique. I am new to writing scripts and therefore used various sources from the Internet. I managed to create such a script, but its correctness leaves much to be desired. Below I have given what I got. But this is not exactly what I wanted, at first I can't make it so that the close button is displayed again during the open close iteration. Help me figure this out, point out what I should pay attention to. /* 0 = [] execVM "addAction.sqf"; */ respMash addAction ["<t color='#00FF00'>Expand the KSHM</t>", { myResp = [west, "respMash"] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition;//Creates a respawn point in the technique player addEventHandler ["GetInMan",//Creating a GetInMan event - if a person is inside { ["respMash","player"];//GetInMan parameters = true player moveOut respMash;//Action when true. Will land the player }]; respMash setVehicleLock "LOCKED";//Completely blocks the technique hint parseText "<t size='2.0'>KSHM IS DEPLOYED</t>";//Outputs a hint respMash removeAction 0;//deletes the line of the action Expand KShM respMash addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>Collapse the KSHM</t>",//addAction Parameters Collapse KSHM { myResp = [west, 0] call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition;//Removing the respawn point in the technique respMash setVehicleLock "UNLOCKED";//We will completely unlock the equipment player removeAllEventHandlers "GetInMan"; hint parseText "<t size='2.0'>KSHM IS COLLAPSED</t>";//Outputs a hint respMash removeAction 1; }, nil, 1.5, true, true, "", "", 5];//addAction Parameters Collapse KSHM player moveOut respMash;//It will land the player if he teleports to respMash = car }, nil, 1.5, true, true, "", "", 5];//addAction Parameters Expand KSM respMash addEventHandler ["Killed",//The event in which the equipment is destroyed { myResp = [west, 0] call BIS_fnc_removeRespawnPosition; respMash removeAction 0; respMash removeAction 1; }]; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites