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How do I make the .sqf script contained in my .pbo addon auto-execute immediately after starting any mission.

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Maybe this has already been discussed somewhere, but I couldn't find it, so I apologise in advance for possibly repeating a question that has already been asked here before. If there is a forum thread where it has already been discussed, send me the url.


I created a .pbo file, which connected as an addon to the arma. With this, I figured it out.

In general, I want my script runs every time I start any mission in arma3. I have config.cpp and the script itself with script.sqf file in the same folder.

The sqf so far uses the hint call script just to check its auto-run.

I've already tried everything and nothing happens after starting the mission or starting the game in the editor.


My cpp file contains this but didnt work:

class CfgPatches {

    class MyAddon {

        units[] = {};

        weapons[] = {};

        requiredVersion = 1.0;

        requiredAddons[] = {};

        class Extended_InitPost_EventHandlers {

            class MyAddon {

                init = "call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'script.sqf';";







What's the best practice for this now?

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class CfgPatches {

    class MyAddon {
        units[] = {};
        weapons[] = {};
        requiredVersion = 1.0;
        requiredAddons[] = {};

class CfgFunctions {
	class MyAddon {
		tag = "TAG";
		class Category {
			file = "MyAddon\functions";
			class someScript { postInit = 1; };

Where the script file is named fn_someScript.sqf.

postInit = 1 makes it autorun at mission post init.

It would also compile it as a function called TAG_fnc_someScript, so change TAG and file path as needed.

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Thanks for all your help!

I did as you said, however in the game in the function browser the contents of the file fn_someScript.sqf is empty.


Before compiling, there's nothing there, it just contains a " hint "Hello, World!"; " to check if this function is automatically called.

I've already tried everything and the file is still empty.


I have the source code in the \Arma 3\Addons\myAddon folder, with the config.cpp and fn_someScript.sqf files in the root directory. I changed the name to someScript.sqf, or put it in a "functions" folder, and it's still empty in the game.


What else can I try and what additional information can I provide?



I've got it all figured out!

It turns out that the arma 3 tools compiler properties didn't specify the right file extensions to copy into the mod.


Edited by cyberaddict
Updated info

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