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Vehicle addons not showing in in game vehicle list.

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Hi All,


Just need some help. Up until recently I was able add a vehicle addon into my mod list for my server config  and it would show in the depot spawn list  whether light or heavy depending on the vehicle type.

However, now they don't show in  either depot spawn list even just using the vanilla Everon conflict scenario.


I'll use the following example  for https://reforger.armaplatform.com/workshop/6049407B27BF42ED-MinigunHumvee

I would add 


                "modId": "6049407B27BF42ED",
                "name": "MINIGUN HUMVEE"


But it doesn't show in the light vehicle or heavy vehicle depot lists to spawn in. Incidentally, as game master I can spawn them in.


Just wondering if there is a config change I'm not aware of that is stopping the vehicles from being in teh lists.


Any help would be appreciated.







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You ever figure this out? I'm also having this problem and cannot find anything. 

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