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New & serious performance-troubles with resistance

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Have you tried disabling OFP's MULTITEXTURING setting under the VIDEO OPTIONS menu?

Does the problem occur when you remove all unofficial addons from OFP\Addons and OFP\Res\Addons?

Did you search The FAQ for "input delay" and try modifying the Detonator settings mentioned in the second matching FAQ item?

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As i reinstalled OFP for troubleshooting-purposes,

i didn't install any addons so far.

In my driver-settings, i've set my prerender-limit from 3 to 1,

that didn't help, but i'll try to disable that "alternative

buffer..." today.

Thank you!

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There is no need for you to keep reinstalling OFP.

I have a couple of suggestions as to the freezing your experiencing...I too have experience the weird "pauses" that happen for no apparent reason.

Things that might cause these pauses:

* Motherboard monitoring software

* Memory monitoring software

* Overclocked Video cards (really)

* Any other software that runs in the background.

I personally have experience jitters in some games when overclocking my old Voodoo3 3500 card and my current GeForce card. I don't know why, but there were some jitters. Maybe due to the overclocked memory on the card outpacing other parts of the card, therfore forcing the other parts to "wait" for the memory.

Also, with my ASUS MB, comes a utitlty called ASUS Probe, which monitors Fas speeds, CPU/MB temperatures, ect. With the program running, my OFP allways get the jitters, not matter what resoultion I am running at.

Also, I have experience Jitters when running a peice of software that sits in the tray and monitors memory usage. Ever time it would update the memory usage, my game would stutter.

Before reinstalling for the 100th time, try taking a look at what programs you are running, and reclocking your vid card to the factory default.

BTW, I just got permission from my wife yesterday to splurge!!

I'm getting an:

AtlonXP 2800+ CPU (Supports New 166Mhz FSB)

Gainward GeForce4 ti4800-SE

I allready have PC2700 memory and a MB that supports the 166mhz FSB speed, so my system should scream like a boiling lobster! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (marcusm @ 04 May 2003,13:19)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Resistance stutters, especially when i'm near

a forest.<span id='postcolor'>

I've heard that problem mentioned in this forum MANY times, but I've never experienced it on any of my hardware configs.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">My problem is, that Resistance (v. 1.91) runs much, much slower than original Flashpoint (v. 1.46)

under the SAME conditions. When i played Resistance for the first time(s), i mentioned that some missions

, especially "Battlefields", ran slower and stuttered more than before. The game-"feeling" wasn't as smooth

and "fast"as before...

<span id='postcolor'>

The problems you describe do not see normal to me, we never experienced anything like this. I am afraid all I can do is to recommend you contacting codemasters technical support and to hope they will be able to find something unusuall in your setup.

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Thank you very much for reading this topic!

For the moment, i'll live with my problem! (but if i find a solution/workaround for it within the next months, i'll definitely post it here to help others with the same problem! )


Thank you all very much for your support and your suggestions. The support i received thru this board is

truly awesome! smile.gif


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Suma, could you possibly clarify your response.  Are you referring to the 'stuttering', or the significant 'slow downs' with later versions of OFP at equivalent detail settings?

My experiences with stuttering in OFP were always caused by two related issues:

1) Not enough memory ( < 384mb ).

2) DMA not enabled on Hard disk.

The relation is that #1 exagerates #2.  Also #2 freezes the whole system during disk access.


I just remembered, I have a Duron 1.2ghz, 256mb, Geforce2mx, Win98, sitting right here and OFP is totally unplayable due to stuttering and pausing, even at the lowest detail settings where the game looks like a blury blob. Completely forgot that I'd tried it on that system.

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I think that he is referring to the stuttering...

But I also think that it would be great if he can tell us a little bit more about the slowdowns with the same settings on

1.46 and Resistance.


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Hello to the community,

first of all sorry for my english.

I've read this topic with much interest because I'm chasing every fps available in OFP, I want to enjoy this game A LOT, it's damn worth it more than any other game (no ofense still to some other good games...). As a matter of fact I will create a distinct topic for demanding your advice for an upgrade, but first I'd like to give my remarks tu marcusm, because he put much energy in what he did, and because I have some similarities with his case.

The biggest similarity, is that I'm not happy with my fps either. One of the differences is that I hopped more from my system (see bellow), BE IT in Res or CWC, whilst he mostly complains about differences between Resistance and CWC. Another difference would be that the game is rather playable in my case, even highly fluent IF I DO NOT INCREASE the visibility above a certain level, which is about 1000. My system is  as follows:

-Athlon XP 2100+.

-Radeon 9700 Pro @370/337.

-512 Mb DDR 2100 2-2-2-6.

-IBM 45 Go hard drive.

