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D.murphy man

Murphys money tutorial!!

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Hey all,

I have written up a very basic tutorial  on how to make a basic money system.

It contains:

how to make a account for the player.

how to make a gun shop.

how to make a work place.

You can get it down at my site in the Tutorial section:

Shells Work Shop

Allso a example mission at my missions section.

Enjoy! wink_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

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Think ill have to start bording up my windows tounge_o.gif

Oh and theres a mistake with this tutorial witch i forgotten to update,Make sure you set the alll (or most) of the triggers to REPAET!!


Murphy/sh3ll sh0ck

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Wassup Murphy tounge_o.gif . I just recruited Shell into my last week. Anyways, nice job with the tutorial smile_o.gif . My Sin City RPG is going great now, and I'm selling myself more than ever on it! I was just wondering though, when I buy an M16 from the Crooked Weapon Salesman i made, the weapon doesn't appear in my inventory, nor in my hand, why? And yes it takes money away! I used the same script as your "BUY CZ-75", but just modded for an M16

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If you used D.Murphy's script EXACTLY without changing anything, then you have to take it from the Ammo Crate. I would usually use "jeff addweapon "m16""in ur case.


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Hey riot! dident know you was on these forums.

Oh and the_unkown_one is right you must place a crate called crate (or crate1 i cant remember) like stated in my tutorial,I thought i told you that before? lol

Any way,cheers all!

Shell sh0ck

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