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Spearhead 1944 - Changelog

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Heavy Ordnance Works will use this thread to provide information about future updates to the Creator DLC: Spearhead 1944.


Discussions about the updates are welcome in the relevant forum thread:



If you have any questions about Spearhead 1944 make sure you visit our FAQ page

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Spearhead 1944 - 1.0.1


Content Fixes


Fixed: Minor Localization issues.



Fixed: AI Tanks/AT Guns instantly switching ammo type when running out of ammo.
Fixed: Unknown author for Frag Grenade Mk 2.
Fixed: No icon and inconsistent name for German Radio Protocol dummy voice.
Fixed: Panzer III N AP ammo classname was incorrect.
Fixed: Reload system caused AI to rapid fire when main muzzle magazine was empty.



Fixed: explosionShielding values on barbed wire and other objects - made them partially indestructible as mission editor placed objects.
Fixed: Office Small (01) having the wrong ruin on destruction (Land_SPE_Office_Small_01).



Fixed: Animated Briefing - Failsafe if a player does not load the mission in multiplayer.
Fixed: Der Zahnarzt - Script error when ai cannot enter infiltrate truck.
Fixed: IFS - Emergency incoming message and voice over shown only for the caller and not the whole group.
Fixed: General - captureArea.sqf no longer throws an error if initial group size was 0.
Fixed: M2 - Respawn vehicle function no longer throws an error if respawn position is a marker.
Fixed: M3 - Script error if the ai engineer at the roadblock was killed prematurely.
Fixed: M7- Mission name text going into new line with "Very Small" UI settings.
Fixed: Multiple low impact script errors on the server for the campaign missions, Combat Patrol, Escape and Warlords.
Fixed: Warlords - AI Mutiny issue from destroying empty or friendly vehicles.
Fixed: Warlords - Arsenal issue to be able load non WW2 stored loadouts - saving/loading loadouts will be brought back with WW2 gear and weapon filter.
Fixed: Warlords - Reduce excessive income down to 100 CP per minute for main base - additional options for mission parameters in return.
Fixed: Warlords - On Hardcore player was missing the map and thus is unable to vote on sector choice.
Fixed: Warlords - Singleplayer - Player unable to open warlords interface after loading savegame (saving disabled as not supported by Warlords).
Fixed: Warlords - faulty too high StartCP down to 1000.
Changed: IFS - Removed incoming CAS/ARTY messages in command chat channel - to be replaced with voice over in the future.

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Spearhead 1944 - 1.0.2


New Content

Added: Concrete trench wall set

Added: German Casemate set

Added: Maintenance Crane

Added: Multiple different compositions

Added: Nametags module

Added: US haversack/assault vest beach landing variants

Added: Additional HBT uniform variants

Added: Additional dday landing variants for haversacks and assault vest


Content Changes


Main Menu

Added: Ability to toggle the main menu track.

Added: Operation Cobra campaign in main menu spotlight and singleplayer submenu - as hosted version with unit/slot selection, respawn and mission parameter.

Changed: SPE banner in main menu to have a slight background for better visibility



Changed: Converted normal map from NOHQ to NO.



Changed: AI manning Flak 38 will switch ammo type depending on target

Changed: Added vehicle respawn module eventhandler to reinit customisation and ammo for vehicles

Changed: Added hideTurret/turretless wreck option to M10

Changed: Disabled muzzleImpulse for Flak38

Changed: Improved plane frame pitch handler to not exit too early

Changed: Improved tank sight zeroing now works for more than just keyboard keybinds



Changed: Spread and velocity of sawn off fusil robust shotgun


Changed: Civilians to use German watches rather than Arma 3 Vanilla watch

Changed: Matched BC611 radio colour to SCR300



Changed: “Naked mound” roadway optimisation.

Changed: SPE Bridges exposed to editor.

Changed: SPE Bridges stringtable entries.



Changed: fn_ambientAnimations will exit if no CAManBase was provided

Changed: Module init functions now use native _units variable to get synchronized objects

Changed: Nametag function will exit if no interface is present

Removed: Debugging from fn_ambientAnimations



Changed: Bolt Action sound effect to use playsound when in first person for better stereo audio

Changed: Decreased volume of subsonic shell flyby sounds




Added: 2d map unit map markers as mission parameter (active in cadet mode by default).

Added: “Hold space” skip video functionality to Newsreels. 

Added: “Hold space” skip video functionality to prologue and epilogue. 

Added: Mission parameter to set the duration of the vote phase in the briefing.

Added: Possibility for all players to force skip videos also in MP if not admin is present.

Added: "Skip videos" mission parameter (allows skipping the SITREPs, newsreels or both).

Added: Specific main forces to have toolkits for vehicle repair or defusing mines along with their skill in cadet mode.

Changed: Debriefing icons to higher resolution.

Changed: Disabled AISuite, RFS, Unstuck and MHI in hosted play for better performance. 

Changed: Ensured all tanks and halftracks have two toolkits in cadet mode.

Changed: Improved vehicle respawn orientation coding

Changed: Lower sandbags inside a stack of sandbags should not longer get destroyed

Changed: No mission name to be shown in debriefing of prologue and epilogue.

Changed: Set respawn tickets to unlimited by default. 

Changed: Subtitles were not immediately hidden when skipping a video.

Changed: Unified group loadouts and removed inappropriate toolkits


Animated Briefing

Added: Skip animated briefing as mission parameter.

Changed: Can skip AB also via uiNamespace or profileNamespace variable SPE_ForceAnimatedBriefing.

Changed: Coding - made AB skip check more robust.Changed: Improved admin skip button is to be enabled for the server/admin in a hosted play environment if more than one player is present.



Changed: Improved debriefing look.



Changed: Improved voting image one for Able, Baker and Charlie



Changed: AT gun not chosen by Fox gets removed in non cadet mode.

Changed: Behavior of German rushing infantry groups to be more aggressive.

Changed: Doubled the amount of German artillery shelling in non cadet mode along with additional impact position randomization.

Changed: German units no longer mass feel or surrender automatically in non cadet mode after a wave ends.

Changed: Improved randomized waypoint position in relation to difficult level for assault groups.

Changed: The higher the difficulty level the more German rushing infantry groups will be spawned.

Changed: Tweaked position of defend tasks for Able&Easy.



Changed: Improved debriefing look.

Changed: Voting image one for Able, Baker and Charlie



Changed: Improved debriefing look.



Added: Customized versions of vanilla respawn menu functions.

Added: Respawn spectate failsafe if `SPE_CadetMode` is undefined.

Added: Respawn tickets function to respawn a specific player without using a ticket.


Extended Briefing

Changed: Background music volume can now be defined via description.ext property 'SPE_OutroBackgroundMusicVolume' in custom debriefing

Changed: Coding - Allow empty titleText.

Changed: Coding - moved variables to uiNamespace and cached all playSoundUI references to abort them reliably.

Changed: Extended outro to no longer plays automatically and added play outro button instead.

Changed: Outro text width reduced in custom debriefing UI

Changed: Pressing 'Continue' will now mute the outro in custom debriefing UI

Changed: Small icon does no longer overlap in custom debriefing UI



Added: SPE_Arsenal_MinimumScopeGear and SPE_Arsenal_MinimumScopeRandomGear variables to customize WW2 Arsenal content filtering.

Changed: Added SPE_Arsenal_WhiteListedClasses to easily make certain classes available in WW2 Arsenal.

Changed: Coding - made Arsenal filtering variables look for mission parameters (SPE_Arsenal_ModFilterTags, SPE_Arsenal_AuthorsFilters, SPE_Arsenal_ModFolderFilters) for customization.

Changed: Coding - moving shared Arsenal filtering code to a separate function.

Changed: Coding - skip unnecessary cfgVehicles classes in WW2 Arsenal.

Changed: Made WW2 arsenal group items by mod by default.

Changed: WW2 arsenal filter variable names.


Faction Showcases

Added: Frontline function to both showcases and additional scenery markers.

Changed: Debriefing icons to higher resolution.

Changed: Disabled saving.

Changed: Disabled team switch.

Changed: Made showcase missions also listed in standard Showcase mission list.

Changed: Removed "subtitle" from titlecard videos.

Changed: Unified task and 2d map location naming.

Changed: Updated both factions showcase missions.



Changed: Debriefing icons to higher resolution.


Combat patrol

Added: 2d map unit map markers as mission parameter and active in cadet mode by default.



Added: 2d map unit map markers as mission parameter and active in cadet mode by default.



Added: 2d map unit map markers as mission parameter and active in cadet mode by default.

Added: Working savegame loading for singleplayer and hosted play in Warlords thanks to Kanas!

Changed: Added mission parameter override/skip (with -1111 value) and thus allow scenario configuration used instead.

Changed: Added mission parameter to allow artillery type of vehicles in Warlords.

Changed: Added mission parameter to customize the kill timeout (maximum presence in a hostile protected sector).

Changed: Added mission parameters to customize ammo truck availability.

Changed: Added mission parameters to customize costs per vehicle type and side.

