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FYI: Yes, I have googled and researched a lot about the issue I am having. Arma Discord, Enfusion Discord, ChatGPT, Bard, Forums and so much more and it appears that the coverage about my issue is either very hard to find or there isn't much on it.

What have I done so far?

  • Reinstalled the server.
  • Restarted multiple times.
  • Changed scenarios multiple times.

What issues was I having before?

  • My previous issue was that my server couldn't be connected too, Arma Reforger Server application was not listening on the correct port, I am unaware at this current time whether this is an issue with my hosting company (OVH), as we did research that they were using a switch. (Yes, I have opened the ports fully through the windows firewall for UDP port 2001, 17777, 50000-65000, 5678; however, this did not seem to work, it's as if the application itself is refusing to listen on that port).
  • I am unaware of whether this issue is fixed yet or not as we cannot even get the server to appear online.

What issue am I having now?

  • I am receiving A LOT of script errors (logs attached below), these errors are now appearing to stop the server from fully becoming online and causing the server to crash upon start-up.

What type of environment am I working on?


Any and all help would be appreciated, I have been at this for straight hours over days now.

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