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Ammocrate loadouts menu (using dialogs) available

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I created this ammocrate loadout dialog a while back at the request of someone, and I've been using it for a while in RTS-3 and some of my CTF missions.

While this is probably nothing new, I just thought I'd release what I've come up with.

I dunno if anyone else has some uses for it, so I figured I'd post it for general use.

You must have Resistance 1.85 and up for this to work.

It comes pretty much ready to use.  Here are the steps you'll need to follow for the most simple plug-n-play use.

1.  Copy description.ext info

Copy and paste all of the info in the description.ext into the description.ext of your mission, OR if you don't have an existing description.ext file, simply use this one, but remember to edit the info about the Respawn, etc. in this one.

If you already have a description.ext which has defined dialogs and such in it, you may not need all of the defines from my description.ext.    You WILL, however, need the defines that come after the line:

///Dialog for Ammo Loadouts from ammo crates  ID's start in 30's

If you are missing needed defines, then your game will crash out with an error.  If you have multiple defines that are the same name, then your game will crash with an error.

2.  Copy the scripts into your mission folder

Simply copy Karr-DLG-Loadout.sqs and Karr-DLG-Loadout-Arrays.sqs into your mission folder.  There is also a script named Karr-DLG-Loadout-Arrays-Vietnam.sqs.  This contains the SEB Nam Pack weapons in the arrays.  You must have SEB Nam Pack 2 for it to work properly, otherwise you'll get missing addon errors.

3.  Edit your init.sqs file

If you have an init.sqs file, simply add in the beginning of it somewhere:

[]exec "Karr-DLG-Loadout-Arrays.sqs"

OR if you're using NAM weapons, then you'd exec the Vietnam loadouts array script.

You can also use a trigger in the mission to exec this script from the start if you want.

If this script is not exec'd then when you go up to the ammo crates, all you'll get is the SCALAR BOOL ARRAY error.  This can also happen if you go to a crate and the script hasn't finished execing.

Add the Action to your ammo crates

In the sample mission I added the action to each ammo crate like so:

this AddAction ["*CHOOSE LOADOUT*", "Karr-DLG-Loadout.sqs"]

You could also have a script do it if you'd like, but obviously you need this exec'ed on all clients in MP so it'll show up.

The ammo crates loadouts should work fine after these steps.

Here are some particulars that can be changed:

Weapons Arrays

First of all, all weapons arrays can be edited to change the available loadouts.  Right now the arrays are balanced, but not realistic.  I.E. the Soviets have the G36 and such available.  You can remove the G36 array from the EastPrimary Array for example so it won't be available to them.

Pre-defined Loadouts

There are several pre-defined loadouts which CANNOT BE CHANGED IN GAME.  You can edit their arrays or remove them altogether as I did in the Vietnam loadout arrays.  They are simply quick loadout methods.  The Custom Loadout is the only loadout that can be changed in the game.

To remove a loadout, simply remove it from the WestLoadouts or EastLoadouts array.

Getting Equipped

To get equipped in game, simply go up to the crate, click on the Choose Loadout action, and then you can either select a predefined loadout and click "Equip Loadout" or you can choose Custom and then change the selections.  You custom loadout will be remembered the length of the mission.

The script checks to see which team the player is on to determine which loadout is available.  If you wish to change it so that the type of ammo crate determines which equipment is available, then you can add a section in there like so:

_ammoCrateType = _typeOf _actionUnit

Then simply choose the loadout available using a condition based on ammocrate type.

Well, for a simple explanation I've taken up more room than I thought.

Get the sample mission source code here:


Here's a couple of sample pics:



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I'm sure we'll see this in some CTF missions. Very nice. smile.gif

I would personally move the flags over to the right to align with the bottom list, but that's just nitpicking.

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That looks great (I hate making dialogs, they take me ages to get them looking good), I agree with bn880 about the flag alignment though.


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I had it that way when I was first making it, but I prefer it to be the way it is. I like to disturb the perfect lines sometimes just to break up the monotony.

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Where do you find information about dialogs anyway? And don't tell me it's on ofpec...

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Vektor Bosen has some great tutorials to get someone started on dialogs.


He has a reference sheet with commands, and then a tutorial with how to put them to use.

Dialogs are a pain to get started on, but once you get into them, you'll find the largest amount of time consumed is getting them aligned.

Someone else has written a dialog creation program, but I haven't tried it. If you search the boards you'll probably find that as well.

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Thanks, that helps a lot.

I've seen the editor, but I think all it did was show the alignment of the dialogs

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As the download link is broken, does anyone know where to get the ammocrate loadout menu?

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While the digging up of 13 month old threads is generally not accepted, if this is still a relevant/useful item that hasn't been superceded by something else, I see no harm in this remaining until either an alternative download link is found or an alternative source of such information is provided smile_o.gif

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I was searching several Forums (yes, I was using the search function!!!) for ammocrate loadout stuff and this was the only usefull thread. Sorry, I had to dig it up, there was no alternative.

BTW, I de-pboed some RTS3 missions from the RTS3 mission pack and found the Karr-DLG-Loadout-Arrays.sqs, Karr-DLG-Loadout.sqs and the description.ext that belongs to them. Just had to delete some stuff from description.ext - ammocrate loadout menu working like a charm! I'm converting it right now for BAS and JAM weapons.

Thanks KaRRiLLioN for the superb scripting and placebo for not killing me! wink_o.gif

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I found a small error, the light grenadier loadout shows an error with slots left. It was missing ,1 at the end of the lines in Karr-DLG-Loadout-Arrays.sqs in east and west loadouts under light grenadier. At the end just pop in ,1. It still worked but it didn't show slots left. Man am i fussy. Thats his RTS3 scripts. KaRRiLLioN must have forgotten under all the hard work writing those scripts. KaRRiLLioN this custom loadout is the dogs bollocks mate. Excellent work! Anyone who wants to use them and doesnt know how i'll send a sample mission if ya like. Ahh!


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