Changed: Added mission parameters to customize engine artillery feature (2d map click) availability.

Changed: Added mission parameters to customize non mobile artillery availability.

Changed: Added nametags feature and as mission parameter.

Changed: Fatigue is disabled by default

Changed: Fatigue mission parameter made available again

Changed: Improved coding of BIS_WL_factionAppropriateUniforms.

Changed: Made artillery type vehicles not available by default (ie Calliope).

Changed: Made it possible again to customize the maximum number of subordinates via mission parameters

Changed: Planes are spawned like regular vehicles in zones under control.

Changed: Planes are to spawn at nearby airfields only if the scenario description.ext has set 'SPE_WLUseAirports = 1;'.

Changed: Player in a plane is not triggering sector violation and air raid sound.

Changed: Players in a bought plane can beam it into the air via "Start plane" useraction.

Changed: Re-enabled 2d map click artillery computer and ammo trucks by default.

Changed: Re-enabled Arsenal loadout load+save ability - with working WW2 filter.

Changed: Recently purchased assets disappear once a player enters the bought vehicle.

Changed: Recently purchased assets only visible within 250 meters.

Changed: Reduce safezone around bases and Canisy.

Changed: Reduced maximum number of subordinates from 9 to 5 in Warlords.

Changed: Reduced zone sizes and border area within the WL scenario to avoid overlap.

Changed: Static weapons in placement mode are placed in front of the player.

Changed: WL scenario to use nearby location names for zone names.



Changed: CreateVehicleLocal coding to new syntax.


Custom Difficulty Adjustment

Added: "SPE_DisableTargetIndicator" variable to disable the system altogether at any moment.

Changed: GPS is to be available in cadet mode in SPE missions in singleplayer.


Indirect Fire Support

Added: Blacklisted areas can now be defined by synching triggers with the IFS Module

Added: Conditions to IFS module

Added: Custom attribute control for the IFS module debug options

Added: Debug attributes to IFS Module

Added: New function for new IFS module attribute control

Changed: Attribute control for radio backpacks

Changed: Attribute display names for IFS conditions

Changed: Clicking the checkbox in the backback control of IFS module now works on all resolutions.

Changed: Coding - in case multiplier array definition is empty.

Changed: Fixed wrong translation for BLUFOR in modules.

Changed: Group leader has only access to IFS in cadet mode (if without radio himself or other radio coms nearby)

Changed: IFS incoming notification text structure.

Changed: IFS module description along with BI wiki link

Changed: IFS module init to handle new condition attributes

Changed: Improved translation for IFS condition.

Changed: Moved variables from missionNamespace to logicNamespace

Changed: Multiple improvements and additions to the IFS module

Changed: Parameter names so it's more clear what they do

Changed: SPE_IFS_AmountMultiplier would always get rounded

Changed: SPE_IFS_CASAvailability_Side was not set correctly by the IFS module

Changed: Selection behavior for backpack attribute controls  of IFS module.

Changed: Some static animations that weren't working properly.



Added: Better communication for FAK requirement

Added: Handling for group joining.

Added: Handling for spawned units.

Added: Revive injured unit in vehicle action

Changed: Disabled check for ACE medical to disable Enhanced Revive by default if found.

Changed: Introduced optional SPE_PlayerSideFinal boolean to be able to delay adding additional FAK to players (i.e. when side switching is done).



Added: Add explosive Action module

Added: Module to adjust vehicle dispersion

Changed: Made order of sides consistent in attribute controls

Changed: Made translation and linking to biki consistent



Changed: Adjusted column width to avoid text overlap in QP/ASB.

Changed: Button List's width is now reduced on ultra wide and super ultra wide.



Added: Ability to adjust position of vehicle hud independent from Arma 3 one

Added: New UI color presets for GUI, IGUI, Map and Subtitles

Added: Support to change marker colors of Spearhead 1944 specific markers

Added: The option to adjust marker colors for allied, axis and animated briefing markers to aid color impaired people

Changed: Adjusted default presets to match Spearhead 1944 theme. (Affects only new profiles)

Changed: Animated briefing markers now show correct color in Eden Editor

Changed: Many code improvements regarding custom debriefing UI

Changed: Moved Revert Button to the left one grid to better separate it from Clear Button

Changed: SliderInteger attribute would show 'm' behind value



Changed: Added optional notification about placement mode when switching to custom composition in Eden Editor

Changed: Disabled smoke occluder particles and reenabled blockAIVisibility on regular smoke for smoke grenades

Changed: Re-enabled editor feedback sounds.


Content Fixes



Fixed: Multiple LOD issues with various objects

Fixed: Multiple incorrect editor previews and inventory images

Fixed: Multiple object placement fixes on Normandy terrain

Fixed: Multiple typos and missing strings



Fixed: 116th Panzer Division "Greyhound" insignia naming.

Fixed: Multiple decal issues



Fixed: Equipping a rifle grenade/bayonet attachment would duplicate a magazine

Fixed: typicalSpeed and caliber macro for HEAT projectiles was incorrect leading to slightly higher performance overall



Fixed: Adjusted cheekbones of the Albert Davidson face to reduce clipping with facewear

Fixed: Civilians wearing vanilla watches

Fixed: HBT Coverall underarm geometry stretching

Fixed: Misassigned hiddenSelections texture path for shovel on assault vest

Fixed: Multiple clipping issues

Fixed: Multiple ground model issues

Fixed: Multiple texture issues

Fixed: Multiple wound texture issues on many uniforms

Fixed: Rather excessive and visible LOD changes with some uniforms and headgear

Fixed: Shading issues on SCR300 models

Fixed: Sturmtrooper Command section wasn’t appearing in Zeus



Fixed: Added Flamethrower ammunition to ammunition box



Fixed: Editor placed Wall mounted street lamps now sink into the floor instead of falling over.

Fixed: Missing resolution LODs added to river parts models

Fixed: Removed buildingPos in bocage models

Fixed: Typo in SPE_Dugout_Pile_02 model path.



Fixed: Static weapons were not detected by createVehicleListOfGivenFaction function.



Fixed: Bad title definitions for binaural sound effects

Fixed: Positional (bullet) ricochet sounds had no speed of sound (SoS) simulation activated




Fixed: Missing German translation for credits quote.

Fixed: Missing space before colon in French localization for a few strings.



Fixed: Blocked respawn button during mission intro phase.

Fixed: Campaign JIP players no longer require a ticket and do not have to wait for the entire respawn delay to spawn for the first time

Fixed: Dedicated server - Server plays only intro and skips the mission

Fixed: Disabled problematic setPos to bottom left for JIP.

Fixed: JIP player could get stuck in SITREP no video waiting phase.

Fixed: Missing binocular for Baker squad leader in all missions.

Fixed: Overset vote text for German/Russian localisation.

Fixed: Removed all radioItem from unit equipment in mission.sqm as handled by scripted system

Fixed: Removing array position based respawn positions shows script error.

Fixed: Waiting screen for late JIP if the SITREP video start was missed.


Animated Briefing

Fixed: Incomplete frontline filling in certain situations.



Fixed: Voting texts for Able and Charlie were switched/mixed up.



Fixed: Missing space between + and text in voting text.



Fixed: Unknown enum rpt error if trigger activation is set to `"INDEPENDENT"` instead of "GUER"



Fixed: Fox voting was using Dog images

Fixed: M3 HT levitated from the ground

Fixed: Waypoint handling from voting for Able and Easy.



Fixed: Ammobox should no longer explode.

Fixed: Positions and content of a few German ammo crates



Fixed: Mines on a road are no longer floating.

Fixed: Sandbag stack.



Fixed: Removed inventory items from Opel Blitz which had simulation disabled

Fixed: Unit order in Baker and Charlie.



Fixed: Mission end handling to be more robust in MP.



Fixed: forceRespawn is now remote exec'd to where the unit is local.

Fixed: Re-enable disabled units as respawn positions in the respawn menu if they respawn before the player does.

Fixed: Reset serverHandled variable one the server when a client respawns.


Extended Briefing

Fixed: Continue button / leaving the extended debriefing doesn't stop the voice over.

Fixed: Extended debriefing voice over should now stop playing if lobby is shown.



Fixed: ItemRadio, ItemMap, MediKit, MineDetector not visible in WW2 Arsenal.

Fixed: WW2 Arsenal doesn't automatically group items by mod.


Faction Showcases

Fixed: Faulty debriefing color definition

Fixed: Faulty, non SPE_GER_ItemWatch for a few GER loadouts.

Fixed: Partially invisible units in US faction showcase.

Fixed: Player is invulnerable and may get stuck in a crashed plane.

Fixed: Too long German text in mission end message.


Combat patrol

Fixed: Disabled teamswitch.



Fixed: Disabled teamswitch.



Fixed: Arsenal is to be enabled by default

Fixed: Creating units in the air triggers freefall animation.

Fixed: Default playable unit class from A3 to SPE in Warlords scenario.

Fixed: Join in progress players have incorrect gear.

