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OFP servers browser

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It's not new thing definitelly but I thought that it deserves its own topic.

The server browser allows you to find and connect to OFP / Arma:CWC servers. It was




Known issues:

  • port might be incorrect
  • not persisting sorting column





It started actually as a project that eventually would be something like current MS Flight Simulator. I wanted to fly around on F-16 anywhere on Earth with terrain dynamically (heightmap, textures) from some services (I should have pattented the idea then). That's why the whole project is called W(eb)GLW(orld). Some things got already implemented (simple date-based lighting, water, terrain but only from static height map, WebGL scene renderer) and you can see it in OFP in browser loading scene.

Due to lack of time and enthusiasm I decided to wrap up my existing work and give it any shape. OFP in browser april fool was that thing. As bonus I wanted to add (read-only) working servers browser (gamespy was dead for some time already). With @poweruser blessing I've rewritten some OFPMonitor code in JS and PHP. And thanks to http://armagame.pl I could host it.

After "release" @RozekPoland asked me to extract the browser itself to standalone website and this is what we can more or less see at http://kondor.armagame.pl/ofp_servers.html


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