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NFG WhatHiMean

Random Vehicle spawn based of empty marker pos / rotation

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I'm attempting to make a script for dynamic civ vehicle spawns in a city, right now I have my idea down on how I want to do it but I can't implement it properly. I'm still new to scripting and can't figure out exactly what I'm doing wrong here. Thanks for the help in advance!



// Define markers for the city of Voskovo
_VoskovoMarkers = [
    "voskovoMarker", "voskovoMarker_1", "voskovoMarker_2", "voskovoMarker_3",
    "voskovoMarker_4", "voskovoMarker_5", "voskovoMarker_6", "voskovoMarker_7",
    "voskovoMarker_8", "voskovoMarker_9", "voskovoMarker_10", "voskovoMarker_11"

// Define vehicles with their corresponding spawn weights (in percentages)
_vehiclesWithWeights = [
    ["C_Hatchback_01_F", 20],
    ["C_Hatchback_01_sport_F", 6],
    ["C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F", 14],
    ["C_Offroad_01_F", 20],
    ["C_SUV_01_F", 20],
    ["C_Van_01_transport_F", 5],
    ["RHS_Ural_Civ_01", 5],
    ["RHS_Ural_Civ_02", 5],
    ["RHS_Ural_Civ_03", 5]

// Function to pick a random vehicle based on weights
pickRandomVehicle = {
    params ["_vehicles"];
    _totalWeight = 0;
    // Calculate total weight and display a debug message
        _totalWeight = _totalWeight + _x select 1;
        systemChat format["Adding %1 weight. Total weight: %2", _x select 1, _totalWeight];
    } forEach _vehicles;
    _randomNum = random _totalWeight;
    // Display a debug message for random number generated
    systemChat format["Random Number: %1", _randomNum];
    // Iterate through vehicles to find the one to spawn
        if (_randomNum <= _x select 1) then {
            _result = _x select 0;
            systemChat format["Selected Vehicle: %1", _result];
        _randomNum = _randomNum - (_x select 1);
    } forEach _vehicles;
    // Display a debug message if no vehicle is selected
    systemChat "No vehicle selected!";

// Iterate through each Voskovo marker and spawn a vehicle with debug messages
_spawnedVehicles = [];
    // Pick a random marker and get its position and rotation
    [_markerPos, _markerDir] = pickRandomMarker(_x);

    // Pick a random vehicle based on weights
    _vehicleClass = pickRandomVehicle(_vehiclesWithWeights);
    // Spawn the selected vehicle at the marker position with the specified rotation
    _vehicle = _vehicleClass createVehicle [_markerPos, [], 0, "NONE"];
    _vehicle setDir _markerDir;

    // Store spawned vehicle information for future reference if needed
    _spawnedVehicles pushBack _vehicle;
    // Display a debug message for the spawned vehicle
    systemChat format["Spawned Vehicle: %1 at Marker: %2", _vehicleClass, _x];
} forEach _VoskovoMarkers; // Iterate through Voskovo markers

I'm kinda lost atm, maybe I've been working on this too long lol

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1 hour ago, NFG WhatHiMean said:

I'm attempting to make a script for dynamic civ vehicle spawns in a city, right now I have my idea down on how I want to do it but I can't implement it properly. I'm still new to scripting and can't figure out exactly what I'm doing wrong here. Thanks for the help in advance!


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// Define markers for the city of Voskovo
_VoskovoMarkers = [
    "voskovoMarker", "voskovoMarker_1", "voskovoMarker_2", "voskovoMarker_3",
    "voskovoMarker_4", "voskovoMarker_5", "voskovoMarker_6", "voskovoMarker_7",
    "voskovoMarker_8", "voskovoMarker_9", "voskovoMarker_10", "voskovoMarker_11"