Fixed: Player unable to open warlords interface after loading savegame.

Fixed: Purchased vehicle marker remains indefinitely.


Custom Difficulty Adjustment

Fixed: Disabled CDA activation/deactivation via profileNamespace/options menu.

Fixed: ItemRadio availability is to be based on cadet mode setting for the difficulty based parameter.

Fixed: IssueRadios needs to be run also on AI units.


Indirect Fire Support

Fixed: clientside support messages when incoming fire from IFS.

Fixed: Faulty variable in artillery detection.

Fixed: Indirect Fire Support Module ->Autonomous CAS Script Error.



Fixed: Change jip target for remote execution.

Fixed: Disabled __EVAL check for "ace_medical" being loaded as mikero tools can't deal with it.

Fixed: Double execution of fn_SPE_reviveToksaInitPlayerLocal.

Fixed: Early exit in parameter function execution.

Fixed: On-screen error if "Take FAK" without a weapon.

Fixed: remoteExec of setSpeaker - must be applied on all computers.



Fixed: Code case for game mode type identifier.

Fixed: Ensure Editor button/entry remains visible in the vanilla menu main when SOG is loaded next to SPE.

Fixed: No more duplicated buttons in the main menu.

Fixed: Non enabled buttons need to be listed too in the standard main menu.

Fixed: Overlapping of last played server widgets.

Fixed: Text display width for serverShowCDLCsLabel.

Fixed: Wrong button order in main menu.



Fixed: Replaced custom font for mission loading screens to support all languages

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Spearhead 1944 - 1.1.0


New Content 

Added: Mortain Terrain - 8x8km 


Added new Scenarios 

- Battle of St. Barthélemy (SP) 

- Attack on Mortain (SP/COOP) 

- Prizefighter (SP) 

- Panzerkampfwagen (SP/COOP) 


Added: FM 24 M29 (Bipod) 

Added: G-503 MB 4x4 

Added: G-503 MB 4x4 (Armored) 

Added: G-503 MB 4x4 (M1919A4) 

Added: G-503 MB 4x4 (M1919A4 Armored) 

Added: G-503 MB 4x4 (M2) 

Added: G-503 MB 4x4 (M2 Armored) 

Added: G-503 MB 4x4 (Medical) 

Added: G-503 MB 4x4 (Patrol) 

Added: G-503 MB 4x4 (Patrol M2) 

Added: G-508 CCKW 353 

Added: G-508 CCKW 353 (Ambulance) 

Added: G-508 CCKW 353 (Ammo) 

Added: G-508 CCKW 353 (Fuel) 

Added: G-508 CCKW 353 (Open) 

Added: G-508 CCKW 353 (Repair) 

Added: G-508 CCKW 353 (M2)  

Added: M2 .50 (Trench) 

Added: M2 .50 (Tripod) 

Added: M20 Armored Utility Car 

Added: M3 105 mm Howitzer 

Added: M3 105 mm Howitzer (Direct) 

Added: M4(105) Sherman 

Added: M4 (Early) Sherman 

Added: M4A1 (Early) Sherman 

Added: M4A3(105) Sherman 

Added: M4A3(75)W Sherman 

Added: M4A3(76)W Sherman 

Added: M4A3-T34 Calliope Sherman 

Added: M4A3-T34 Calliope Sherman (Artillery) 

Added: M4 Sherman (Composite) 

Added: M8 Armored Car (with and without M2 HMG) 

Added: Pkw.Kfz. 1 R200 

Added: Pkw.Kfz. 1 R200 (Canopy) 

Added: Pkw.Kfz. 1 R200 (MG34) 

Added: PzKpfw V Ausf.G Panther 

Added: Sd.Kfz. 142/1 StuG III G (Early) 

Added: Sd.Kfz. 142/1 StuG III G (Late) 

Added: Sd.Kfz. 142/1 StuG III G (SKB) 

Added: Sd.Kfz. 142/2 StuH 42 

Added: Sd.Kfz. 173 Jagdpanther 


Added: Brno-Enfield Mk II .303 Light Machine Gun 

Added: FG 42 Ausf. E 

Added: M1917 Bayonet muzzle attachment 

Added: M1918A2 BAR (Converted) 

Added: M1918 BAR 

Added: M1A1 Carbine 

Added: M1 Carbine Ammo Pouch (OD#7) side attachment 

Added: M1 Carbine Ammo Pouch side attachment 

Added: M37 Riot Gun 12G 

Added: M37 Trench Gun 12G 

Added: M9A1 Bazooka 

Added: M9 Bazooka 

Added: MAS Mle. 36 

Added: MP 35/I 

Added: No.3 Mk.1* Enfield 

Added: RPzB 43 Panzerschreck 

Added: RPzB 54 Panzerschreck 

Added: ZFG42 Optic attachment 

Added: Smoke Grenade Blendkörper 2H 

Added: Lamp Type A-1 (Red, Green, Orange, Blue and White) 

Added: M3 Tripod and Disassembled M2 .50 Cal MG for deployment 


Added: US TL-122 Flashlight 

Added: US T5 Parachute 

Added: US M2 Airborne Helmets 

Added: US HBT 1942 Caps 

Added: US Wool Jeep Caps 

Added: US 1937 Wool Uniform 

Added: US Airborne Uniforms 

Added: US 1943 Uniforms 

Added: US 1943 Airborne Uniforms 

Added: US M1936 Airborne Web Gear Vests 

Added: US M1923 Airborne Cartridge Belt Vests 

Added: FFI Adrian Helmets 

Added: German 2213 Signallampe 

Added: German NCO Peaked Caps 

Added: German Side Caps 

Added: German Stahlhelm 1935 Helmets 

Added: German Stahlhelm 1940 Helmets 

Added: German 1936 Field Uniforms 

Added: German 1940 Field Uniforms 

Added: German ST Tank/SPG Crew Uniforms 

Added: German Light Gear Vests 

Added: German GM30 Gas Mask 

Added: Fallschirmjäger Stahlhelm 1938 Helmets 

Added: Fallschirmjäger 1938 Jump Smocks 

Added: Fallschirmjäger 1940 Jump Smocks 

Added: Fallschirmjäger 1942 Jump Smocks 

Added: Fallschirmjäger Uniforms 

Added: Fallschirmjäger RZ20 Parachute 

Added: Fallschirmjäger Equipment Backpacks 

Added: Luftwaffe Flak Uniforms 

Added: Luftwaffe Field Gear Vests 

Added: Luftwaffe Painted Gear Vests 

Added: Luftwaffe Blue Gear Vests 

Added: Osttruppen Kubanka Hats 

Added: Osttruppen Uniforms 

Added: Cossack Uniforms 

Added: Cossack Officer Vests 

Added: Vichy France Milice Berets 

Added: Vichy France Milice Adrian Helmets 

Added: Vichy France Milice Uniforms 

Added: Vichy France Milice Web Belt Vests 

Added: Additional US Field Bag, M1936 Variants (Landing) 

Added: Additional US Haversack, M1928 Variants (Landing) 

Added: Additional US M1 Helmet Variants (Covered) 

Added: Additional US 1942 Wool Uniform Variants (Combat Boots) 

Added: Additional US Winter Jacket Variants (Combat Boots) 

Added: Additional US 1943 HBT Uniform Variants (Tucked, Combat Boots) 

Added: Additional US M1923 Web Gear Variants 

Added: Additional US M1936 Web Gear Variants 

Added: Additional US M1937 BAR Belt Variants (OD#7) 

Added: Additional French Adrian Helmet Variants (Net, Covered) 

Added: Additional German Field Equipment Variants (Gas Capes, Painted) 

Added: Additional German Stahlhelm Helmet Variants (Burlap Cover, ST Camos) 

Added: Additional German Field Uniform Variants (ST Camos) 

Added: Additional US division insignias 

Added: Cow (Placeable in Editor and Animals module) 

Added: Black Rat (Spawns ambiently) 


Added: US A-5 Air Delivery Container (Weapons, Ammo, Medical, Explosives and static weapons) 

Added: German ML-AB-250 Container (Weapons, Ammo, Medical, Explosives and static weapons) 


Added: Abbaye Blanche. 

Added: Agricultural prop set. 

Added: Chapel. 

Added: Civilian prop set. 

Added: Low bocage variants. 

Added: Mine Crane. 

Added: Mine Entrance. 

Added: Mine Office. 

Added: Mine Oven Tall. 

Added: Mine Oven. 

Added: Mine Platform. 

Added: Mine Shed. 

Added: Mortain Church. 

Added: Platform objects. 

Added: Roof and pole versions of the log wall object. 

Added: Shop 05. 

Added: Tarp set. 

Added: Townhouse 1-3. 

Added: Train Station. 

Added: US Ammo Crate props. 

Added: Ruin models for all SPE bridges. 

Added: Decoy 01 and Decoy 02. 

Added: Various US and German military themed signs. 


Content Changes 


Changed: Disabled Normandy as standard world. 

Changed: Various object placement fixes on Normandy. 



