EO 11277 Posted August 23, 2023 SIRENS is an open world survival horror mission influenced by Silent Hill, and powered by Ravage. Story Overview: Moschyni Island has been laid to waste..a strange malevolant force has taken over it's towns and villages. The distant wail of the siren brings out the dead, shrouding everything in a creeping fog. Only evil remains..... You are Edgar Olsen, a Norwegian explosives expert living and working in nearby Chernarus. You received news your father was killed while trying to silence the Sirens of Moschnyi Island. Haunted by dreams of your late father you return to your homeland to avenge his death... Gameplay Overview: SIRENS is an objective based walking simulator open world survival mission. On screen text prompts will reveal the players objectives as they are generated. Objective markers will appear when generated, and disappear when completed. As objectives are completed the next one is generated. There are 8 Sirens spread over Moschnyi Island, you are equipped with 8 explosives...use them wisely! Gameplay Features: Zombies - Manifested and driven only by the low frequency subsonic sound of the Sirens, these zombies are almost oblivious to all other sound but will react to light sources (flares) and sudden movements, don't get too close. No Vehicles - SIRENS is designed to be played out on foot. (SIREN "Events" will only work as intended when entered on foot, besides Moschnyi is a beautiful little island for a survival horror stroll.)Ambient Music and Musical Cues - In-game music must be enabled and best enjoyed through headphones. Renegades - Hostile locals have taken over the Island and are friendly to no one. Safe Houses - Places of sanctuary to get warm and save your progress.Light Survival Mechanics - Loot, Eat, Drink, Thrive, Survive. Moschnyi Island Redux designed exclusively for SIRENS: Moschnyi is a small island located east of Novigrad and south of Primorsk. It's the most southerly of the Chernarussian Territories. The island has a small Emergency Airfield located SW of the town of Moschnyi. The town of Moschnyi has the only fuel station and large market on the island. The old harbor in the town of Moschnyi and the new harbor in Novakvice can be found along the northern coast. Water and power on Moschnyi are provided by the mainland of Chernarus and connected via underwater cables. The two main towns on the island are Moschnyi and Novakvice. Smaller towns include Lipnice, Murnice, and Kyslin. Moschnyi Island Redux features: Sullen Skies. Ambient Birds. Vegetation adjustments. Wind affected Autumn Leaves. Longitude/Latitude adjustments. Livonia Environmental Ambience. 90% of all Arma 2 structures replaced with their Arma 3 Livonia equivalents. (This aspect is part of the mission file) Highly recommemnded mods: m3mory by Haleks.Death and Hit Reactions by WebKnight. Advanced Vault System by WebKnight. Credits: Jakerod for allowing me to use his beautiful Moschnyi Island for this project. Haleks for creating Ravage, and being an inspiration for all my ARMA 3 content. Leopard20 for providing code that literally saved this project from being abandoned. Mark Lambert for allowing me to use his version of "Theme for Laura" from Silent Hill. Kodabar, Tourist, TenuredCLOUD, Reason Unknown and POLPOX for kindly playtesting and sharing ideas. TPM for his awesome mission introduction. Known Issues: Ravage loot system will sometimes spawn items not relevant to the mission, any items related to the Vehicles and Sleep/Rest systems are not needed. (couldn't figure out how to remove certain items from the Loot System) 10 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kaject 23 Posted August 23, 2023 THIS, IS, BONKERS! Congrats on a great release, EO! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harzach 2518 Posted August 23, 2023 Ah, congratulations EO! 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LSValmont 789 Posted August 24, 2023 Just got to the third objective! It is safe to say that this is one of the most immersive exploration/survival scenarios I've played in a while! A very refreshing take that feels as polished as a CLDC. I love it that once you destroy they nearest siren the whole location changes to reflect that the "corruption" is gone. On par with the likes of Phantom's horror scenarios and Creatical's Silent Abdera for example, and those are the cream of the crop when it comes to immersion and atmosphere. Given coop support, random starting positions and random locations for the Sirens each playthrough this could easily rival DayZ. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted August 24, 2023 Wow, what a review, I'm glad your enjoying it mate.🙏 Those suggestions are duly noted too, I didn't consider randomisation but the Siren zones could easily support randomised locations, similarly CO-OP would work to. Definitely food for thought. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harzach 2518 Posted August 27, 2023 Managed to work up the courage to complete the first objective (I don't like to be skeered!) and I can't add much more to what @LSValmont has already said. Yer the king of atmosphere, EO! 1 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted August 27, 2023 3 hours ago, Harzach said: Managed to work up the courage to complete the first objective (I don't like to be skeered!) Looking into a coop version so maybe next time you can tag along with a friend. (and thanks for the kind words bro') 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted August 27, 2023 SIRENS UPDATE: Fixed an exploit with usable tractors. (Thanks to the aptly named Mr.Noseybonk for reporting this) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4075 Posted August 27, 2023 Nice work EO! Took this screenshot on the way to objective 2! 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HAWK' 9 Posted August 28, 2023 I had a cig and beer while listening to music and enjoying your picture Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted September 10, 2023 SIRENS UPDATE: Zombie voice pitch has been increased, previous setting left players susceptible to almost silent attacks from the rear. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted December 24, 2023 Wishing everyone who played through SIRENS a Merry Christmas and a happy holiday!! Nearly 3,000 subs in total at it's peak and currently sitting around 1,700 subs. Never thought it would achieve those kind of numbers so thank you one and all. 1 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted January 13, 2024 Thanks to @TPM_Aus for making an awesome storyboard style video that introduces the mission perfectly.... 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EO 11277 Posted October 31, 2024 UPDATE: Added a black and white version of SIRENS as this was my original vision of the scenario. Happy Halloween! Steam Workshop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites