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While I usually didn't agree w/ you, I'm sad and shocked to see you go. sad_o.gif You'll be missed. Take care.

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A great sadness to see you leave the forum as a moderator. sad_o.gif

I believe you have always been a contentious and honorable moderator even in this your last act of this post.

Kind Regards Walker

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Im rather new here but i remember him from visiting the forums long time before registering, i rarely go to the offtopic section of the forum because what we all have in comon is Operation Flashpoint. I think everything that is not OPF or BIS related should not be discussed here because it has nothing to do with what keep us has fan base/comunity for OPF. Im very sry to see Denoir leaving this forum, perhaps his words were a bit strong but hell in his shoes i would have done the exact same thing, i admire his atitude and character, not many ppl stick to what they believe when they see trouble coming their way, there really wasnt any need for this to happen...good luck man, take care.

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i say we give one last salute to denoir, *salutes* Good bye denoir, u will be missed!

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Wow. This situation kind of came out of thin air.

Just let me say: Holy F*ck! wow_o.gif

And: It was nice having you around, even though we rarely agreed on things. The forae won't be the same without you. Good luck and take care.


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I know it's not allowed to write messages in other languages than english, but please forgive me since I'm not able to pm Denoir at this time. This is indeed a sad day and I will certainly miss him.

Fy faen saa trist Denoir! ! !

Med fare for aa virke noe melodramatisk vil jeg si at dette er et tap paa flere maater. Den tiden jeg har vaert medlem paa dette forumet har det kun vaert noen faa som har fanget min interesse med god argumentasjon, godt spraak, god humor og ikke minst med fullkommen integritet. Du har vaert en slik person!

Kanskje er det slik at "like barn leker best" . Ikke rent sjelden har vi vaert "vaapenbroedre" i noen av de mest opphetede diskusjonene her paa forumet. Din rolle som moderator har jeg i grunnen ikke mye saa si om - bortsett fra at det er en side ved deg jeg ikke har saerlig erfaring med. Mitt poeng er at selv med tanke paa nettet's "upersonlige og flyktige karakter", er det mulig aa ha foelelsen av aa kjenne et menneske. I dette tilfellet har det vaert en udelt positiv opplevelse. Selv om det ikke er overveiende sannsynlig at vaare veier krysses i fremtiden, vil jeg allikevel kalle deg min venn.

Hvis Norge mot formodning skulle okkupere vaare "grannar" en gang i fjern fremtid, saa kan jeg love at jeg skal gjoere alt i min makt for aa ta deg som krigsfange - for saa aa slippe deg fri igjen smile_o.gif

Lev vel Denoir!

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Good luck on you adventures from here Denior.

This event isn't sad, as there nothing sad about standing up for what you believe in.

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Kommer att sakna dig här, men du gjorde helt rätt som stog på dig! Fan, skapa ett nytt konto och kom tillbaka när det svalnat lite...

sad_o.gif  sad_o.gif  sad_o.gif  smile_o.gif

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aww...c'mon denoir.....sticks and stones....stick and stones. You dont need to be a moderator to present your views. The day a free man is not allowed to present his viewpoint is the beginning of enslavement. The day good men does nothing is the day evil men will reign supreme. If u truly believe in your perceptions and this segment being more matured, u should stick around.....being matured and rational beings, we are capable of change and being changed.

This forum might just be something to past idle time to some, but sometimes idle thoughts itselves gives rise to action and this forum is a good place to present views from an international angle, abeit more military minded, but nevetheless its good to hear some liberalists' views on the 'kill em all' crap. Makes us all more human and gives a second more time to consider pulling the trigger or supporting some rambo's action while engaged in 'grey area' activities.

Anyway, thanks for the efforts and time spent you have put in as a moderator, helping, guiding and shaping this site up to becoming one of the most frequented sites on the net. Cheers!!!! \_/ \_/......' old soldiers never die, they just fade away....' smile_o.gif

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Is it 'deneer'? Or 'denwoir'? Or something inconceivably wierd that I would never have guessed? Drop me a line at tex367@cox.net if you feel inclined to enlighten me  smile_o.gif

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We had some good arguments but sometimes his peacenick righteousness got a bit out of hand. Denoir is an intelligent person, but had no business moderating.

Quote[/b] ]Wow. This situation kind of came out of thin air.

How did you not see this coming eventually? It's like making me a moderator.

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The day someone is sanctioned on these forums for upholding civil and human rights is the day when we are all f*****,personally i agree with him a 100%

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Quote[/b] ]The day someone is sanctioned on these forums for upholding civil and human rights is the day when we are all f*****,personally i agree with him a 100%

I disagree, Denoir's idea of human rights are based on abstract that is not everyone's moral obligation to believe. Us more conservative folks would argue that his views completely disregard the existence of good and evil. Denoir believes that all people are basically the same, and that our opposing views and interests create what we perceive to be good or evil. I do not believe this, and however, do believe that sometimes, even often, deadly force is needed to deal with certain types of individuals. I am not advocating Avon's opinions, because quite frankly the whole situation in Israel is confusing to me, so I withhold opinions on that subject. However, Denoir's statement was highly inflammitory and uncalled for, especially for a moderator. None of us truly understand the day to day fear and violence that exists in the region that Avon happens to live in. I think his resignation as a moderator is completely fair, althoug I'm sorry to see him go completely.

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If you read this

I dont really know you Denoir as a person , but the few posts i read from you in several topics were well built and contributed each time to something in the topic they belonged ,sometime i agreed sometime not but each time you made sense and i understood your position on a subject.

It is a sad day for the "official" forum community to lose a moderator like you , you will really be missed .

I hope to see you around , even without your moderator status , forum life is not ending because of a status change

Goodbye , take some holidays and be back please.

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Aww shit! How the hell did this happen? Denoir, I'll certainly miss you. While I hardly ever agreed with you, you were the most worthy opponent (intellectually and philosophically) that I've had the pleasure of debating anywhere. I've often been forced to consider issues from a different perspective because of your logical and sober arguments, and I hope mine have done the same for you. Please, at least stick around and argue on the forums as a member. Resigning as a moderator should be sufficient enough to satisfy the demands of those offended by your comments, and I admire that you are standing up for your beliefs. Good luck in life and with school.

Kind regards buddy,


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Thanks for the witticism, the outlandish, the intelligent, the volatile, the lively, the facetiousness and dam right attention grabbing statements you have made here on the forum.

I certainly never agreed with everything you said on this forum, you had your opinions, but unlike many you put them across in a very astute manner, and I respect that.

It will be a hard act to follow for anyone to step into your vacant moderator shoes tounge_o.gif


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It's rare to see someone stick up for their beliefs like this,you'll be sorely missed.

In the countless debates with the other more eloquent forum members,you've often worded my opinion in a way I'm not able to (though at times slightly more extreme smile_o.gif)

The succesor will indeed have some shoes to fill smile_o.gif

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It is certainly a shame that you are leaving Denoir. You have been a great asset to the community in general, with your outstanding work in the CoC MOD and fair (at times biggrin_o.gif) moderating.

*Wipes tear away*


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EDIT : i deleted the not "on topic" part of this post, it was not interesting anyways.

I really hope that denoir will be back here , even in non-moderator status. I understand his motivation for moderation departure , but not at all his departure from the ofp "official" board community.

He has a problem with another user as i understand , but not with us all ?

Denoir, please be back as a regular poster after some holidays away from this forum

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