Added: Additional m4 decal sets 

Added: Additional strings for m4 customisations 

Added: Further vehicle hud optimisations 

Added: New muzzlebrake muzzleflash to appropriate German vehicles and potential fix for muzzleflash not hiding on destroyed vehicle 

Added: Smaller muzzleflash to M1 57mm AT Gun. 

Added: Smaller muzzleflash to Panzer III with 5cm cannon 

Added: New Sdkfz250 sounds. 

Changed: Adjusted FFV limits on opel blitz 

Changed: Panzer 4 and Nashorn. Increased brake torque 

Changed: PrimaryObserver to 0 on Commander MGs on tanks to fix 3den bug 

Changed: Simplified compile method for vehicle hud variable lookup 

Changed: Updated collision sounds on all vehicles 

Changed: Vehicle hud caches hitpoint values for better performance 

Changed: Vehicle hud hitpoint colors now use Text, Warning, Error colors for damage states 

Changed: animateOccupied function now supports an array of animations as well as a single string 

Changed: All tanks with muzzle brakes to use the new engine gunparticle version. 

Changed: Command cursor also to be available for cars (armored/HTs). 

Changed: Parachute simulation turn/bank sensitivity so it behaves less odd. 

Changed: Increased parachute fall speed 

Changed: Tank damage effects: gun muzzle position is no longer offset for smoke. 

Changed: Doplnovani memorypoint adjusted on Blitz Truck 

Changed: Increased supplyRadius on supply vehicles/boxes to 10 (from 6.8) 

Changed: Static MG are now immune to rifle fire - health pools more consistent between them 

Changed: Tank water resistance/damage etc to be more in line with vanilla 

Changed: Trench/bipod Leg IK function to use proxy position for determining leg position 

Changed: Updated M4, Tiger and Panther driver view limits. 

Changed: Penetrability of trucks so rifles can penetrate the (metal) parts at close ranges. 

Changed: Tiger H1 exhaust effects. 

Changed: Improved vehicle hud: no longer breaks when underwater, slight optimization. 

Changed: P47 and FW190 exhaust effect. 

Changed/Tweaked: Activated the doppler effect on all vehicle sounds. 



Added: Magazine proxies for BAR 1918/A2 

Added: Magazine proxies for G43 

Added: Magazine proxies for M1A1 Bazooka 

Added: Magazine proxies for M3A1 Grease Gun 

Added: Magazine proxies for MP40 

Added: Magazine proxies for STG44 

Added: Magazine proxies for Sten gun 

Added: Scripted eventhandler for after an altReload is completed (_unit namespace SPE_altReloads_afterReloaded) 

Added: weaponDisassemblyEnabled is now checked in order to disassemble static weapons 

Changed: (ai) cost values for AT rifle grenades 

Changed: Bayonet hit detection for buildings, units and all other objects 

Changed: Disposable launcher script so it won't remove magazines in your inventory 

Changed: Disposable launchers arsenal script so it will only remove excess magazines 

Changed: Increased (ai) cost value for rifle grenades from 10 to 50 

Changed: Lowered AI engagement range with launchers and grenade launchers 

Changed: Lowered M45 mass as it no longer needs to be artificially heavy 

Changed: Optimisation on WallAvoidance script 

Changed: Potential fix for AI weirdness with static cannons by making Gunner effectiveCommander 

Changed: Sensitivity/SensitivityEar on statics to be in line with Man class 

Changed: Simplified altReloads to allow for 'this' to be used to refer to current weapon class 

Changed: altReload should better support magazine proxy revolving animation source 

Changed: Suppression and Danger values of most projectiles and grenades to be in line with Arma 3. 

Changed: Coax MG particle effect to be less obtrusive 



Changed: US pilot cap hideable eagle selection 

Changed: US ranger patch now assigned via eventhandler instead of hiddenselections 

Changed: Standardized mass and capacity of uniforms. 

Changed: Updated assigned armband wound textures for FFI uniforms. 

Changed: Updated assigned armband wound textures for US HBT uniforms. 

Changed: Updated assigned armband wound textures for US uniforms. 

Changed: Updated german officer wound texture. 

Changed: Updated weighting for US wool 1942 HBT unbloused uniforms. 

Changed: Weight of glasses/dust goggles. 

Changed: Updated removed ranger patch from ranger units hiddenselections (insignia already applied through eventhandler). 



Changed: Around 25 new compositions 

Changed: Large versions of German and US flags 

Changed: Minefield loadouts 

Changed: Removed usage of armoured_ammorack bisurf as it was incorrectly assigned, cleaned up model properties 



Changed: Improvements to bocage mound visual consistency. 

Changed: Visual refactor of sandbag object set. 

Changed: Remodel of SPE_Bridge_Wood_01. 

Changed: Increased repair radius from 6m to 10m on maintenance crane. 



Added: Tooltip to MP toggle button. 

Changed: Localized profile string. 

Changed: Localized toggle music button. 

Changed: Replaced & special character with 'and' word. 

Changed: Spotlight image in custom main menu. 



Added: Paradrop module is now available in 3den and Zeus. Allows for dropping of units/groups and ammo boxes. 

Added: Parachutes now leave a landed parachute decal upon landing 

Added: 'SPE_LandedParachute_Created' scripted eventhandler when landed parachute simple object is created. 

Added: 'SPE_Paradrop_Module_ParachuteCreated' scripted eventhandler when parachute is created in paradrop module. 

Added: 'SPE_System_TankLoadout_Updated' scripted eventhandler when tank loadout updated. 

Added: Disposable launchers stored in backpacks can now be swapped to by AI 

Changed: PostInitZeus function now runs when the zeus display is opened to better support a player becoming zeus mid mission. 


Content Fixes 


Fixed: Case ejection wouldn't take into account the velocity of the unit 

Fixed: Switching magazines now has priority for loading progress bar in vehicles 

Fixed: Vehicle cartridge ejection script was normalizing velocity memorypoint 

Fixed: Vehicle hud didn't support primary turrets with a non-standard animation name 

Fixed: Vehicle hud would stop updating at extremely low framerates 

Fixed: Heading indicator for static weapons was not moving with the rest of the vehicle hud when adjusted in the UI editor 

Fixed: 250/M3 Halftrack exterior cameras were offset. 

Fixed: Missing direction/position for Coax MGs on tanks. 

Fixed: armorComponent for hitengine was missing for trucks. 

Fixed: US pilot parachutes had the wrong parachute class set. 



Fixed: FM24 29. Added separate rvmats for metal and wood parts 

Fixed: Multiple statics were missing zamerny memorypoint 

Fixed: Wall avoidance broke reloading when firing from vehicle 

Fixed: Adding muzzle attachment to an empty weapon would load a duplicate magazine 

Fixed: Hotkey definition in Bayonet field manual entry to use the more common nextWeapon bind. 



Fixed: Vanilla parachute model was being overwritten 

Fixed: Some cigarettes were desyncing at higher lods. 

Fixed: Base uniform weight now inline with Arma 3 vanilla. 

Fixed: US armbands now support wound textures. 

Fixed: Visible crotch gaps on German Feldbluse 

Fixed: Weighting issues on German 'backpack' straps 

Fixed: Civilian uniform ground models missing textures. 

Fixed: Incorrect ground model on various headgear/helmets. 

Fixed: Incorrect wound selection definitions on ST uniforms 

Fixed: German officer panzerwraps missing wound material definitions. 

Fixed: US Armored 2nd LT. had incorrect loadout (Greasegun added). 

Fixed: US haversack backpack strap clipping with gasmask bag strap. 

Fixed: US medic vest with garand pouches had the same capacity as without. 



Fixed: Broken eventhandler inheritance on minefield objects 



Fixed: 3den editor object `iconImage`(s) sized and rotated to better represent the associated objects. 

Fixed: SPE_Straw_Bale shading issue in res lods. 

Fixed: SPE_StreetLamp_*, removed unnecessary sections, changed glass alpha sorting. 

Fixed: Very dark distance lod in SPE_A3_Stonewall_01_s_10m. 

Fixed: Water tower ladder stopped working if the object damage == 1 

Fixed: Improved resolution lods for Dugout Object set. 

Fixed: `SPE_House_Small_01` external door handle rotation direction. 

Fixed: `SPE_Stonewall_Low_Dam_1/2_..` pathlod was not working correctly. 



Fixed: Faulty bool check. 

Fixed: Faulty server entries in server history were not filtered out correctly. 

Fixed: Non-valid event name triggered by main menu display. 

Fixed: S&D spotlight button not localized. 



Fixed: Replaced custom font for mission loading screen to support Chinese/Russian locale. 

Fixed: Some hipfire functions were running in 3den when they shouldn't be 

Fixed: Zeus artillery barrage module wouldn't work when copy pasting modules. 

Fixed: Offset Static weapon Zeus module was acting weirdly when used for the first time and on multiple vehicles. 

Fixed: Towing wheel height detection to use Roadway lod rather than Geo as its less likely to have holes leading to faulty detection. 