// Define vehicles with their corresponding spawn weights (in percentages)
_vehiclesWithWeights = [
    ["C_Hatchback_01_F", 20],
    ["C_Hatchback_01_sport_F", 6],
    ["C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F", 14],
    ["C_Offroad_01_F", 20],
    ["C_SUV_01_F", 20],
    ["C_Van_01_transport_F", 5],
    ["RHS_Ural_Civ_01", 5],
    ["RHS_Ural_Civ_02", 5],
    ["RHS_Ural_Civ_03", 5]

// Function to pick a random vehicle based on weights
pickRandomVehicle = {
    params ["_vehicles"];
    _totalWeight = 0;
    // Calculate total weight and display a debug message
        _totalWeight = _totalWeight + _x select 1;
        systemChat format["Adding %1 weight. Total weight: %2", _x select 1, _totalWeight];
    } forEach _vehicles;
    _randomNum = random _totalWeight;
    // Display a debug message for random number generated
    systemChat format["Random Number: %1", _randomNum];
    // Iterate through vehicles to find the one to spawn
        if (_randomNum <= _x select 1) then {
            _result = _x select 0;
            systemChat format["Selected Vehicle: %1", _result];
        _randomNum = _randomNum - (_x select 1);
    } forEach _vehicles;
    // Display a debug message if no vehicle is selected
    systemChat "No vehicle selected!";

// Iterate through each Voskovo marker and spawn a vehicle with debug messages
_spawnedVehicles = [];
    // Pick a random marker and get its position and rotation
    [_markerPos, _markerDir] = pickRandomMarker(_x);

    // Pick a random vehicle based on weights
    _vehicleClass = pickRandomVehicle(_vehiclesWithWeights);
    // Spawn the selected vehicle at the marker position with the specified rotation
    _vehicle = _vehicleClass createVehicle [_markerPos, [], 0, "NONE"];
    _vehicle setDir _markerDir;

    // Store spawned vehicle information for future reference if needed
    _spawnedVehicles pushBack _vehicle;
    // Display a debug message for the spawned vehicle
    systemChat format["Spawned Vehicle: %1 at Marker: %2", _vehicleClass, _x];
} forEach _VoskovoMarkers; // Iterate through Voskovo markers

I'm kinda lost atm, maybe I've been working on this too long lol


I recommend checking out the syntax pages on the biki again 😉

SQF does not have all the neat features many modern languages do.


// Define markers for the city of Voskovo
private _VoskovoMarkers = [ //-- This is fine, I would put a private keyword ahead as good practice to avoid overriding variables in the caller's scope
    "voskovoMarker", "voskovoMarker_1", "voskovoMarker_2", "voskovoMarker_3",
    "voskovoMarker_4", "voskovoMarker_5", "voskovoMarker_6", "voskovoMarker_7",
    "voskovoMarker_8", "voskovoMarker_9", "voskovoMarker_10", "voskovoMarker_11"

// Define vehicles with their corresponding spawn weights (in percentages)
private _vehiclesWithWeights = [ //-- Same as above
    ["C_Hatchback_01_F", 20],
    ["C_Hatchback_01_sport_F", 6],
    ["C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F", 14],
    ["C_Offroad_01_F", 20],
    ["C_SUV_01_F", 20],
    ["C_Van_01_transport_F", 5],
    ["RHS_Ural_Civ_01", 5],
    ["RHS_Ural_Civ_02", 5],
    ["RHS_Ural_Civ_03", 5]

// Function to pick a random vehicle based on weights,
private _pickRandomVehicle = { 
	//-- Note that any variable that doesn't start with '_' will be declared as a 'global' variable in missionNamespace and be accessible in all scripts for the duration of the session, to be avoided unless required.
	//-- Again good practice to use 'private' keyword

