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How do you succeed in ofp?

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First make sure you have a Big Weapon, then find yourself a good looking Bush and insert yourself into it.

To suceed at the art of war ,find a niche and capitalise. Everyones good at something. Apart from Justin Timberlake.

Having the element of surprise is always good. If that means taking a scenic route to the target area , so what? In DF1 days i used to spend hours going right around the outside of the map to gain the element of surprise, and it can be similar for OFP- make sure you know the mission, (practice makes perfect)

In mutiplayer i generally tend to see tanks as targets rather than tools(depending on situation etc), if there are choppers then beware.

Dont just use cover. Abuse it.

Generally speaking as infantry the less i move the happier i am.

Only move when you have to(to get into position, to change position, to run like hell,to retreat-all other movement is a gamble)

those are some of my infantry tactics-but its personal

man im hung over and it shows

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Simple rules that almost everybody over the age of 13 knows are keep low, hold your fire unless you really need to (Try watching episodes of star trek when they're in the borg ships) cuz once you fire you've just set off a signal.

in large groups, try flanking alot.

If its just you and your friend, you mite like to try a sniper team, one guy sniping, and the other with his assault rifle looking around for targets.

Make your first shot count, even more so with weapons with high return fire, such as the resistance sniper rifle and weapons with high recoil (S&W).

Avoid tunnel vision, when you spot a target, take note where he is, look around, find him again and advance, stop, take note, look around, find him again and advance.

Take things slowly in urban areas like towns, press F, your moving nice and slowly, lots of time to spot and enemy, and harder for the enemy to spot you. Also, keep in mind where the nearest ally, doorway or shrub is, if you spot sombody pointing his gun at you don't stop and thing "Is he pointing that at me to kill me, or is it just a coincident?", cuz you'll be dead, just run for the nearest cover.

Pistols are good for urban combat, the low range means nothing now, and they have almost no recoil (I find that stupid but it there and you should use it to your advantage) so you can pump anything with 14rounds (Depends on the weapon) in a flash or muzzel flare.

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Wait for the enemy to make their move. Use buildings, vehicles, and objects for cover. This can not be overstressed. Aslo you must forget that this is a game. You must think this is real while you are playing becuase the key is to react as you would if you were acualy at war. This is only a simulation but the enviroment is pretty real so your options are almost a open as in an accual war. If you can't fight right then why not run? Battle when you think the oportunity is greatest. Shift you position so as not to be a "stationary" target if in a fire fight. If you are not in a fight at the moment you should proceed slowley and keep in cover while you move forward. foliage can provide you a survival tool worth maintaning. Also U.S. troops [and many worldwide] own the night. Keep that in mind. That is a pwerful tool for you. Keep you game going and attack at night.Hide first and then turn you monitor off. Wait until nightfall in the game, put on NV goggles, and then strike your targets. Just like real life ops.   smile.gif

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Some advices for BF1985 1.34:

A good area for a fight is Heitlingen. It`s centred and especially in the beginning there are a lot of fights. After that many guys just fight around the Factory or the Airfield. It`s also good to guard the places where choppers spawn, Modrava and Airfield, because normally there are lotsa n00bs to hunt there wink.gif

I normally get from 15-30 points in a BF1985 game if I encounter enough enemies. Best thing is always to move according to what you hear. If you hear something with engine have a short look at your map and if it`s not marked there as friendly either hide or prepare to fight if you are good equipped. I`m a battle tourist so to say, if I don`t have to take or defend sectors I just walk to get in some trouble. tounge.gif

Something I love is hunting BMPs, M113s or M2A2s with LAWs. If you are not taken by surprise by them you are in 85% in advantage as infantry if you know how to aim with LAW or RPG. As infantry with 4 RPGs in fight against a M1A1 your chances are around 40% to succeed, but only if every of your missiles hits and you take the tank by surprise and the crew is shocked by your attack. To sum my experiences up: I prefer to be infantry, even if I have to walk a lot, I`m always deadly and quiet smile.gif

Something else: It`s very important that you set your mouse sensibility to very high if you play MP, because only that and a lot of practice can give you the splitseconds to react in a fire fight. If I`m shot at and not instantly killed and if I have the enemy somewhere in front of me I go prone and use the time my avatar needs to get down to center my mouse sights onto the enemy. Then I quickly change to ironsights when I lay still and have him centered. *BWAM*

But if I`m shot at and can`t recognize where the shots come from I run zickzack to find a covered spot to search my enemy.

Hell, you could write a book about MP-combatbehaviour... crazy.gif

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Hmm, Im going to try that mouse sensitivity. That's what I was talking about earlier. In a fire fight. sometimes I'm just not fast enough and I think, how in the heck are some people so incredibly fast? And how did they see me that far away? It's a combination of practice, skill, cable, video card, settings, etc. And note, I'm just talking about online DMs. I have no excuses for my lack of skill and tactics.

I belong to a pretty competitive online squad and the guys I play with are very good. Question: why is it when I sometimes join other servers, i have no chance for a kill; maybe 1 or 2 (in DM)? I think I know why..lol

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I've just started playing MP on a server with some pretty skilled players, and have learned a few things.

First, there's a balance between holding and advancing. If everyone waits in cover for the enemy, it gets boring very quickly. A smart and controlled advance, using cover and teamwork, can be fun and effective. I've noticed at my server that when the pointman goes down, his attacker isn't far behind because his teammates pinpoint the shooter very quickly.

If you are playing the waiting game - do a few things. Make your kills count. Maybe you see someone and could get an easy point, but it might be better to observe for the time being and read the other team's behaviour - pass the info to your team and make your move when you will have more effect.

This is one think that I love about OFP that some other games don't offer as much (GR). The ability to stay well concealed and observe if I choose.

If I'm in a pretty safe observing position and want to keep a very low profile, I sometimes point downwards so that my rifle clips into the ground, and use the Look key to raise my head and watch the battlefield.

If you take out an enemy from concealment, deny them info after they are down. The person who was shot almost always passes info on to their team while they are waiting to respawn. Move out of their line of sight, and if you think you gave away your position, relocate. Some people just have to come back to get revenge - and you can sometimes get the advantage by moving much closer into their territory than your last position, so you catch them earlier than they would expect - especially if they are sprinting from respawn and thinking "I know where that bastard is at!"

Last, I play on a server that doesn't allow the regular view reticule - only the iron sights. I switched my optic view key to the right mouse button - and keep it there even when playing with the reticule enabled. Using weapons with optics like the G36 or Steyr Aug make this setting very very useful for me. It's a huge factor in gaining the initiative.

That said, I'm not a great player, but have made good progress by watching some skilled players in action, and those are some of the things I do.

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When you have an entire squad in front of you concentrate on killing the man closest to your rifle when you're looking down the barrel. Shoot the man closest to your rifle, left or right, up or down. If he runs trail him with your gun till he's down. Stay on one guy till he's down then move to the next. I learned that from the Hagakure or code of the samurai. Basically just be an aggressive worst nightmare.

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