Fixed: setTurretLimits was incorrectly running local to the vehicle rather than local to turret. 




Added WW2 version of BI Game Mode Scenarios for Mortain 

- Combat Patrol 

- Escape 

- Warlords 

- Zeus 


Updated German faction showcase with 1.1 assets and moved to Mortain 

Updated US faction showcase with 1.1 assets 

Updated WW2 Combat Patrol game mode in various ways 

Updated WW2 Escape game mode in various ways 

Added Hunter Squads Module 

Added Repair Action Module 

Added Patrols Module 

Added additional character portraits 

Added Singleplayer Params UI 

Added Main Menu cutscenes for Mortain 

Added new images for Main Menu 



Added: Exposed "respawn with former equipment" as mission parameter. 

Added: Exposed "AI respawn" as mission parameter. 

Updated: French units to use new French RP. 

Updated: German units to use new German RP. 

Changed: Black waiting screen for JIP while SITREP video still plays. 

Changed: Disabled bridge destruction in Normandy campaign missions. 

Improved: Campaign mission naming for MP browser. 

Improved: Respawn markers are to be localized on the client. 

Improved: Unified scenario naming - missing SPE tag for Operation Cobra campaign. 

Fixed: Disabled teamswitch in the campaign framework. 

Fixed: Enabled voteUI text expansion, localized vote text too long for UI. 

Fixed: Mission name and description not shown properly in MP lobby. 

Fixed: Disabled ESC respawn button during cutscene phase. 



Added: Various yet missing voice over. 

Changed: CAS for players and automated CAS has to be unlocked first by destroying the German AA gun truck. 

Changed: Coding of MG awareness conditions. 

Changed: Moved German unit out of MG42 NW of crossroad area as it stopped the trigger to complete. 

Fixed: Missing removal AA and mortar on side not chosen by dog. 

Fixed: Move eastern AA gun truck further to the center to be on the path of Dog. 

Fixed: Respawn location text was not localized. 

Fixed: M4A1 mentioned instead of M4 in voting. 



Fixed: Missing simulationEnabled check in "Germans remaining in Cansiy" condition. 

Fixed: Missing space between + and text in voting text. 

Fixed: Respawn location text was not localized. 



Changed: Campaign mission to use new assets from 1.1. 

Changed: Updated task images required by campaign revision. 

Changed: Marker link colour in task description text changed from blue to the default orange. 

Fixed: Respawn location text was not localized. 

Fixed: Missing marker in marker link text in the briefing. 

Fixed: Missing task images / multiplayer task localization. 



Added: Various yet missing voice over. 

Changed: Campaign mission to use new assets from 1.1. 

Changed: Added "disable mines" waypoints for Baker. 

Changed: Added custom waypoints for northern vote via dummy for Baker. 

Changed: Minefield cleanup handling. 

Changed: Randomized waypoint position in relation to difficult level for assault groups. 

Changed: Task image used for "Defend Pont Brocard". 

Changed: Updated Able and Easy voting text to reflect separated voting. 

Changed: Made "incoming" voice line at mission start only heard by groups starting in Pont Brocard. 

Fixed: Briefing minefields marker reference. 

Fixed: Custom task identifier used for Able and Easy. 

Fixed: Dangy and notre task assignment to Able and Easy. 

Fixed: Task location for "Defend Pont Brocard". 

Fixed: Pont Brocard Bridge Fortification height adjusted due to terrain change. 

Fixed: Function definition moved to global for remoteExec use. 



Added: Various yet missing voice over. 

Changed: Campaign mission to use new assets from 1.1. 

Changed: Added Cows to fields with dead cows. 

Changed: Reduce VO trigger distance for some events from 250 to 150m distance. 

Fixed: Mortar and crew is not to be removed any more and was repositioned into mission area again. 

Fixed: Mix up of voice lines. 

Fixed: Able&Charlie voting marker. 

Fixed: Players in Dog were not beamed to voted start position. 

Fixed: Respawn location text was not localized. 



Added: Missing French conversion. 

Added: Various yet missing voice over. 

Changed: Campaign mission to use new assets from 1.1. 

Changed: Excluded German spotters from AIS. 

Changed: Improved Sniper in Lengronne stays crouched now. 

Changed: Improved Shutters now open correctly. 

Fixed: Faulty task description for 'Clear La Traveliere'. 

Fixed: Tank wording in voting. 



Added: Various yet missing voice over. 

Changed: Campaign mission to use new assets from 1.1. 

Changed: Added punishment for playableUnits too close to German spawn positions. 

Changed: Added “Reinforcements incoming” countdown at mission end. 

Changed: Made completed subtasks get hidden after 30s instead of 60s. 

Changed: Reduced spawn distance of Germans and safety distance to US units. 

Changed: Germans wont use spotting rounds with mortars/heavy artillery. 

Changed: Tweaked voice over flow at mission start. 

Changed: Unconscious playable units will not be considered for German start/spawn positions. 

Improved: Added top right info countdown about reinforcement arrival (mission end). 

Improved: Getting too close to German start/spawn positions will get punished by precise German mortar/heavy artillery fire. 

Improved: US Friendly Support integration. 

Fixed: Difficulty initialization wasn't completed to determine custom difficulty. 

Fixed: Removed obsolete ModuleHideTerrainObjects_F area in the initial German spawn area in the NE. 

Fixed: Flow of some conversations. 

Fixed: Initial waypoint position for Germans. 

Fixed: Waypoint offset system for German infantry. 

Fixed: Character names of Pyramid 6 and Olympic 6. 

Fixed: Able&Easy voting marker. 

Fixed: Portrait for support units. 

Fixed: Germans are to start to retreat/flee once the American reinforcements arrive and eventually surrender altogether. 

Fixed: Incoming truck/tank 3d task icons should no longer be submerged or float up high. 

Fixed: Some ammo boxes were invisible. 



Changed: Class name in cfgMissions. 

Changed: Mission order in showcases list (vanilla). 

Changed: Standardized mission naming. 

Changed: Standardized scenario naming. 

Changed: Standardized showcase naming. 

Changed: Standardized COOP tag. 

Changed: Improved Added support of ammo crate detection for factions. 

Fixed: Random defaults for faction selection. 


Faction Showcases 

Changed: Disabled German Faction Showcase on Normandy as superseded by the new Mortain version. 

Changed: Reduced view distance from 1000 to 750 in US faction showcase. 

Fixed: Code execution - left CDA system active. 


Der Zahnarzt 

Changed: Ingame/Narrator voice lines changed to radio variants. 

Changed: Unit Conversations to use functions from utilityFunction instead of mission defined. 

Fixed: Obsolete revive system was used for SP. 

Fixed: Holdaction icon covered hold action progress bar. 

Fixed: Disabled teamswitch. 

Fixed: Mission name and description not shown properly in MP lobby. 


Combat Patrol 

Added: Exposed "respawn with former equipment" as mission parameter. 

Added: Exposed "AI respawn" as mission parameter. 

Added: Hill and vegetation to location types options. 

Added: Mission parameter to include/use only NameLocal StrongpointArea locations. 

Added: New 1.1 factions. 

Added: New defend task. 

Changed: Replaced assistant role with second medic slot. 

Changed: BI game modes to apply correct language after dynamic faction selection. 

Changed: Black screen transition at mission start. 

Changed: Coding - admin info message now shown repeatedly. 

Changed: Coding - now different group types are used for each spawn. 

Changed: Coding - player presence detection by enemies. 

Changed: Correct FAK type assigned to playable units based on faction choice. 

Changed: Default vehicle classes if none found for given side. 

Changed: Disabled duplicate respawn tickets mission parameter option. 

Changed: Enemy vehicle randomization. 

Changed: Exfil location placement in escape task. 

Changed: Enemies to stalk in escape task is now difficulty level based. 

Changed: Reduced faction/group selection timeout from 60s to 30s. 

Changed: Separated console parameter in mission parameters. 

Changed: Set default viewDistance to 900 m for BI game mode scenarios on Mortain. 

Changed: Updated scenarios images for BI game modes on Normandy. 

Changed: Defend task also completes if no more enemies are close to the area to defend after 10 minutes. 

Changed: Enemies first get a MOVE waypoint before a GUARD inside the zone for the Defend task. 

Changed: Enemy reinforcements will start coming immediately in the Defend task. 

Changed: Enemy side may have automatic IFS plane support based on difficult level. 

Changed: Made ammo crates visible in 3d and on 2d map for Defend task in cadet mode. 

Changed: Made friendly AI spawn in building at mission start for Defend task. 

Changed: Reduced Defend task time till mission end for Veteran and Hardcode. 

Changed: Standardized mission parameter titles case in English. 

Changed: Time delay till alarm gets raised depends on difficulty now. 

Changed: Improved Friendly AI is on GUARD for Defend task. 

Changed: Improved New enemy reinforcement no longer spawn if the objective has been completed. 

Changed: Improved Newly spawned groups get also behavior adjusted. 

Changed: Improved Removed non fitting voice over at mission start for Defend task. 