    params ["_vehicles"];
    private _totalWeight = 0;
    // Calculate total weight and display a debug message
        _totalWeight = _totalWeight + (_x select 1); //-- Brackets added since + takes precedence over select, could have also changed select to a #
        systemChat format["Adding %1 weight. Total weight: %2", _x select 1, _totalWeight];
    } forEach _vehicles;
    private _randomNum = random _totalWeight;
    // Display a debug message for random number generated
    systemChat format["Random Number: %1", _randomNum];
	// -- Define _result for return
	private _result = "";
    // Iterate through vehicles to find the one to spawn
        if (_randomNum <= _x select 1) then {
            _result = _x select 0;
            systemChat format["Selected Vehicle: %1", _result];
            //-- return is not a valid keyword in SQF, instead the result of the last executed statement in the code is always returned, therefore we put _result; to be "executed" at the end.
            //-- We still have to break the loop though, for that we can use break;
        _randomNum = _randomNum - (_x select 1);
    } forEach _vehicles;
	// -- Since we can't easily just return in SQF we have to check our data at the end of the loop
	if( _result == "" ) exitWith {
		// Display a debug message if no vehicle is selected
    	systemChat "No vehicle selected!";

    // Return

// Iterate through each Voskovo marker and spawn a vehicle with debug messages
private _spawnedVehicles = [];
    // Pick a random marker and get its position and rotation
	//-- Nope no need, '_x' already contains the current element of the array, magic variables ftw...
    //[_markerPos, _markerDir] = pickRandomMarker(_x);

	private _marker = _x;
	private _markerPos = markerPos _marker;
	private _markerDir = markerDir _marker;

	// Pick a random vehicle based on weights
	// -- Note that functions in SQF are just a variable pointing to data of CODE-type hence we can't directly execute them
	// -- We need to use call (synchronous, can return) or spawn (asynchronous, cannot return)
	private _vehicleClass = [_vehiclesWithWeights] call _pickRandomVehicle;
	// -- We could also use command 'selectRandomWeighted' but that requires a special format on the array and would be less educational ;)

	// Spawn the selected vehicle at the marker position with the specified rotation
	// -- createVehicle requires all parameters on the right hand side when using the extended syntax
    private _vehicle = createVehicle [_vehicleClass, _markerPos, [], 0, "NONE"];
    _vehicle setDir _markerDir;

	// Store spawned vehicle information for future reference if needed
    _spawnedVehicles pushBack _vehicle;

	// Display a debug message for the spawned vehicle
    systemChat format["Spawned Vehicle: %1 at Marker: %2", _vehicleClass, _x];
} forEach _VoskovoMarkers; // Iterate through Voskovo markers

// For testing
TST_vehicles = _spawnedVehicles;



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33 minutes ago, mrcurry said:


I recommend checking out the syntax pages on the biki again 😉

SQF does not have all the neat features many modern languages do.

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// Define markers for the city of Voskovo
private _VoskovoMarkers = [ //-- This is fine, I would put a private keyword ahead as good practice to avoid overriding variables in the caller's scope
    "voskovoMarker", "voskovoMarker_1", "voskovoMarker_2", "voskovoMarker_3",
    "voskovoMarker_4", "voskovoMarker_5", "voskovoMarker_6", "voskovoMarker_7",
    "voskovoMarker_8", "voskovoMarker_9", "voskovoMarker_10", "voskovoMarker_11"

// Define vehicles with their corresponding spawn weights (in percentages)
private _vehiclesWithWeights = [ //-- Same as above
    ["C_Hatchback_01_F", 20],
    ["C_Hatchback_01_sport_F", 6],
    ["C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F", 14],
    ["C_Offroad_01_F", 20],
    ["C_SUV_01_F", 20],
    ["C_Van_01_transport_F", 5],
    ["RHS_Ural_Civ_01", 5],
    ["RHS_Ural_Civ_02", 5],
    ["RHS_Ural_Civ_03", 5]