-Windows 2000 SP3.

-Direct X 9.0a.

-Catalyst 3.5 graphic driver.

I play OFP with FSAA/Anisotropy at 4X/4X, and my average fps (estimated with fraps) is about 25-35 fps (but several times it goes bellow, and THAT is the problem). I don't want to make the post too long (if it isn't allready...), I'd say that most of the options are on max or enabled, except for few of them which are average, and visibility which is rather to the left.

Now some of these options (another slight ressemblance with marcusm) have very little or no influence at all on my fps.

-Resolution and depth: very litlle to unoticeable in between 800x16x16 to 1280x1024x32.

-LOD objects, LOD shadows, Textures: very little to unoticeable.

-Terrain detail: very little except "very high option".

-The option which rules my fps is obviously the VISIBILITY. Above 1300-1400 it drastically drops to 20-25 fps, even more sometimes. Bellow 1000 it goes to the sky at 60-70 fps.

So what I understand from theese results and from readings on topics, is that the CPU must be the bottleneck in my case, because when increasing the visibility there must be more calculations of distances, positions, polygons, etc (sorry if I'm saying stupid things). On the other hand increasing the overall visual quality of my graphic card and OFP options has little influence on the fps.

Anyway, I intend to buy a new and (much) faster CPU, hope to tell me what I should buy and if I can expect real improvements on my game.

Don't know if marcusm succeed in his efforts (hope he'll let us know), I haven't read all the topics yet, I know that the modos will tell me that I should have start by that instead of posting such a long message, don't be to hard on me smile_o.gif.

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Make sure you know what you need before you buy.  A 3GHz CPU is useless when paired with a Geforce 2.  Likewise a Radeon 9700 is useless when paired with a 700Mhz CPU.

To whoever bought the Athlon XP 2400+ :

Unfortunatly the Geforce 3 is going to hold you back quite a bit.  I would know because I have the same problem (Geofrce 3 and an Athlon XP 2000+).  I want to get an Athlon XP 2500+, but I know it wouldn't to very much for me.  So I'm saving up for a Radeon 9700 smile_o.gif.  However you should notice a significant improvement when using a lot of AI or physics.

If you are the only one on an island and it's still slow, it's probably not a CPU problem, but a video card problem.  OFP has very large and detailed islands, and when you fill up the islands with tanks, choppers, etc, you really need a powerful video card.  

IMO, you OFP:R should be quite playable using something around these specs:

CPU around 1.5 GHz  (1GHz if using an Athlon / PIII)


Geforce 3/Radeon 8500LE or better

If you decide to get a video card, try to get one with 128MB of RAM on it.

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To tell you the truth....OFP:R Runs very......lame. OFP was much smoother. Some sort of bug? Blah rock.gif

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More likely improved graphics/hardware requirements.

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Make sure you know what you need before you buy.  A 3GHz CPU is useless when paired with a Geforce 2.  Likewise a Radeon 9700 is useless when paired with a 700Mhz CPU.

To whoever bought the Athlon XP 2400+ :

Unfortunatly the Geforce 3 is going to hold you back quite a bit.  I would know because I have the same problem (Geofrce 3 and an Athlon XP 2000+).  I want to get an Athlon XP 2500+, but I know it wouldn't to very much for me.  So I'm saving up for a Radeon 9700 smile_o.gif.  However you should notice a significant improvement when using a lot of AI or physics.

If you are the only one on an island and it's still slow, it's probably not a CPU problem, but a video card problem.  OFP has very large and detailed islands, and when you fill up the islands with tanks, choppers, etc, you really need a powerful video card.  

IMO, you OFP:R should be quite playable using something around these specs:

CPU around 1.5 GHz  (1GHz if using an Athlon / PIII)


Geforce 3/Radeon 8500LE or better

If you decide to get a video card, try to get one with 128MB of RAM on it.

errrr. the games takes really advantage of the cpu for the most part. I would dare that it would run fine even with a geforce 2. This game is RAM and CPU extensive.

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After doing some testing I have to take back what I said.  Although that is usually the case it is not here.  I ran a few missions and got average framrates using Fraps.  My brother's PC got about 6-10 more fps.

His computer:


512MB PC2700

Athlon XP 2600+

Integreted Geforce 4 MX

Ans mine:


512MB PC2700 (only at 2100 though)

Athlon XP 2000+

Geforce 3 Ti200

Then I tested OFP with my video card stock and overclocked.  I got about 1-2 extra fps with it overclocked.

Stock: 175/400

Overclocked: 220/500

Anyway I figured that the islands literally ate the video memory  wink_o.gif .  

Do you happen to know if OFP likes L2?  I'm thinking about getting a 2500+ Barton and overclocking it.

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