Changed: Improved Spawn some ammo crates for Defend task (amount based on difficulty level). 

Changed: Show ammo crates still on 2d map in Veteran mode for task defend. 

Changed: Combat Patrol to use respawn menu - group respawn in cadet mode, group leader only in Veteran and none in Hardcare. 

Improved: Delay defend task end only if alive enemies remain. 

Improved: Tasks texts are to be localized on the client. 

Fixed: Broken admin custom location voting. 

Fixed: CAS function does not need RE from the server. 

Fixed: Coding - faulty execution order lead to custom difficulty level not handled correctly. 

Fixed: Coding to work with additional location types. 

Fixed: Correct CAS plane assignment in dynamic faction system. 

Fixed: Correct plane type assignment for IFS call. 

Fixed: Faulty early setting of SPE_CDA_isCutscene to false. 

Fixed: Faulty tent used for German faction. 

Fixed: JIP no longer leads to forcedRespawn. 

Fixed: Replaced obsolete group variable names (to achieve more dynamic group use). 

Fixed: SPE_selfhosted was set by dedicated server leading to "wait for admin" message. 

Fixed: Set default distance for non standard location types. 

Fixed: Side for FAK type detection. 

Fixed: Side for UpdateLanguageForSide. 

Fixed: Timeout handling for faction and group selection in SP/hosted/non admin. 

Fixed: Word case of AT Soldier slot in mission lobby. 

Fixed: Object drawing distance wasnt increased on the dedicated server if plane reinforcements get spawned. 

Fixed: Mission name and description not shown properly in MP lobby. 

Fixed: Missing CAS plane assignment to faction selection. 

Fixed: Respawn with former equipment was overwritten by game mode respawn loadout handling. 

Fixed: Timeout handling for faction selection. 

Fxed: "Missing waiting for admin faction selection" message. 



Added: Exposed "respawn with former equipment" as mission parameter. 

Added: New 1.1 factions. 

Added: Patrols and units in buildings near escape points. 

Changed: Replaced assistant role with second medic slot. 

Changed: BI game modes to apply correct language after dynamic faction selection. 

Changed: CAS event to use scripted IFS system when view distance is too low for engine calculated plane attacks. 

Changed: Changed CAS, mortar and artillery support events to scale with difficulty level. 

Changed: Coding of special event handling. 

Changed: Correct FAK type assigned to playable units based on faction choice. 

Changed: Enemy AI needs to actually know about playable units to call for support. 

Changed: Enemy AI needs to know about playable unit and be close enough to target it (instead of basic random selection). 

Changed: Frequency of events is scaled per difficulty level now. 

Changed: GC settings to be less aggressive. 

Changed: Made side detection more robust. 

Changed: Reduced faction/group selection timeout from 60s to 30s. 

Changed: Scenarios images for BI game modes on Normandy. 

Changed: Separate console parameter in mission parameters. 

Changed: Set default viewDistance to 900 m for BI game mode scenarios on Mortain. 

Changed: Show "waiting for admin faction selection" text only when not already done. 

Changed: Updated CAS, mortar and artillery support events to use SPE IFS. 

Changed: Enemy side may have automatic IFS plane support based on difficult level. 

Improved: Special event plane abilities when played on DS. 

Improved: Special event plane abilities. 

Improved: Tasks texts are to be localized on the client. 

Fixed: Correct CAS plane assignment in dynamic faction system. 

Fixed: Correct plane type assignment for IFS call. 

Fixed: JIP did not receive correct loadout. 

Fixed: JIP no longer leads to forcedRespawn. 

Fixed: JIP still saw faction selection dialog even when already set. 

Fixed: SPE_selfhosted was set by dedicated server leading to "wait for admin" message. 

Fixed: Self-hosted check with JIP. 

Fixed: Side for FAK type detection. 

Fixed: Timeout handling for faction and group selection in SP/hosted/non admin. 

Fixed: Word case of AT Soldier slot in mission lobby. 

Fixed: Mission name and description not shown properly in MP lobby. 

Fixed: Coding - if not group (type) was selected, choose one automatically. BI#1528 

Fixed: Faulty CAS plane assignment. 

Fixed: Respawn with former equipment was overwritten by game mode respawn loadout handling. 

Fixed: Timeout handling for faction selection. 

Fxed: "Missing waiting for admin faction selection" message. 


ZEUS Game Master 

Changed: Debug console order in mission parameters. 



Added: new 1.1 factions. 

Changed: BI game modes to apply correct language after dynamic faction selection. 

Changed: Reduced faction/group selection timeout from 60s to 30s. 

Changed: Set default viewDistance to 1200 m for BI game mode scenarios on Mortain. 

Changed: Set default viewDistance to 900 m for BI game mode scenarios on Normandy. 

Changed: Default side/faction for location defenders to Milice. 

Changed: Improved Extended unit map markers can be customized for friendly and enemy side separately now. 

Fixed: Timeout handling for faction and group selection in SP/hosted/non admin. 

Fixed: JIP still saw faction selection dialog even when already set. 

Fixed: Mixed up CAS plane side selection. 

Fixed: JIP may no longer see the faction selection dialog if voting was completed already. 

Fixed: Airdropped plane gets landing gear damaged. 

Fixed: Disabled teamswitch. 

Fixed: Airdropped planes having broken airframe on hosted server. 

Fixed: Coding - HandleDamage not always return a damage value. 

Fixed: Index out of bounds with itemsPool check. 

Fixed: Mission name and description not shown properly in MP lobby. 



Changed: Vehicle targets should not be possible to get destroyed. 

Fixed: WW2 Arsenal doesn't automatically group items by mod. 

Fixed: _damage variable can become undefined. 

Fixed: AI infantry targets dont copy uniform choice. 

Fixed: Weapon Attachments were not showing. 



Added: Audio voice over falling unconscious again. 

Added: Audio voice over feedback when the unit gets revived by AI. 

Added: Audio voice over when AI withstands from unconscious state. 

Added: Audio voice over when crew takes damage inside a vehicle (but not falling unconscious). 

Added: Hint info message about the amount of FAK taken or used with user actions. 

Added: Moaning audio voice over when falling unconscious. 

Added: SPE_isTalking flag to subtitle system. 

Added: Unconscious crying, moaning and pleading while down. 

Changed: "You've become too exhausted to call for help" not shown in cadet mode as not relevant there. 

Changed: "grab fak action" can be disabled now globally with 'SPE_allow_grab_fak = false;' or per unit with '_unit setVariable ["SPE_fnc_allow_grab_fak",false];'. 

Changed: "not enough FAK" hint wording. 

Changed: 'unit allowDamage false' skip handleDamage processing. 

Changed: AI can also revive other AI or players inside a vehicle. 

Changed: AI helper to stop if very close after double the timeout. 

Changed: AI under player command will automatically revive if the player is dead or unconscious. 

Changed: Additional custom voice over when getting unconscious. 

Changed: Audio feedback when dragged. 

Changed: Audio feedback when stabilized. 

Changed: Audio voice over falling unconscious again after crawling. 

Changed: Audio voice over when recovering from unconsciousness. 

Changed: Bleedout delay is infinite in recruit difficulty. 

Changed: Bleedout delay should use "Difficulty based" by default. 

Changed: Coding - DEH only to trigger when necessary. 

Changed: Coding - exit HD quickly if only low damage was taken. 

Changed: Coding - extracted shared code to function. 

Changed: Coding - one can customize force respawn time for AI via 'missionNamespace setVariable ["SPE_ForceRespawnTimeOfAI",_seconds];'. 

Changed: Coding - optimized unconscious 3d icon check. 

Changed: Coding - reduced grab FAK action to 10m radius. 

Changed: Coding - refactored duplicate code to one function. 

Changed: Coding - timing to wait till custom difficulty could be handled by CDA. 

Changed: Coding - variable init setup. 

Changed: Custom revive action also orders AI unit to to assist unconscious unit. 

Changed: Debugging - 'SPE_ShowAllEnemyMapMarkers=true;' allows to show enemies position on 2d map outside Eden. 

Changed: Disabled code to abort AI revive when another unit is already doing so - as its not reliable/breaks certain valid revive actions. 

Changed: Increased action priority for grab FAK action to be on top. 

Changed: JIP player is not getting actions added if playable wasn't AI before. 

Changed: Limited "cancel call for help" action duration to one second. 

Changed: Logic defaults. 

Changed: Multiple medkits in inventory only reduce FAK by one for medical actions. 

Changed: One can disable auto captive set when becoming unconscious as infantry with 'SPE_ER_BecomeCaptiveOutsideVehicle = false;'. 

Changed: One can enable auto captive set when becoming unconscious as infantry with 'SPE_ER_BecomeCaptiveInVehicle = true;'. 

Changed: Players will no longer automatically stop calling for help after some time if 'SPE_revive_exhaust_callout = false;' is set. 

Changed: Reduced hold action time by half for call for help and cancel action. 

