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Recon Script

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Hey guys, 

used chatgpt to help create a script for a recon mission, trying to get it to work but i'm unsuccessful so far. 

What i'm attempting to create is if a player and his team is contacted by the enemy, they will hunt/pursue the team until the play and his team can avoid detection for 5mins. 


if they team successfully breaks contact and remains un-detected the enemy groups will return to patrolling the area. 


I'm also wanting to include a visible timer for the player.

chatgpt has given me this...


I saved it into a "recon.sqf" notepad file. i'm using:


[] execVM "recon_mission.sqf";


to call the script in the mission initialization under attributes.


any idea how to get it work?  



// Define mission parameters
enemySpawnPos = getMarkerPos "enemySpawn";
playerStartPos = getMarkerPos "playerStart";
intelLocation = getMarkerPos "intelLocation";
searchRadius = 100; // Radius for searching for the player
resetDelay = 300; // Delay in seconds before enemy units return to patrolling
spawnDelay = 60; // Delay in seconds between enemy spawns

// Function to spawn enemy units
spawnEnemies = {
    while {true} do {
        _enemy = createAgent ["O_Soldier_F", [enemySpawnPos select 0, enemySpawnPos select 1, 0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
        sleep spawnDelay;
spawn spawnEnemies;

// Create player's unit
playerUnit = createAgent ["B_Soldier_F", playerStartPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];

// Define mission tasks
taskRecon = playerUnit addTask ["Reconnaissance", "", intelLocation];
taskRecon setTaskState "Assigned";

// Define detection function
detectPlayer = {
    private ["_timerStarted"];
    _timerStarted = false;
    while {true} do {
        sleep 10;
        if (alive playerUnit) then {
            _detectPlayer = playerUnit findNearestEnemy [[], true] < searchRadius;
            if (_detectPlayer != playerUnit) then {
                hint "Enemy has detected you! All enemy units are converging on your location!";
                    _x move getPos playerUnit;
                } forEach allUnits;
                if (!_timerStarted) then {
                    _timerStarted = true;
                    resetTimer = true;
            } else {
                if (_timerStarted) then {
                    _timerStarted = false;
spawn detectPlayer;

// Timer for resetting enemy units to patrol
resetTimer = false;
resetCountdown = {
    private ["_timeLeft"];
    while {true} do {
        if (resetTimer) then {
            _timeLeft = resetDelay;
            while {_timeLeft > 0} do {
                sleep 1;
                _timeLeft = _timeLeft - 1;
                hintSilent format ["Returning to patrol in %1 seconds", _timeLeft];
            if (resetTimer) then {
                hintSilent "Enemy units are returning to patrol.";
                    _x move (enemySpawnPos + [random 100 - 50, random 100 - 50, 0]);
                } forEach allUnits;
                resetTimer = false;
        sleep 1;
spawn resetCountdown;

// Handle mission failure
handleMissionFailure = {
    while {true} do {
        sleep 5;
        if !(alive playerUnit) then {
            hint "You were eliminated by enemy forces! Mission failed.";
            taskRecon setTaskState "Failed";
            endMission "END1";
spawn handleMissionFailure;



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