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Co-op: group commands issue

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My buddies and I have been playing OFP Resistance v1.91 co-op at length lately and have noticed issues with the command interface.

When I issue movement or target orders to "ALL" (by hitting "~" on the keyboard) the players ordered are not seeing the typical yellow square with target or movement orders. When I select the players individually (using F2 for player 2 for example). It works fine. We're playing on a 1.91 server, in Cadet mode.

Is there a known issue with OFP 1.91 and issuing commands to a group of soldiers? It's rather annoying that if I want a group to move to a location I have to select each player and give move orders one by one.



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I think your issue is caused by the fact that:

when selecting all or a handfull of soldiers (except one

single soldier i mean), the highest soldier in order of

group/command will receive the yellow square, but the

others are only told to follow him.

e.g: you play a coop mission where you are in a group

of 12 soldiers let's say: 3 players and 9 ai's (ai's to respawn

into after being killed) and you've set the respawn type

to "group" (so that you respawn into the next groupmember.

Now you select all 9 ai's and tell them to move to a position

somewhere behind. Then one of you 3 players gets killed and

respawn into the next soldier (soldier number 4).

Now all other 8 ai's will start moving with you, even if you

weren't the groupleader before and aren't it now wink.gif

summary: selecting a bunch of soldiers and ordering them to

a given position makes some kind of groupleader (only for

the case of the yellow move orders).

hope this helps


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Also experienced this and think it's an bug that been there for a long time, it doesn't matter if you play with or without AI in your group. We never managed to use the upper left key (for me it's "§") to issue move command to all players in MP. Selecting soldiers individually with F2-Fx works but is difficult in a tight situation.

Since 1.91 is said to be the last patch for OFP:R wouldn't it be nice to have a "known MP bugs list" made sticky. From top of my head I'm aware of two more (minor) issues...

-  Weapons/ammo duplicated numerous times on ground when someone change weapons at crates (maybe this is an problem with older missions written pre 1.75 but I've seen many times?).

- Clients see lots of ejecting AI helicopter crew falling down from the sky if you shot down an helicopter.

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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