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Everything is weird colors

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When im in buldozer everything on my island is either white, transparent or this ugly green color except for the ocean which has the usual texture.  All the objects are white the terrain varies from clear to white and underneath the trasnparent terrain is this ugly green.  ANyone know the problem?

The objects are ones from res.

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I've had the thing w/ the transparency and the green underneath. Try saving you pew file, exiting Visitor and Buldozer and then opening Visitor again and starting buldozer again.

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i already tryed that several times it didnt work.

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Did this just recently start happening? and without you changing anything in the usual work paths? let me know a bit more and i might have a few answers..

PS: does this happen in game to you..


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That's exactly what is happening to my already completed Afghan island man :-O Does anyone know how to fix it? Because that thing is the only thing that is holding me back from uploading my map to the ftp........ (that sucker weights like 120 MB...... Gosh)

Well hope to hear some nice ass replies guyz ;)

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I started island editing a few weeks ago and I have the same problem as everyone else in this thread, anyone know how to fix this problem?

Any help will be greatly appreicated

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You did'nt 'mix' textures did you? Use 'Eden' and 'O' ones (Everon & Nogova) on the same map? Is it transitional textures only it happens to? Does it happen anywhere randomly, or is it always in the same place?...

Could it be something to do with the Config file maybe?...

Sorry I can only offer guesses, I'm only a week into this myself!...

PS, is it Land textures only?, or does it affect models as well?...

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I remember reading that there are some transient/variable textures missing from the Nogova map ( O.pbo), they were'nt used in Resistance so are missing from the PBO file. I think they are available elswhere though...

I don't know what the problem is in the original thread starting question, but I'd guess it's a bad pathname in the system preferences of Visitor...

If/when I find out about the missing Nogova textures I'll post it here. It's in a thread in this forum that I read it...

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The textures im using are from Eden.pbo and then some of my own textures, but all the textures are in my islands folder, so its reading them all from there and shouldnt have any of these problems, same as with cat_shit's textures. This is realy starting to bug crazy_o.gif . Aslo it seems its  a certain same few texture parts in repeated patterns that change slightly at times. I fixed it once by replacing them all with temporary ones that had alternate names, this worked, so i then switched back to mine and removed the temp ones. This  worked for a few days then the problem started happening again, ive tried every differnt kind of combo opening and closing visitor and buldozer and removing all secondary textures and registering them and re-generating new secondaries. Is realy becoming a big set back in the progress. I have a few ideas of what it might be, but dont want to add more frustration to anyone else who has already probly spent enough hours on this matter.... Maybe someone at BIS will see this and be ever so kind as to let us know the solution. smile_o.gif  wink_o.gif

Anyway.. im off to do some other work on my island other then texturing for the time beign. "pray for a solution"

Feel free to contact me tylerian@excite.com if you want to try and problem solve this a bit easier through MSN or over a mic.


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It sounds like you have what I thought it was covered. This is the thread I was thinking of though(scroll down): here ...

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