Changed: Reduced wait between two unconscious to crawling from 60s to 50s and 30s in cadet mode. Especially in cadet mode it was confusing to wait so long as you didnt get the failed to roll over message. 

Changed: Revive module parameter setup. 

Changed: Reviving action to be only possible if the player is alive and not unconscious. 

Changed: Show custom revive action only when the player is the group leader. 

Changed: Show different chat message when an unit inside a vehicle gets revived. 

Changed: Show grab FAK action only if inventory has enough space to pick one up. 

Changed: Show systemChat only in cadet mode. 

Changed: Stabilize bleeding action is only to need one FAK (except in SP with cadet mode none are required). 

Changed: System design of "combat healing" (AI under player lead commanded to revive another unit). 

Changed: Time for a player to automatically call for help randomized somewhat. 

Changed: Virtual spectators don't need to run the revive HD. 

Changed: When falling unconscious in a vehicle, one no longer gets captive state by default. 

Changed: Wording for "combat healing" notification message. 

Changed: Wording for "combat healing" option. 

Changed: Opening inventory/interacting with ammo containers is possible while in crawl mode. 

Improved: Coding - ensure HD only executes on local units. 

Improved: Added ability to have revive for playable/switchable AI only. 

Improved: Vehicle role display for unconscious units inside vehicles. 

Fixed: "call for help" timeout didn’t get reset. 

Fixed: Calling for help audio stopped when getting a crawl mode a second time without revive or respawn. 

Fixed: Certain hit points were not accounted for by Revive system. 

Fixed: Code context - SPE_revive_helper and SPE_revive_being_treated not reset if a player revived the unit. 

Fixed: Coding mistake from refactor making _difficulty undefined in actions. 

Fixed: Dead, former unconscious, unit should not moan any more. 

Fixed: Disable bleeding system when stabilize action gets disabled via module or mission parameter. 

Fixed: EjectDeadGunner handling. 

Fixed: Error in revive system if additional difficulties exist. 

Fixed: FAK count required for revive actions was not taken from module/mission parameter settings. 

Fixed: Faulty coding of string format. 

Fixed: Flawed logic when taking damage while unconscious or in crawl mode. Correct is: in basic revive mode you don't take damage/get unconscious again or in advanced mode when damage taken isn't too high. 

Fixed: Function naming lacking _fnc_ tag. 

Fixed: Grabbing from container didn’t remove FAK. 

Fixed: Kill action to be available only when the target is still alive. 

Fixed: Missing "SPE_revive_incap" set false in special case. 

Fixed: Missing variable reset if revive attempt by AI gets aborted as not close enough in time. 

Fixed: Missing variable sync when leaving unconscious state. 

Fixed: Multiplier text. 

Fixed: On-screen error if "Take FAK" without a weapon. 

Fixed: Only apply/limit damage if higher than threshold. 

Fixed: RequestAI function could be terminated too early and thus not clean up variable states properly. 

Fixed: Reset SPE_revive_incap state to false when AI withstands from unconscious state. 

Fixed: Revive actions were affected twice by difficulty modifiers. 

Fixed: SPE_revive_helper variable needs to be synchronized. 

Fixed: Unconscious AI may only force respawn when respawn is actually available. 

Fixed: Unconscious AI should not force respawn while getting revived. 

Fixed: Moved code comments out of string condition definition. 

Fixed: "vehicle hit" call out only to happen with high enough damage. 

Fixed: "vehicle hit" call out only to happen once per hit event. 

Fixed: "vehicle hit" call out only to happen once regardless the amount of crew. 

Fixed: SPE_revive_being_treated state was not set by AI reviving. 

Fixed: SPE_revive_incap state was not synchronized. 

Fixed: SPE_revive_vehicle_animation was not synchronized. 

Fixed: Coding - 3d icons for unconscious units were not always shown. 



Changed: Exposed also enemy 2d map markers to function and as mission parameter. 

Changed: 'unit allowDamage false' skip handleDamage processing. 

Changed: Coding - allow allowDamage override used in SP ('player setVariable ["SPE_CDA_SkipAllowDamageModification",true]'). 

Changed: Coding - allow variable default override. 

Changed: Coding - ensuring correct execution order. 

Changed: Coding - optimized target indicator with caching. 

Changed: Added SPE_CDA_AutomaticMedic/SPE_CDA_AutomaticExplosiveSpecialist/SPE_CDA_AutomaticEngineer variables to activate automatic trait and equipment handling for players or player groups. 

Changed: Automatic allowDamage adjustment in SP to be opt-in via '_unit setVariable ["SPE_CDA_SkipAllowDamageModification",false]'. 

Changed: Disabled nameTags advanced hint in non cadet mode. 

Changed: Disabled smoother anims in MP. 

Changed: Made automatic ambient animal deactivation opt-in via SPE_CDA_DisableAmbientLife variable. 

Changed: Made automatic WP completion opt-in via SPE_CDA_UpdateCurrentWaypointAutomatically variable. 

Changed: SPE_AIHasRespawn variable (desc.ext and global variable) is used to control and check AI respawning now. 

Changed: To force drawing icons on the 2d map of non simulated or hidden vehicle for GC status set 'SPE_DrawUnitVehicleIconsDebug_IncludeAll = true;'. 

Changed: To force showing unit status next to icons on the 2d map of non simulated or hidden vehicle for GC status set 'SPE_DrawUnitVehicleIconsDebug_DisplayText = true;'. 

Improved: Coding - ensure HD only executes on local units. 

Improved: NameTags to show unit/crew role if not on permanent display. 

Fixed: Auto repair player tank only when not on fire and with crew inside. 

Fixed: Auto repair tank only when not on fire and with crew inside. 

Fixed: CDA difficulty synchronization when custom difficulty is used. 

Fixed: Repair action to work also on non tanks. 

Fixed: Setting to disabled 2d map markers. 

Fixed: Repair action to support mortars and other vehicle types without hitpoints. 

Fixed: Unit death time was not set correctly for 2d map display. 

Fixed: Vehicle death time was not set correctly for 2d map display. 

Fixed: Planes only to triggerDynamicSimulation if SPE_CDA_EnableDynamicSimulation is set. 

Fixed: Autoheal/autorepair must also run on clients for units local to them. 

Fixed: Timestamp for autoheal/autorepair was not synchronized over network in all cases. 

Fixed: Timestamp for autoheal/autorepair must be set to current time if undefined. 

Fixed: Timestamp for autorepair needs to be reset if unit enters an empty vehicle. 



Changed: Added forceDelay and forceSpottingRound parameter to SPE_fnc_IFS_SpawnArtyStrike. 

Changed: Added SPE_IFS_SupportActionAvailable variable to skip IFS action check when unnecessary. 

Changed: Standardized SPE_IFS_availableCalls defaults for all sides. 

Changed: Standardized SPE_IFS_CASActivity defaults for all sides. 

Changed: Coding - side detection for IFS incoming message made more robust. 

Changed: Debugging of IFS arty fail states via target status variable. 

Changed: Debugging of IFS arty system with engaging chat message. 

Changed: IFS incoming 3d icon to show side arrow if not on-screen. 

Changed: Replaced hardcoded SPE_IFS_RDTable with dynamic detection. 

Changed: Surrendering and medical voice over. 

Changed: 'unit allowDamage false' skip handleDamage processing. 

Changed: Increased FO distance significantly (SPE_IFS_FOToTargetMaxDistances). 

Changed: Arty definition with new assets. 

Changed: SPE_IFS_DS_ProviderBlackList with new calliope variant. 

Changed: Radio definitions to include b_spe_ger_radio_battery. 

Changed: Increased cycle checking time from to 2 to 5 seconds. 

Changed: Increased SPE_IFS_PairingTriesPerBattery from 5 to 25 to make it more likely to find a target. 

Improved: Added shell spawnDirection override via 15th parameter in SPE_fnc_IFS_SpawnArtyStrike. 

Fixed: Correct side for arty/mortar gun crew. 

Fixed: Correct side for CAS plane crew. 

Fixed: Faulty plane side mapping. 

Fixed: Faulty side index for east+west side for CAS call check. 

Fixed: Handling for SPE_fnc_IFS_SpawnArtyStrike when there is no artillery object. 

Fixed: Missing default definition for SPE_IFS_SupportActionAvailable. 

Fixed: Side check to be based on group side for CAS call. 

Fixed: Typo in variable name that broke IFS heavy arty operating on its own. 

Fixed: Standardized Heavy Arty Guns amount default for all side (to 3). 

Fixed: Hints were not localized correctly on each client. 


AI Tweaks 

Changed: Added SPE_Unstuck_AutoRepair_NonMobile variable to be able to disable auto repair from Unstuck system. 

Changed: Coding - compute stress value max once per second. 

Changed: Coding - extracted SPE_fnc_UnstuckVeh (all-in-one) to (distributed) EachFrame processing. 

Changed: Coding - latest unit/vehicle position added to unstuck cache only after clean-up by distance check. 

Changed: Coding - stop double execution of AISuite. 

