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Questions such as those dealing with personal warnings/bans are perhaps best dealt with by PM'ing me, however as you posted here I'll answer here:

You were giving the 2 warning levels December 3rd 2004, as far as I'm aware it was an out of character incident which hasn't been repeated since, I've now removed the warning levels.

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Problem with the forums?

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, support@bistudio.com and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Apache/1.3.27 Server at www.flashpoint1985.com Port 80

I only hit reply once, after hitting reply I left the keyboard and due to Opera attempting to reload the page every 15 seconds it posted the same message 4-5 times.


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Problem with the forums?

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, support@bistudio.com and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Apache/1.3.27 Server at www.flashpoint1985.com Port 80

I only hit reply once, after hitting reply I left the keyboard and due to Opera attempting to reload the page every 15 seconds it posted the same message 4-5 times.


I just posted a message in the "Graphic fix" thread and saw this same Internal Error 500 message as soon as i clicked on Add Reply

My reply seems to have been added without error though.

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I only hit reply once, after hitting reply I left the keyboard and due to Opera attempting to reload the page every 15 seconds it posted the same message 4-5 times.




Edit: Didn't mean you Sanc

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I already use firefox 1.0.2

Notice that since i noticed the error when i posted my reply in the named thread , i did not encountered it when i added my reply to this Ask a mod thread.

Maybe problem has been solved or was just a temporary load on the server ?

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I only hit reply once, after hitting reply I left the keyboard and due to Opera attempting to reload the page every 15 seconds it posted the same message 4-5 times.




Edit: Didn't mean you Sanc

I already have Firefox, but the paid version of Opera is far superior.  wink_o.gif

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i'm guessing temp problem. also please do not quote images. wink_o.gif

Arff, sorry, it was so small I didn't even realise it was an image.  sad_o.gif

Back on topic:


This is the particular thread causing the problem, it appears everyone who posts in it is having the same error.

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<s>hmm...give it a shot again..just make a post. i'l delete the test post.</s>

<s>never mind. i see the problem persists. please not use the thread for now.</s>

ok seems like it's fixed. if not please report back here.

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Aparently im worth more than hellfish

Quote[/b] ]You are worth exactly $2,262,716.00

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Aparently im worth more than hellfish
Quote[/b] ]You are worth exactly $2,262,716.00

Being a bit tired the the hypocracy I feel by creating this post is surpassed by... Well I really can't think of what to say here that would make it witty and sarcastic so just read the rest.

this htread exists so that if someone has questions about forum rules, they can ask here.
this thread is about forum moderating questions

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Sry i know, though Ive been reading through this thread and many posts are just as offtopic as mine.

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In the membrs title, whats the one after Advanced Member  rock.gif  

When do I become a OF fan rock.gif I want to be a OF fan mad_o.gif

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In the membrs title, whats the one after Advanced Member rock.gif

When do I become a OF fan rock.gif I want to be a OF fan mad_o.gif

Something about 1500 I guess. You gotta spam more.

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I've been wondering about this one many times. It has been probably already asked in this thread, so I can only say I'm sorry I haven't read through all the 126 pages. sad_o.gif

To get to the point:

Often, when I try to create clickable link in form of image, the board either reports an error, something about restricted image formats - or the effect is a text link with visible IMG code.

Basically, I use this tags:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">... and sometimes (rarely) it works, but most of the time, it doesn't.

Can anything be done about it?

Another question... some forums system have a neat feature of exporting the whole PM inbox/outbox in form of CSV (or any other format..) file. I had to archive some of my PMs recently and it's been a lot of work to copy-paste them all manually. It'd be very nice if you consider upgrading the board functionality with this feature sometime in the future. rock.gif

Thanks for your time. smile_o.gif

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In the membrs title, whats the one after Advanced Member  rock.gif  

When do I become a OF fan  rock.gif   I want to be a OF fan  mad_o.gif

Something about 1500 I guess. You gotta spam more.

No, because spamming will only lower you postcount tounge_o.gifsad_o.gif

But you are right about the 1500 posts, though.

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I've been wondering about this one many times. It has been probably already asked in this thread, so I can only say I'm sorry I haven't read through all the 126 pages. sad_o.gif

To get to the point:

Often, when I try to create clickable link in form of image, the board either reports an error, something about restricted image formats - or the effect is a text link with visible IMG code.

Basically, I use this tags:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">...

and sometimes (rarely) it works, but most of the time, it doesn't.

Can anything be done about it?

Another question... some forums system have a neat feature of exporting the whole PM inbox/outbox in form of CSV (or any other format..) file. I had to archive some of my PMs recently and it's been a lot of work to copy-paste them all manually. It'd be very nice if you consider upgrading the board functionality with this feature sometime in the future. rock.gif

Thanks for your time. smile_o.gif

You mean something like this;


or in code;

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">http://llw.the-dropzone.net/imagedump/kmmsig.jpg[/img]

It works, but I had problems when using a really long web-adress, so try keep that one as short as possible

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Yeah, exactly. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Haven't had such problems on any other forum... rock.gif

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What happened to your post wow_o.gif

Your right, ag. smith, when the text inside the url tags is too long, it gets shortened down and some of the text is cut out and replaced by ...

I guess Ikonboard ment it to be a feature to cut down long links, but it gets really annoying when you want to make links containing images with long url paths

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ag_smith I vaguely recall a similar image/url error but can't remember exact details, I know I always got around it in the end, any chance you could remember a url/img combo that causes the error so I can check what the problem is? My guess would be it's due to an overly long url (also causes problems in signatures that) or a malformed url of a nature such as http://www.flashpoint1985.com/image space space.jpg

Quote[/b] ]Another question... some forums system have a neat feature of exporting the whole PM inbox/outbox in form of CSV (or any other format..) file.

Are they Ikonboard forums or another type? If it's an official update to Ikonboard then we can look into it, if it's a hack or something then it's doubtful we would implement it at risk of forum stability smile_o.gif

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ag_smith I vaguely recall a similar image/url error but can't remember exact details, I know I always got around it in the end, any chance you could remember a url/img combo that causes the error so I can check what the problem is? My guess would be it's due to an overly long url (also causes problems in signatures that) or a malformed url of a nature such as http://www.flashpoint1985.com/image space space.jpg

It's simple, it happens when the text inside and is too long, no matter if it's an image or only text. Thus, only images with very long paths are concerned



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I just check that forum with PM archive download function and unfortunately it's not Ikonboard, but Invision Powerboard. Well, nothing biggie, I'll have to stick to my present Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V method. wink_o.gif

Re the image link problem, it's just like hardrock showed. There's also an another problem, giving you the error message, but I can't recreate it at the moment.

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i can't see it here (firefox 1.0.2) tounge_o.gif but i already saw the same bug in other threads...

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