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I need a little scripting help.

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I have a cool idea for a map, but I'm a beginning map editor and I need a little help. Heres my idea: I will use gunslinger's castle(if I can find out how to use it) and put it on a cliff type area. I will have pools of AI lives in fairly secure places(to simulate larger amounts of players and a sense of being outnumbered for the defenders, and prevent AI massacres) for people to use to respawn. The defenders will of course have substantially less AI lives. The defenders will have a second castle base with lots of supply trucks and all of the AI lives, so you must maintain supply lines if you are going to hold out for long as the defenders and if you are attackers, you can cut off reinforcements and supplies for the defenders. Also in the first castle base I will have a SCUD or two that the defenders can use to launch at the attackers, so it is a very high priority that the attackers find a way to take this out quickly. I'm not sure if I want helicopters or not, I want it to be a mainly infantry battle, but I may have a transport or two.

First, I need to know how to add respawns and how to make them the respawn type where you take control of an AI player. Second, I need to know how and where to put the scripting stuff, so I can have the SCUD launcher(s) work. Third, how do I get the castle that gunslinger made and the bunkers that everyone is making, I have downloaded them and I can't find them anywhere. Thanks for any help, this will be a really cool map when I make it.

Thanks in advance,


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do u have msn, aim, or gamespy or anything like that? if so send me an email with ur name and whatever program its for and ill try to help u out that way..... my email is bkissick@hotmail.com

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I just need to know where to put the scripts, how do use the bunkers and castles I downloaded, where to get gunslinger's OBJECTS addon, and how to add respawns(take control of AI) and victory conditions.



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