Changed: Coding - unstuck position cache to drop position beyond the movementThreshold. 

Changed: Logging and 2d map debug visualization of Unstuck system. 

Changed: 'unit allowDamage false' skip handleDamage processing. 

Changed: Added global infantry and vehicle exclude for Unstuck system ('SPE_Active_Unstuck_Infantry = false;' and 'SPE_Active_Unstuck_Vehicles = false;'). 

Changed: SPE_mobilityHitPoints definition. 

Changed: AutoRepair as part of the unstuck system is disabled by default. 

Changed: Improved Added side specific customization of AutoRepair from unstuck system via SPE_Unstuck_AutoRepair_NonMobile_Sides [east,west,guer,civ,default] array. 

Fixed: AI info share couldnt be disabled with 'SPE_Active_InfoSharing=false;'. 

Fixed: Anti-road collisions component is to be disabled by default. 

Fixed: Auto repair of non mobile vehicles as part of Unstuck system. 

Fixed: Coding to avoid double execution of EachFrame code. 

Fixed: Default position handling by unstuck system. 

Fixed: Default values should not be set for certain parameters in this script. 

Fixed: SPE_LocalDebug should be disabled by default also in SP. 

Fixed: Unstuck didn't check "ANIM/MOVE/PATH" disabledAI state. 

Fixed:Removed stray : at AIS module property. 



Changed: Surrendering and medical voice over. 

Changed: Randomized delay more for surrendered to automatically walk as POWs to avoid "synchronized behavior" for a group surrendering event. 

Changed: Reduced max distance for surrendered to acknowledge a captor from 80 to 40 meters. 

Changed: AI/RFS module to be in the correct module category. 

Changed: Increased radius for enemy presence to trigger surrendered unit to fully give up from 20 to 50 meters. And made distance configurable via SPE_Surrender_Range. 

Changed: Not only the closest POW should call out if he gives in to interrogation. 

Fixed: Surrendered unit moved to [0,0,0] if no nearestEnemy exists. 

Fixed: Surrendered units turned always north. 

Fixed: Interrogated units did not call out when they rejected give away information. 

Fixed: Missing timeout for isReadyIfSurrenderedOrEndingState unit considering to flee. 

Fixed: New surrendered units loose memory of previous nearest enemy. 

Fixed: Retreat or flee call out is to be done once per unit - not per group. 

Fixed: Surrendering call out is to be done once per unit - not per group. 

Fixed: Surrendering units only did a call out when the timeout hit - not when close enough to a captor. 


Add Explosive Action 

Improved: MinDamage and minCrewDamage no longer have the chance to heal the vehicle if values < 1 are used. 

Improved: Now supports additional custom action conditions. 


Repair Action 

Added: Debug mode. Set 'SPE_RepairAction_Debug' to true to enable 

Added: Vehicle type condition with debug message if failed 

Changed: Damage thresholds are now global and can be changed 

Changed: Damage thresholds can now be modified 

Changed: Implemented cruise control instead of fuel removal 

Changed: In cadet mode, vehicle is always fully repaired now 

Changed: Repair script now uses hit indices instead of hitnames 

Changed: To fully repair vehicle 24 ticks are now always required 

Removed: Some conditions from conditionRepairAction.sqf that are already checked by addAction engine implementation 

Removed: Vehicle type condition (was move to addRepairAction) 


Map Vote 

Changed: Map vote tiles can now adjust text description ui size. 

Changed: Improved Updated mapVote ui input validation. 

Fixed: Mapvote expandable scroll bar too long at vote start. 

Fixed: Mapvote scroll bar covering advantage text. 

Fixed: Mapvote ui tile expansion inconsistent when vote tile was selected. 

Fixed: Script error when mapVote UI tile expansion was disabled. 


Language system 

Changed: Language system to support detection based on custom faction parameter "SPE_language" or factions' side based fallback. 

Changed: Language system to support side specific override via 'missionNamespace setVariable [format ["SPE_Language_%1",_side],_language,true];'. 

Changed: Language system to support synchronization of the language (local vs global setting). 

Changed: Language system to support resetting the language - instead of using the stored language. 

Changed: French language tag from FR to FRE. 

Changed: Standardized playMidMissionHQCommanderSubtitle call. 

Changed: Disabled GRS06 voice profile as German spoken by non native not good enough. 

Changed: Improved Language system to support faction specific assignment override per mission. 

Changed: Improved Language system to support faction specific language setup for ER/RFS/IFS voice over. 

Fixed: Added overlooked USS03 English voice profile. 



Added: Function to play unit specific incoming voice file. 

Changed: Subtitle UI is now centered when no portrait was provided. 

Changed: Subtitles UI. 

Changed: Subtitle UI revision (noUIScale). 

Changed: Spectator UI is now temporarily hidden during Subtitle. 

Changed: Improved Subtitle positioning when spectating.Changed: Mid mission conversations should be recorded under Log diary record. 

Updated: MidMissionSubtitle function remoteExec param adjusted to allow for more options. 

Improved: Added support for lip sync for speaker of mid mission subtitle message. 

Fixed: Missing _fadeDelay fallback (if was 0/negative - ie from missing sound definition). 

Fixed: SPE_VoiceIdentities should be done only by the server and synchronized. 



Added: Translation for sides in AI tweaks. 

Changed: German localization in a few Revive strings. 

Fixed: Spotlight text to WW2 Arsenal using the vanilla Arsenal string. 



Changed: Fixed wrong logging. 

Changed: Vehicle selection combo is selected by default. 

Changed: Opt-out of fn_SPE_debugDisplay Improved. 

Changed: Added a way to prevent fn_SPE_debugDisplay from initializing. 

Changed: Fixed script error caused by commands only available in diag. 

Changed: Mission functions are not available in UInamespace - changed to missionNamespace. 

Changed: Updated `fn_handleSandbagDamageState`, cleanup of eventhandlers if sandbag state change was triggered via script. 

Improved: Coding - cache vehicle position names. 

Fixed: Function definition moved to global for remoteExec use. [vehicle respawn] 

Fixed: Invalid `isNil` check in handle sandbag damage state function. 

Fixed: Vehicle respawn check for function parameter. 



Changed: Improved Fixed wrong scaling for hold action in credits. 

Improved: Images in credits will no longer clip with text. 

Improved: Text being cut off. 



Added: Group creation and deletion logging to captureArea. 

Added: Sandbag damage state handler function. 

Changed: Coding - avoiding duplicated repair action. 

Changed: Its now possible to paste multiple classes into the classes attribute [Modules]. 

Changed: Mission parameter logging. 

Changed: Mission parameter selection is automatically logged in MP. 

Changed: Support vehicle detection. 

Changed: WP removal function. 

Changed: Added more values to viewDistance customization mission parameter. 

Changed: Naming of debug variable for captureArea. 

Changed: Replaced too basic viewDistance customization mission parameter with custom version. 

Changed: Unified naming for portraits. 

Changed: To forceRespawn on JIP, on has to set now in initServer.sqf: 'missionNamespace setVariable ["SPE_ForceRespawnOnJIP",true,true];'. 

Changed: Error checking in spe respawn menu if required elements are not present. [Respawn]. 

Improved: Coding - handle additional custom difficulty levels. 

Fixed: Default values for custom difficulty. 

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Spearhead 1944 - 1.1.1


Content Changes
Changed: Custom tank loadout attribute title and checkbox to be more in style of other 3den attributes


Changed: 'fog follow player' effect to follow camera instead (so it works for spectator etc)
Changed: artillery_sky_lights and ground_lights to follow camera rather than player unit
Changed: Particle FX objects to use cameraposition rather than player when determining activation


Content Fixes

Fixed: G-503 gunner was invisible in LOD 3
Fixed: CCKW. Ambulance cargo was inaccessible.
Fixed: R200 had improper fording depth and wasn't properly slowing down in water
Fixed: Panther and Sherman 76 turrets were spawning offset when ejected


Fixed: AI under the players command would not automatically fire 50 cal MG (Statics, Half track, Cars, pintle mount etc, Quads worked fine)
Fixed: Bayonet animation was reading from the weapon rather than bayonet muzzle

Fixed: M36 backpack with Rocketbag had incorrect capacity
Fixed: Incorrect inventory icon for GER ST Side Cap (Offz., HP)


Fixed: Bridge minimalHit adjusted so bridges cannot take damage from small arms.


WW2 Arsenal
Improved: Added author filter set via SPE_Arsenal_AuthorsFilters.
Fixed: Weapon attachments, flashlights and other items not available when faction/side filters are active.


Improved: Attribute tooltip wording. [RFS]


Changed: Enabled custom "Missions Options" (ESC/pause) menu with:

- Difficulty Adjustment info (dialog)

- Options Menu (some CDA settings)

- Exit Without Save (editor/SP/host only)

- Skip Mission (endMission win - cadet mode only)

Changed: Allowed CDA system again in Eden (only when SPE_ForceActivateDifficultyAdjustmentSystem or active via profile setting).
Fixed: CDA system was active by default in SP.

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