// Function to pick a random vehicle based on weights,
private _pickRandomVehicle = { 
	//-- Note that any variable that doesn't start with '_' will be declared as a 'global' variable in missionNamespace and be accessible in all scripts for the duration of the session, to be avoided unless required.
	//-- Again good practice to use 'private' keyword

    params ["_vehicles"];
    private _totalWeight = 0;
    // Calculate total weight and display a debug message
        _totalWeight = _totalWeight + (_x select 1); //-- Brackets added since + takes precedence over select, could have also changed select to a #
        systemChat format["Adding %1 weight. Total weight: %2", _x select 1, _totalWeight];
    } forEach _vehicles;
    private _randomNum = random _totalWeight;
    // Display a debug message for random number generated
    systemChat format["Random Number: %1", _randomNum];
	// -- Define _result for return
	private _result = "";
    // Iterate through vehicles to find the one to spawn
        if (_randomNum <= _x select 1) then {
            _result = _x select 0;
            systemChat format["Selected Vehicle: %1", _result];
            //-- return is not a valid keyword in SQF, instead the result of the last executed statement in the code is always returned, therefore we put _result; to be "executed" at the end.
            //-- We still have to break the loop though, for that we can use break;
        _randomNum = _randomNum - (_x select 1);
    } forEach _vehicles;
	// -- Since we can't easily just return in SQF we have to check our data at the end of the loop
	if( _result == "" ) exitWith {
		// Display a debug message if no vehicle is selected
    	systemChat "No vehicle selected!";

    // Return

// Iterate through each Voskovo marker and spawn a vehicle with debug messages
private _spawnedVehicles = [];
    // Pick a random marker and get its position and rotation
	//-- Nope no need, '_x' already contains the current element of the array, magic variables ftw...
    //[_markerPos, _markerDir] = pickRandomMarker(_x);

	private _marker = _x;
	private _markerPos = markerPos _marker;
	private _markerDir = markerDir _marker;

	// Pick a random vehicle based on weights
	// -- Note that functions in SQF are just a variable pointing to data of CODE-type hence we can't directly execute them
	// -- We need to use call (synchronous, can return) or spawn (asynchronous, cannot return)
	private _vehicleClass = [_vehiclesWithWeights] call _pickRandomVehicle;
	// -- We could also use command 'selectRandomWeighted' but that requires a special format on the array and would be less educational ;)

	// Spawn the selected vehicle at the marker position with the specified rotation
	// -- createVehicle requires all parameters on the right hand side when using the extended syntax
    private _vehicle = createVehicle [_vehicleClass, _markerPos, [], 0, "NONE"];
    _vehicle setDir _markerDir;

	// Store spawned vehicle information for future reference if needed
    _spawnedVehicles pushBack _vehicle;

	// Display a debug message for the spawned vehicle
    systemChat format["Spawned Vehicle: %1 at Marker: %2", _vehicleClass, _x];
} forEach _VoskovoMarkers; // Iterate through Voskovo markers

// For testing
TST_vehicles = _spawnedVehicles;



This is super helpful! Love the comments! 🙂 I realize now that I didn't implement it the way I wanted it. I plan to run this script for multiple cities and I want only one or two vehicles to spawn instead of every marker spawning. Quick other question is there a way to change the loading screen from whatever map to a custom image? I've looked around for a answer and I couldn't find anything other then the tiny loading image which I got working fine.



// Define markers for the city of Voskovo
private _VoskovoMarkers = [ //-- This is fine, I would put a private keyword ahead as good practice to avoid overriding variables in the caller's scope
    "voskovoMarker", "voskovoMarker_1", "voskovoMarker_2", "voskovoMarker_3",
    "voskovoMarker_4", "voskovoMarker_5", "voskovoMarker_6", "voskovoMarker_7",
    "voskovoMarker_8", "voskovoMarker_9", "voskovoMarker_10", "voskovoMarker_11"

private _VelikayaMarkers = [
    "velikayaMaker", "velikayaMaker_1", "velikayaMaker_2", "velikayaMaker_3", "velikayaMaker_4",
    "velikayaMaker_5", "velikayaMaker_6", "velikayaMaker_7", "velikayaMaker_8", "velikayaMaker_9",
    "velikayaMaker_10", "velikayaMaker_11", "velikayaMaker_12", "velikayaMaker_13", "velikayaMaker_14", 

