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respawn codes wanted

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to make a reporn in MP u have to : make markers : RESPORN_EAST and RESPORN_EAST they can be non iconic and put this in the description.ext :



u should be able to work that out but resporn 3 is the type of spawn and respawndelay is how many seconds after u dies u resporn :

hope that helped


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are yeah i had them some where.....i will have a look and get back 2 u when i find them


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Well 3 is the user defined place "Resporn_west"

and 1 is seagul......but i dunno what 2 is smile.gif i will try out more stuff and search around and let u know


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soming is verry wrong with this forum some times i think smile.gif


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the respawn types are:

DEFAULT= the default (seagull)

SIDE = respawns you into an empty AI on your side

GROUP = respawns you into an empty AI in your group

BASE = respawns you into an area you designate with a marker named Respawn_West/East

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As far as the number from 1 to 6 goes, the 6 possible respawn values you can use are:

1. Respawn as bird after respawn_delay (in seconds)

2. Respawn as same player at the same place after respawn_delay (in seconds)

3. Respawn as same player on the marker zone

4. Respawn as next player in squad at the same place after respawn_delay (in seconds)

5. Respawn as next player in squad at the same place immediately

6. No respawn

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lol i would like to have a "porn", "reporn" option.

hehe it would bring us a welcome feature.

So maybe i could also set a trigger on my wife:

reporn_delay "15" (time in minutes)

and a deactivation trigger too, because i also

need to get back to OFP sometimes

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