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That's a shame, i miss going to the website, it was really really good. Is no-one willing to host the website? I wish their website was up again! sad_o.gif

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Yeah, i'd like to see all RHS' s hard work displayed, and with good reason! It's a shame that thier website isn't currently available, i think that they should relaunch it as soon as possible, i know i'd be on there all the time! Come on RHS! wink_o.gif

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heh, we have two leaders, but both seem to be offline. one has much to do in RL, the other one moved and has not yet a connection.

i already found a host for files, we just need someone to host the main homepage. but without our leaders i can't decided on that. sad_o.gif

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I hope the website is relaunched soon! I can't wait! As for the add-ons, how are they coming along? It's a pity Kenji isn't on the team anymore. Does anyone still talk to him? sad_o.gif

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Dont worry i nag him about making a chieften almost every morning on msn biggrin_o.gif

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Which reminds me, perhaps you could get Kenji to post some shots of the Chieftan. I've two, but they're both a half-month old and he's definately made some progress.

Quote[/b] ]It's a pity Kenji isn't on the team anymore. Does anyone still talk to him? *Emoticon Removed*

Whenever he's online.

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Just to show you that there is still some work in progress biggrin_o.gif

Motorized Infantry:

001_s.jpg 002_s.jpg 003_s.jpg

(Klick on pics to enlarge)

MfG MEDICUS smile_o.gif

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Very nice, I like the new death animations.


I've a nice enemy for your tanks over here smile_o.gif


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Very nice, I like the new death animations.

Animation is out of Wilco's AnimPack.

I think that will need a lot of T55 to get this tanks tounge_o.gif

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Very nice, I like the new death animations.

Animation is out of Wilco's AnimPack.

I think that will need a lot of T55 to get this tanks tounge_o.gif

Lol, i thought you are showing new animations, didn't noticed these nice soldiers smile_o.gif ;)

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Your troops look amazing, though it is always expected from RHS smile_o.gif Great job.

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yalls should have stuck with me for hosting. at least when i take my site down, it goes up within a day or two! smile_o.gif

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yeh, but when you were banned here we were not sure if you let us stay...

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Superb work , can't wait to put my hands on those units.

Do they come in some camouflage variations, or just this one ?

And, the always difficult question to ask : is there some release date ?

/me runs for cover.

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Quote[/b] ]Superb work , can't wait to put my hands on those units.

Do they come in some camouflage variations, or just this one ?

And, the always difficult question to ask : is there some release date ?

/me runs for cover.

As far as I know, and do not take this as Holy Writ, the Motostreloks (Motor-Rifle infantry / Mechanized Infanteers) come in both Flora (Standard issue modern uniform) and VSR/Schoefield (Used to be Standard Issue but is still modern and still sees a lot of use) flavours.

As far as I know, the GRU Recce Spetsnaz (GRU Spetsnaz are dedicated to Recce [Not to say they can't blow things up] because GRU is the Military's intelligence apparatus.) come in LESNAYA (The pattern you see. It's quite similar to American WOODLAND-I, but I find it works better.) and GORKA (Olive-Drab. Gorka is a type of uniform) variations. If the GORKA textures have not changed much, when they're released, then check out a GRU Recce team deployed somewheres in Northern Nogova during a rainstorm. It's like being ambushed by spectres.

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/me moves slowly from my cover

thank you for those precisions.

/me moves back slowly to my cover

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No problem. As to release date... as much as I'd like it to be "RIGHT NOW" it isn't. I suspect they've still got a bit to be done on them (Laser does a thorough job.) So they'll be done when they're done, I'm sure we're all familiar with that.

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a bit offtop - I have noticed an interesting and rare bug - when you hit a T55A with a JAMed LAW a crash to desktop will occur. Like I said - it's a very rare bug - less than 10%.

The same thing happens sometimes when you hit a T55A with 105mm sabot from a recently released M60A1...

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