// Define vehicles with their corresponding spawn weights (in percentages)
private _vehiclesWithWeights = [ //-- Same as above
    ["C_Hatchback_01_F", 20],
    ["C_Hatchback_01_sport_F", 6],
    ["C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F", 14],
    ["C_Offroad_01_F", 20],
    ["C_SUV_01_F", 20],
    ["C_Van_01_transport_F", 5],
    ["RHS_Ural_Civ_01", 5],
    ["RHS_Ural_Civ_02", 5],
    ["RHS_Ural_Civ_03", 5]

// Function to pick a random vehicle based on weights,
private _pickRandomVehicle = { 
    //-- Note that any variable that doesn't start with '_' will be declared as a 'global' variable in missionNamespace and be accessible in all scripts for the duration of the session, to be avoided unless required.
    //-- Again good practice to use 'private' keyword

    params ["_vehicles"];
    private _totalWeight = 0;
    // Calculate total weight and display a debug message
        _totalWeight = _totalWeight + (_x select 1); //-- Brackets added since + takes precedence over select, could have also changed select to a #
        systemChat format["Adding %1 weight. Total weight: %2", _x select 1, _totalWeight];
    } forEach _vehicles;
    private _randomNum = random _totalWeight;
    // Display a debug message for random number generated
    systemChat format["Random Number: %1", _randomNum];
    // -- Define _result for return
    private _result = "";
    // Iterate through vehicles to find the one to spawn
        if (_randomNum <= _x select 1) then {
            _result = _x select 0;
            systemChat format["Selected Vehicle: %1", _result];
            //-- return is not a valid keyword in SQF, instead the result of the last executed statement in the code is always returned, therefore we put _result; to be "executed" at the end.
            //-- We still have to break the loop though, for that we can use break;
        _randomNum = _randomNum - (_x select 1);
    } forEach _vehicles;
    // -- Since we can't easily just return in SQF we have to check our data at the end of the loop
    if( _result == "" ) exitWith {
        // Display a debug message if no vehicle is selected
        systemChat "No vehicle selected!";

    // Return

// Iterate through each Voskovo marker and spawn a vehicle with debug messages
private _voskSpawnedVehicles = [];
    private _marker = _x;
    private _markerPos = markerPos _marker;
    private _markerDir = markerDir _marker;

    // Pick a random vehicle based on weights
    // -- Note that functions in SQF are just a variable pointing to data of CODE-type hence we can't directly execute them
    // -- We need to use call (synchronous, can return) or spawn (asynchronous, cannot return)
    private _vehicleClass = [_vehiclesWithWeights] call _pickRandomVehicle;
    // -- We could also use command 'selectRandomWeighted' but that requires a special format on the array and would be less educational 😉

    // Spawn the selected vehicle at the marker position with the specified rotation
    // -- createVehicle requires all parameters on the right hand side when using the extended syntax
    private _vehicle = createVehicle [_vehicleClass, _markerPos, [], 0, "NONE"];
    _vehicle setDir _markerDir;

    _voskSpawnedVehicles pushBack _vehicle;

    // Display a debug message for the spawned vehicle
    systemChat format["Spawned Vehicle: %1 at Marker: %2", _vehicleClass, _x];
} forEach _VoskovoMarkers;

private _veliSpawnedVehicles = [];
    private _marker = _x;
    private _markerPos = markerPos _marker;
    private _markerDir = markerDir _marker;

    private _vehicleClass = [_vehiclesWithWeights] call _pickRandomVehicle;

    private _vehicle = createVehicle [_vehicleClass, _markerPos, [], 0, "NONE"];
    _vehicle setDir _markerDir;
    _veliSpawnedVehicles pushBack _vehicle;

    systemChat format["Spawned Vehicle: %1 at Marker: %2", _vehicleClass, _x];
} forEach _VelikayaMarkers;

I'm not that great at coding (chatgpt is genuinely useful for this lmao, that's part of why the syntax was wrong)


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